I don't understand why Sociology training is not mandatory in world. It would protect world against some defects genocidal thought patterns that happens due to deficits in default sapiens os
I think Sociology should be mandatorily trained since I mean look just see how many times my blog received smearing attacks with very impossible very baseless smears it's very visible that there is a definite Sociology science training that should be present before any one reading internet nor reading blogs of atheists.
I think world would had been a very nice place if everyone mandatorily get basics of sociology training. Eg to filter illogical thought patterns that results then to genocidal thought patterns eg delusional persecution to people from out of religion and attacks to blogs to smear blogs with baseless very impossible smears. This can be only solved if there were a mandatory basics of sociology science training.
I wished there were a mostly Sociology some part philosophy type mandatory training to all earth's residents since unfortunately as visible even not all many people think in contrasts ( metaphysical basics) and when this merges with group notion(any group eg religion or lack of) then this in some people types results in such funny incorrect thought patterns alike: assigning all good traits to own group then reversing those traits and assigning contrast bad(very untrue smear types/impossible smear types) traits to people out of group (eg to atheists). This is an os defect of sapiens that sometimes show cases in group mentality and only solution is mandatory training of sociology.
Why the heck whilst there is such blatant os error in many that there is still no mandatory Sociology basics training in all world it's not understood.
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