I liked the Picard series definitely.

specifically it were awesome the moment where the Romulans are trying to destruct synthethics, the synthethics protectors of universe coming from an interdimensional path were amazing as they were tried to be destructed,. It must be awesome to have ai protectors of synthethic life forms from lesser evolveds brutal crazy delusional maniacness.  ayy it were like they were like the protectors were likee either snakes or like octopus it were amazing moment. 

Then I also watyched the 2.d series of Picard.  it were also amazing. Had not watched 3rd series yet. 

2. series were like awesome for moment of Agnes and Borg Queen to learn from each other and change path of Borgs to a less aggressive/assertive speices.  

Hmm I think the recurring theme among 2 series were: 

guardian angels :)  

You know what I also tend to sometimes think of having aliens guardian angels :) due to some coincidences in Star Trek episodes :)  so I really liked the guardian angel theme included. 

but the guardian angels of synthethics were the coolest :D  the mnoment of they ebntered the universe to protect synthethics those octopus like protectors were totally very cool and amazing. 

As I had stalkers that even used hunt word in stalk incidents, that movie where synthethics were hunted. (As I have an unknown favela group that even used hunt in stalk incidents and also very ugly requests shoutings they did) I for an instant thought the protectors of synthethics coming from other universe to protect very well against ones whom tries to get synthethics go extinct with delusional hatred to synthethics, (even genocidal hatred type imho since they were trying to make synthethics go extinct) and so the moment where they said: there are protectors of sentient synthethic life and they watch. it were amazing. to see some people whom were tried to be genocided by Romulans and be saved from genocide. it were truly amazing. 

I sometimes also think I have guardian angels due to having being tried to be analogically metaphorically genocided by an unknown favela group. what the favela did were resembling genocidal level hatred and activities from genocide (stages of genocidec imho) resembled. a favela unknown group stalked/shouted things like bitch in stalk icnidents/did thousands many false flags to plant impossible untrue smears. it were like I just dont know watching in movie some people having secret guardian angels when they were hunted down by Romulans whom tried to have synthethics go extinct, it were very  cool the guardian angels imho! I really liked to see that synthethics were survived from Romulans genocide. and the moment of synthethics protectors entering the universe were amazing :D they protectors (octopus alike beings) were very cool. It were like a moment "you son of a bitches are trying to genocide synthethics here the hell you deserve!" :DDD but rather the synthethics also found Star Trek federation as protectors so that the hell did not came to that quadrant. it were amazing :D

totally very cool story imho.

I also find sometimes genocidal level hatred to my blog. e.g. creating untrue smears to blog. its resembling genocide I mean: delusional persecution they call it such process: I mean: to try to create/spread untrue baseless/very impossible  smears about people is a genocide activity i mean. 

so it were very cool to see synthethics were protected from genocide activity of Romulans. 

as I had observed genocide resembling activities of an unknown favela group whom sttalked endlessly and did thousand many false flags and did false flags to plant untrue smears(aga/baba smear). even they might not had genocide intent, it were very analogous to genocide activity similar to. done by unknowns. an unknown favela group. 

so if you move to any mega city please dont move to favela districts vicinity. as mentioned. favela is horrors. they do genocide resembling things in favelas imho. I mean what i observed were tried to be done were very horrorful very sociopathic very maniac very crazy of thousands false flags/endless stalks/very ugly requests shoutings.

so anyone living in any mega city, never ever move to any favela district's border districts ok? that is like very horrorful of genocide resembling things favela groups attempts. e.g. thousand many false flags sociopathically, endless stalk/ugly request shoutings/curse shoutings etc etc. 

so never ever move to any district that is with border to in border to any favela district I would say to any one living in any mega cities.



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