hey universes alignment again happent i think.
This time again in dream.
I saw in my dream I was going to get medical operation to my stomach region. I were arranged operation place and awaiting to get stomach digestive system operation to heal digestive system illness.
then today had a meeting and person said is going to get an operatiion recently next weeks so the other meeting would be 2 weeks later or some later than that.
I start to understand this is something like multiverses alignment.
so when I see in my dream I would get operation, the person some one I talk to would have operation in multiverses :D
or is it like, my dream aligned with operation topic since the next day person I would talk to alot would say is going to get some important operation.
hmm so then it could be that my brain's dream universe has had in past (last night) did such multiverse moment with an operation topic dream (Where I would get operation to my digestive system). then the person I talk to hours in video call says is going to take operation next day.
very interesting again these multiverse collisions are :D
this hmm then I understand the general concept of people see things in dreams or nightmares beforehand is actually related to multiverses collisions. or eigenvalues of multiverses favoring coincidences.
so most possibly the Star Trek coincidences were also like that. or else it could be aliens investigating this planet and my reports of such phenomena. I think Star Trek coincidences might be really aliens coincidences that are investigating this phenomena happening in earth. quite possible.
Ayy this skill is very weird. since its not possible to utilize it. e.g. I see me having operation in dream and when talking to a person a person says is going to have operation.
so there are some mediums that this coincidence is more likely to exert itself.
e.g. dreams. so premonition concept might be real. maybe i mean. I mean premonition in dreams.
another medium it exerts/realizes is tv shows. Star Trek tv show.
I mean its easier to multiverses to collide in these mediums. in brain actually. I mean thoughts actually.
I mean in thge end Star Trek is also written by people whom thinks of the Sci fi show's script beforehand. so the thoughts they think collide with me in future when I watch the tv shwo. e.g. in previous Star Trek scripts coincidences imho it might be like that.
so its this phenomena exerts itself in mind.
hmm so most possibly its not like as if you can alter universe with thoughts. but rather, your dreams at REM sleep would coincidence as with premonition phenomena then. or tv show would coincide in past and future. I understand that this phenomena is timeless. because e.g. impeccable coincidence were happent in a Star Trek episode show written 20 or 30 years ago. so in universe there is a time lacking dimension or I mean e.g. me learning impeccable literal makes script writer add such literal that day al;ong with another similar literal. or similar other coincidences. and this phenomena there in that case exerts itself 30 years ago. I mean then, it actually is bidirectional. its not premonition, its also altering universe. but most opssibly altering other minds so that script writer adds such 2 literals that day 30 years ago or so the day I watch Star Trek 30 years later.
so multiverses exist continue to exist. whether our linear perception of universe is something only perception but actually multiverses exists to forever and effect continue to effect.
wov. then its a multiverses populated multiverse. i mean too much multiverses exist at any instant of time (infinity).
wov then if its bidirectional, but its something like not impacting alot probabilities, what it most impacts is thoughts. i mean dont expect this skill to alter physical universe incidents alot. since they might not have quantum state. but it might impact a quantum state storing environment. or its like at any instant we live with infinitely many multiverses and at one time point one might be impacting at another time another. its a merge of multiverses reality concept is most possibly. how we pereceive it linear and discrete is most possibly due to a kind of this system being just a part of reality. it also has usual physical frameworks exists at the same time impacting the multiverse. and there might be a very logarithmic probability distribution that creates the stable universe feeling whilst its actually a merge of multiverses.
I been constantly curious to how to utilize this phenomena. but I dont do card tests due to being traumatized by a card tests incident last time. I never did any cards tests afterwards a traumatic incident happent during card tests :S
hmm so then universe is a mixture of very populated mixture of multiverses:D
is my opinion. of course not proven. its my idea. i believe to such idea.
there is some puzzle here about how could then such multiverses create a linear planet earth history?
I mean if it were multiverses it would have been expected to be various earth histories happening at the same time.
most possibly it is. but somehow there is some probabilistic cumulative function there that somehow creates the linearity effect. either by some logarithmic calculation there. that makes some multiverses be much higher probability having. whcih creates perception of a linear world history.
this is the puzzle about this multiverses theorem. to be investigated later. i mean how it is stable? how its linear then? if there is a lots of multiverses happening at every time.
this to be later studied to/investigated to. I mean the cumulative probability function alternatives for this multiverse theorem.
wov then when every instant is happening to forever, e.g. 60 years ago 9999th second of noon e.g. some script writer writing Star Trek's script thinks an idea. and but then could also think another idea. somehow quantum state there gets coincided with 60 years later me watchign Star Trek episode and seeing a coincidence. (e.g. sumo coincidence or pain pain pain coincidence or waitign my card coincidence or caste coincidence or impeccable coincidence etc etc....)
how amazing this phenomena is. the every moment of everything lasts to forever. and could impact bidirectionally e.g. it might be 60 years later now but 60 years before also exists now in the universe but different multiverses. but these multiverses impact bidirectionally each other.
this topic to be later investigated via ai project also since first projects would be about quantum mechanics/quantum systems.
its amazing imho how multiverses is.
its like someone might be dead now but its actually always living. e.g. maybe script writer of 60 years ago might be dead. but actuallyt continues to exist to forever. :)
there is a dimension that there is no time if we call it dimension. I mean multiverses realm. any instant continue to exist to forever. and it can also happen bidirectionally. e.g. with thoughts I can alter 60 years ago scritp writer's mind somehow and create a change in 60 years ago multiverses then to see the impact in my multiverse/universe of seeing it as a coincidnece.
I think this trait of unvierse/this multiverse property is absolutely very amazing. every instant lives to forever.
hmm maybe there is not infinitiely many multiverses but its rather some kind of to forever existence for any universe moment. then it could any bidirectional interaction with 60 years ago universe and now current universe as happens bidirectionally alters that past universe. but then this has to be very strong interaction since it would alter the timeline all for every instant of universe for following 60 years.
this might be another explanation/theorem to explain this phenomena where in this latter one, there is none infinitely many multiverses but rather any instant is existing to forever and having quantum force reactions to future and past to forever. and, then any strong interaction can even alter 60 years ago's equilibra.
so to create any altation it must be strong. since needs to iterate change all timeline followingly. in this second theorem.
so at any moment when an electron changes s to p orbit somehow. we consider it in p orbit but the universe versioin where it were in s orbit still actually continues to exist then columb force repels atoms to move atoms molecules ahead then actually the universe version tat it were in previous position also continues to exist. every state change,its previous state continues to exist. e.g. if a molecule moves from one pos to another position, through quantum electromagnetism, then it moves more lets say: at some point it counters another molecule and does enter another quantum state right?
but the initial point initial state it started actually also continues to exist. then but the universe favors the linear probbaility cuimulative function that we perceive most of state change's last result. but actually the previous state also continues to exist to forever. like a ghost molecule. ghost multiverse. somehow there is some system that favors the cumulative prbaility iterations to favor a linear result, but there is some other force fields that are not impacted with linearity rule. i mean it happens in some case the ghost multiverse becomes dominant and alters all following quantum states that are tied to it maybe.
or else it could also be matrix movie alike:D i mean this might be as well a simulation and coincidences were winks of the simulation creators to me. of saying its a smulation shortly. :D
it might as well be not simulation either.
it might be also imho, possible to be this multiverses related phenomena interactions.
wov. in such new perspective, then:
every time an atom moves due to quantum electromagnetism it also continues to stay at the same state.
but all quantum states are all probability wise tied together.
so in universe its at the same time both existence of prebigbang time point and current timepoint or anyn timepoint.
its mind blowing imho :D
this phenomena.
of existence fabric of multiverses. its absolutely mind blowing imho
that what we consider e.g. when i smile now my gesture becomes smile. based on my skeleton/muscle/nerve system. but at the same time it stays not smiling state. the previous state of not smiling state is not lost. every instant lives to forever. but their interations of such previous state of universe is very elaborate equilibras/qm equations most possibly.
so the biggest illusion we think in such theory ois that when we do a movement (E.g. move this maths book to somehwere) and think we moved. actually multiverse version of previous state also continues to exist. we just perceive the linear iteration but not perceive the also continueing to exist multiverse version in that.
hmm later when i study to particle physics with ai, would investigate this theorem i have. since it must be a trait of particle systems that we could perceive and other particle traits or force fields that continues to unchange.
wov. then our evolution's craft of mind etc only could perceive partially dynamics of particle physics.
i think its the secret of this mystery is in particle physics theorems. to later check when ai is ready.
I think its like: particle physics quantum changes continues to unchange for some and changes for some. but what is some? unknown . force field? particle? unknown. yet. later wuold investigate these theorems wiht ai.
you can think of, walking in wind. would you when move you slow down right? what if when quantum changes happens in particles of every atom, what if some of the particle states continues to exist in unchanged state ;D and what if such existence is unperceivable to us. I mean our evolutionary mind. what if there is an intricate system there.
in any case: e.g. movement is also quantum physics. every atom moves via that. then what if some particle residue some force field stays unaltered when perceived alteration happens.
which would mean a stack of universes being built up in universe. that every instant stays to forever in that unalatered particle physics phenomenon.
wov in such case some how such residual unaltered system there continues to also impact altered system.
wov then an electron move meters away somehow but then its reside stays unaltered in original atom it were. so there we only perceive the alterable state changes. but there also exists unaltered changes.
we could create lots of algebraic theorems to define how this could ever be possible. and we would craft. it could be that there are multiple homomorphisms there. and when homomorphism has kernel of multiple possible values. those kernels might be multiple values for a specific value of transformed group element.
Then this homomorphism might not be the entire force system then there might be others that which those kernels for specific m is distinct not multiple values and those values might be non kernel in second homomorphism whereas first homomorphism tries to perceive them as same in terms of homomorphism observation.
so the various homomorphisms might exist at same time but one of them being perceivable by us. and the latter one is about more about impacting the visible perceived entity.
so it is very possible to have advanced physical frameworks that we can't perceive with our measurement systems. so it can be possible that particle physics dont exactly move along with existing frameworks entgirely. there might be hidden homomorphisms that hidden kernels particles which stays exactly unchanged when any quantum state change happens.
we would investigate these later. most possibly universe is something like this. e.g. when we think electron moves its residuel particle systems stays same there also a kernel equivalent of it in yet undeciphered homomorphism systems there. I mean we only perceive the visible part of the system. but there are kernels kernel equivalences that stays unchanged at same condition when an electron moves those kernels i mean those additional homomorphisms kernel group items that are in same observable universe's electrons homomorphism there, there those kernels are most possibly unvisible to our perceived universe. we could only perceive yet only some of the homomorphisms there.
but these to be later investigated. hmm after ai is ready to investigate these hidden homomorphisms unvisible to observable universe but only visible through quantum interactions which we might call as premonitions or such topics.
I believe universe's fabric is like this. there are unaltered particle systems at every instant. e.g. when an electron moves from some orbit to another (2s to 2p e.g. ) its some residue kernel erquaivalent continues to stay at 2s. or when it moves to 2p and when it moves to other orbit configurations then this time its residue kernel system ,might stay at there. so universe states are increasing like a stack. and every state impacts other one in other some homomorphisms.
I would investigate validitity of such theorem later. when ai is ready. after all initial tasks of ai is accomplished e.q. quantum simulator or mentioned products to be invented by ai, then after that yayyy we can focus investigating this theoretical physics queries with also doing some applied theoretical physics with particle physics labs by then. yepp.
there are lots of questions to be checked yet. there is no answers as many questions in theoretical physics. since we can only perceive observable universe and only homomorphisms visible to us. but its possible that other homomorphisms could be figured out found out. since these systems interact also. we could find some methods to extend our homomorphisms knowledge for including also not observable universe.
its because through rare interactions e.g. premonition like things we see that its not just the observable universe or i mean universe which our evolved mind's evolutions' mind apparatus could perceive of, its not only that. there are undeciphered homomorphisms waiting to be discovered. that its not the electron that moves. it has maybe a twin electron that does not move but that of which we dont perceive since we could only perceive of the homomorphisms of that alters the electron that moves. but of course its not expected to be easy to find how homomorphisms of nonobservable universe is. but we could do try to decipher and might even succeed either. we would check later when ai is ready. we could check most possible such homomorphism theorem systems with particle physics experiments later to figure out this other homomorphisms. it would be quite a challenge of course.
hmm it would be a lot fun and quite algebra challenge the following particle physics studies would be. yayy.
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