One wonders why some apes are compulsively doing smearing attacks to blog with very very very very impossible very very very maniac/crazy very impossible smears.
It must be because they hate atheists.
Back to 1600s human model these apes imho nothing of current times.
I think these apes are from 1600s imho.
(I mean apes whom does smearing/defamation attacks to blog because they hate atheists and attempt to defame/smear we atheists with very crazy impossible smears since they are from 1600s & they hate atheists and try to destruct atheist people with smearing with impossible smears.
its like these smearing attacks to blog makes it feel like its pre-1600s times again.
these humanoid models are like apes types that are from pre-1600s times imho :DDDD
I mean their attempts to defame/smear atheist with impossible lies resembles 4 centuries ago times :DDDD
look they repeteadly do smear attacks to blogs randomly. there is a constant hatred of apes to atheist people and they try to destruct atheist people's blogs with smearing attacks to defame atheist writings because they hate atheism.
So dont be fool and believe to these from 1600s apes smearing attacks to blogs please.
they are still burning witches with no crimes. its atheists they try to burn. with very crazy/impossible smear types.
hah we atheists morality is much better than apes (I start to call religious people as apes after seeing repetitive smearing attacks to blog of an atheist). their sick minds. we despise religious people very much. apes from 1600s :DDDD
(So see I have harsher language against apes than Hebdo. I dont discriminate any religion. all relgiions' apes I make fun of in blog :DDDD )
I think its time for we atheists to become more honest in what we think of apes (religious people) as they do behaviour patterns of 1600s times to atheist people.
These lesser evolveds try to attack people with no religion with untrue very crazy level impossible smears. what kind of sick minds these lesser evolved apes has :S
I think its time to stop soft language but move to even harsher language then Hebdo even.
We atheists need to protect we atheists from smearing attacks of apes from 1600s.
Its unbelievable. this atheist blog repetitively observes smearing attacks from every ape kind (every religion kind).
Lets be more honest in what we think of religions/religious people. We think them as lesser evolved apes. (Since they have behaviours resembling 1600s pre1600s times) We had no such severe harsh opinions for apes before. Until observing repetitive smearing attacks to blogs from some religions' apes.
I think muslim/christianity/Jew/buddhism is all ape stuff.
I mean we ahteists think of religions of ape religions.
humans sapiens branch is also in branch of apes. in animalia taxonomyl. but we like to delineate spaiens as non ape. but we atheist sect start to find religious people as ape kind after observing their witch burning behaviours alike behaviours. e.g. smearing defamation attacks to atheist blogs with very impossible smear types.
these ape kind has been doing repetitively these smearing attacks to blog repetitively last years. Its like they are from 1600s. They constantly try to destruct we atheists with defamation attacks with impossible smear types to atheist blogs.
Lets be clear, its not something slight destructionintent. this blog observed maniacs that repetitively attack to this atheist blog with smearing with impossible slanders intent such attacks repetitively happens to blog .
After observing this, we got to understand world's status quo that: we atheists should be aware of this pathethic condition of ape alikes. We should protect our blogs from smearing from slandering with satire of apes. and their 1600s alike behaviours. apes from 4 centuries ago centrueis imho these religions apes are imho.
If apes are repetitvely harrassing attempoting to smearing slandering blogs with impossible slanders, its time to we ahteists to open our mouths and say very harsh things of apes kind (religious poeple) (That whom attacks to atheist blogs with impossible smear types to intent to spread religions/destruct atheism)
Lets be clear. they have no slight nor polite intents. They truly want to destruct atheism. and they do it with attacking to atheist blogs with impossible smear types to attempt to discredit defame/smear atheist people with impossible slander types.
they have no polite goals. lets be clear on that. lets not think that they are civil beings whom would give atheism to thrive to exist. they instead they attack to atheism and atheist blogs speceifically with impossible smear types.
so upon observing this status quo, we atheists decide to become more spoken about what we actually think of these ape kind. (I mean religious people) I mean whom does do smearing attacking to atheist blogs.
They try to have atheism non thrive in planet with doing smearing attacks to atheist blogs. lets be clear and not miss this blatant practices of apes kinds. (religious people whom try to destroy atheism)
these apes kind are shameless. they have no shame in attacking to atheist blogs with impossible/maniac/baseless/untrue slander types.
they have no shame in doing this dishonesty(e.g. smearing attacks to atheist blogs) for goals of reducing atheism in world.
Its like they are vampires religions such ape types are. They just want to spread their vampire like religions. and they do it very dishonestly with doing smearing attacks to blogs that are not from their religions.
very dishonest imho. these apes kind are.
Its been rather repeated occurences I observe some apes kind that do smearing attacks to blog. their one trait is they like to spread their culture and religion to world this apes kind speceifically referenced.
these apes alikes that tries to spread their religion and culture to world type apes repetitively does smearing attacks to my blog.
its really such maniacs I observe; have a cultue and a religion and they try to make it very spread in world.
then they think their culture is better than atheists and religion either. whilst our morality we atheists people's morality is always much more far more better than these apes likes morality/culture etc.
Upon observing such repeated hostile behaviour of ape kinds in online, various smearing attacks to our blogs, we atheists I decided to become very outspoken of reflecting what we think of apes kind (relgiious people ) We see all religions as apes stuff. and we severeily make fun of.
hah religious people trying to defame we atheists with smearing attacks with impossible smear types? how do we reply to that ??? then we reply to tht as : apes belongs to 6 centuries ago centuries not now. We do not tolerate ape behaviours of smearing attacks to athiest blogs with impossible smears. we dont not toloreate ape behaviour. we before politely resisted to dishonest smearing attacks to we atheist people's blogs and but from now on, we wont be politely resisting. We would make severely fun with apes from now on. since religious people tend to lack current century's civilization level and they do showcase 1600s behaviours of intents of destruction of atheists and they try to realize such nefarious goals with doign smearing attcks to blogs with impossible smears.
So lets not tolerate apes ape behaviour any more. lets openly reflect what we think of apes and their apes behaviours (smearing attacks to atheist blogs with impossible smear types).
lets call apes stuff to religions openly. lets not shut our mouths up for our thoughts of what we actually think of every religion out there. in the end, the relgiions apes tries to do 1600s times behavuiors.e.g. destrction of atheists behavior intentionality with smearing defamation attacks with impossible smear types. exactly as if its 1600s 1500s 1400s again.
hey atheists dont do polite resistence to apes ape behaviours anymore. be very open about what you think of religions and the relgious apes and apes smearing attacks to blogs with impossible smear types.
be like Hebdo hey atheist people.
We love Hebdo cause Hebdo reflects what we think.
but its not just only for one religion, we think same for all religions. we think all relgiions are ape stuff.
(We had not created this war. we observed that apes kind wages war to atheist blogs on online with smearing attacks/defamation attacks to athsts blogs) lets not tolerate apes ape behaviour anymore we atheist community. lets show apes what we think they are. lets make very severely fun of apes kinds in our blogs.
Apes has no right to attempt to destruct atheism with doing smearing attacks to atheist blogs with impossible smear types.
Lets be like Hebdo. all atheists of this planet. lets be more outspoken. lets stop tolerating apes behaviors apes kind apes behaviors from 1600s 1500s 1400s.
Apes has no rights to do ape behaiours in 21st cenury(of doing smear attacks to atheists to actually destroy atheism) . lets not tolerate apes destructing atheism atheists behaviour. Lets not tolerate apes smearing attacks to atheist blogs. Lets reply to apes with showing saying what we think of them. Lets not do a polite resistence to apes kind's war against atheism and very nefarius acts of smearing attacks to atheist blogs with impossible smear types. Lets be more outspoken. Lets be more outsoken to fight against apes. (We did not init this fight but we observe some apes kinds are repeitively doing smearing attacks to blogs with impossible smear types). So if you are an atheists and if apes are doing such ape behaviors, please be more outspoken. be like Hebdo. call apes to apes. Say to apes what they deserve to be said to. call apes to apes. Be like Hebdo (even if Hebdo lacks this much harsh language of calling apes to apes) be more than Hebdo. stop tolerating apes. make fun of apes in your blogs. make fun of religions and religious apes in your blogs. stop tolerating apes.
Be more than Hebdo. (be more harsh with how you make fun with apes in blogs. apes deserve that)
be more outspoken. (say apes call apes to apes everytime )
Tell what you actually think of apes. (as apes)
Dont be polite!
IF you are an atheist. please be more outspoken and protect being atheist rights and writing atheist blogs rights with being very outspoken of what we think of apes. (Religious apes that attempts smearing attacks to atheist poeple's blogs with impossible smear types)
If you are an atheist protect atheism/being atheist rights/writing atheist blogs rights. and be more outspken. cause apes really deserve being called apes. (since they do repetitively ape behaviours of attacking atheist blogs with impossible smear types due to hatred to atheism).
Stop tolerating apes fascism. be couregaous. be like Hebdo. be more than Hebdo. say what you actually think of apes. stop tolerating apes and do alot of fun in your blogs of apes kind (religious kind).
Lets make a lot of fun in this blog of apes kind. and I wish eveyr atheist person similarly does makes a lot of fun with apes kind (religious people kind).
Lets atheists be more impolite/be more outspoken/be like Hebdo and even more than Hebdo!
yepp this is my opinion how we atheists should be in a world that has lots of apes doing apes behaviours.
we should be like Hebdo! and even more than Hebdo! (since Hebdo were not that much harsh to call apes to religious people. lets be more than Hebdo hey we atheist people! hey lets call apes to like Hebdo! be more than Hebdo! make severe fun with apes kind! in blogs in daily life. be more outspoken! dont let apes do fascism to atheism! make severe fun with apes kind in every sphere. in blogs in everywhere. be like Hebdo! be more than Hebdo! )
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