It were exactly like what Romulans did to Synthethics this unknown favela groups activities.
Every time I went outside a group woould come do a false flag. every single time I went outside.
So its why I understood alot with that genocide story there. where Romulans delusionally had hatred to Synthethics and tried to genocide them.
When they say "hunt" literal, I remember the incidents where the stalkers used hunt literal.
So actually what you see in that movie were happent to me. but with false flags.. every time I went outside they the unknown favela would send a group 2 or 3 people and then they would do false flags to attempt to stage smear with in vicinity.
And sometimes they use "hunt" literal in stalk incidents also.
So even if the unknown favela group might not had goal of doing genocide, it were very analogous to genocide.
The moment when aliens protectors of synthethics came to rescue of Synthethics to be genocided were awesome! :D
though in real life such things dont happen :D there are most possibly no aliens protectors even we wish there were. or if there is it would had been awesome!
Its like, you know any idea of" whenever you go outside a group comes and does false flag to plant very impossible aga/baba smear and ugly request shoutsings?
it were like exactly similar to: synthethics every time going outside being attacked by Romulans.
So I really emphatized alot with that story since similar version of it happent to me by an unknown favela group.
so I would strongly suggest to anyone living in any mega city, never ever move to border districts of favela districts:S its very dangerous places/they do genocide resembling horrors in favelas/favela districts' border districts.
Do you have any idea of when you go outside a group attacking with false flags. then when it happens everytime you go out. and when you are repetatedly tried to be smeared with false flags thousand times of ugly request shoutings. and if this happens like if when this happens like people whom follow like shadows, e.g. when tyou anytime any city you go outside the favela group sends their members.
its like this unknown favela group visibly is a global favela group and sends their stalking/false flag members to every city.
do you know the horror of false flags? tried to be crimialized with false flag incidents smear planting attempts? e.g. aga/baba smear. then ugly requests shoutings. to depict you as if you are aperson type to have shouted such ugly requests. and thousands many such incidents. which I would always nihiliate and never ever reply to.
so when I say favelas and even border districts of favelas are very very very dangerous places its very serious warning. anyone living in any mega city, never ever move to any favela district nor any border district of any favela distirct
Its been hell of a story to tell in blog either. I mean such horrorful life experience where a favela group stalks shouts very ugly requests does thousand many false flags sociopathy and ugly requests shoutings.
I understood after a favela group targeted that there are criminal favela groups in world and they have power to send their stalkers to every city:S its horrorful.
they repeatedly shout very ugly requests and try to genocide person with falsde flags with repeated false flagswhere they do act a false flag narrative to plant such smears and you always nihiliate/never reply but they do this thousand times.
so they also do very horrorful things like curse shoutings /public shaming with shouting curses in public with smears they plan to plant. they do a very sociopathic conversion effort to aga/baba smears with sociopathic fal;se flagh shows. and shout eveyr ugly requests. that I always nihiliate and never reply to. I always nihiliated every false flag incident/every ugly request shoutings. and it repeatedly happent endlessly.
so metaphorically this were resembling genocide process very much.
since I dont know but when I read about genocide stages every stage of genocide stage were attempted by this unknown favela groups.
I would always nihiliate and neve rreply to but would feel severely traumatized.
so this is why I were very happy when the Synthethics were saved from Romulan genocide.
sionce the unknown favela activities were metaphorically analogously similar to genocide process.
so as again as a warnuing to anyone living in any mega city, dont ever move to border districts of favela districts. favela dfistricts are already known to be dangerous places but even border districts are also very dangerous. Just not only dont move to favela districts but never ever move to any border district of any favela district. both are same dangerous places. also habiated by criminal sociopathic maniac unknown favela groups. People tend to think border districts of favela regions are safe. unfortunatley I observed no its not safe. and horrors of favela is something very horrific. it resembles genocide process.
thousands of very sociopathic false flags where they attempt to plant smear narrative and I would always nihiliate never reply to. and then thousands many again similar ugly requests shoutings to the tried to be planted smear narrative. so its repeated thousands many false flag sociopathy/ugly request shoutings and then also other horriifc topics of genocide process is also attempted by unknown favela groups. I would always nihiliate and never reply to. but would always feel severely traumatized.
I this year started to heal of trauma and build inner strength against genocide alike process of an unknown favela group. that started 7 years ago. and many thousands of false flag sociopathies/ugly request shoutings happent which I would always nihiliate never reply to.
So it were resembling genocide of Romulans against Synthehtics. Cause they would come every time whenever I go outside and do a false flag and I would always nihiliate but then became agoraphic to protect self from false flags process/ugly request shoutings.
favelas are undefineable level horrorful places. never ever move to any favela but also dont ever move to any border district of any favela district. (as mega cities usually have favelas. please be very careful to not move to even border districts of favela districts).
It were like they would always know my position when I go otuside. like Romulans sneding a genocide team to the synthethics whenever they go outside.
they would use "hunt" literal in many stalk incidents which also were very traumatizing. Similarly in the tv show Romulans were using hunt literals or it were mentioned as synthethics were being hunted by romulans,.
So I really had very emphatized with the tv show. since such horror level that happent to synthethics similar of it were attempted by an unknown favela group to me.
and their sociopathy were no less then Tal Shiar's sociopathy :S e.g,. sahouting names to the stalk victim :S it wer every horrific some kind of sociopathy horror similar to Alfred Hitckok movies sociopathy :S
In first year this stalk started, I thought I had such stalkers e.g a Serdar named person as stalking. I could never imagine the sociopathic process of name shoutings they do in these ugly request shoutings to me I would in first year this stalk started, I would think as if there are such stalkers stalking me e.g. Serdar.
then when I understood the false flag/sociopathic and its not something like only maniac stalkers there is false flags happening, I became agoraphiobic to protect myself from false flags/all these sociopathic false flags and ugly request shoutings. \
So when I watched that first series where Synthethics were blatantly genopcided by Romulans, I emphatized alot. since what attmpted by Romulans same of it happent to me by an unknown favela groups.and their sociopathy and genocide methods were much horrific than Tal Shiar's genocide methods. (e.g. false flag sociopathy)
so I mean again to restate: never ever move to border districts of favela regions. in favelas genocide like process applied by favela groups. I mean metaphorically similar to.
in the movie, when one synthethic said sentence something like:
You know how is just to not thrive but survive I mean not accomplshuing what you could accomplish in life but to live life to survive just opnly to survive alike meaning sentence during Romulans genocide/sterilization to Synthethics. I forgot what Synthethic exactly said in that moment, but same thing I thousand times thought during the unknbown favela group's genocide alike process/stalk/false flags. I mean the mood of not living a life where you accomplish accomplishments but to live life to survive from genocide. e.g. always staying home many long time since this unknown Tal Shiar alike unknown favela group would always send their false flag people whenever I went outside to anywhere.
Its this unknown favela group is analogously similar to Tal Shiar imho. since they would always sends false flag people to do one more false flag sociopathy incident everytime I went outside or to shout ugly requests or to shout curses etc. I would always nihiliate never reply to but would continue to happen many thousand times.
so it were very happy to observe when protectors of Synthethics come to save Synthehtics from Romulans genocide effort. :D
This unknown favela group does something very similar to genocide. its actually same with genocide process.
so again: favelas are very dangerous [places. never ever move to any district in border of favela districts ever. cause favelas are horror! they do genocide like processes in favela! I mean unknown favela groups does genocide like process! so never any one living in any mega city, never ever move to any border district of favela region. its like undefineable horror :S its 100% genocide favela groups attempts! :S so never ever move ever a border district of favela regions.
I this year started to heal from trauma as much as I can even not much but still much. but my ptsd is much better wtr to before. i were constantly in trauma feeling before like 1 years ago. now at least I am most times happy feeling instead of trauma/ptsd feeling even if ptsd is not fully gone and I am still agoraphobic most.
so summary:
anyone, never ever move to even border of favela districts ever! :S
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