lets continue now daily activities.

qt app yepp. 

I were investigating the telescope sky map's html page for how could I download that specific e.g. 2am  sky telescope image (there is per 3 or per 5 minutes image from a telescope place)  turns out I need to do some reg exp matching there to get the id of the e.g. 2am image to download from program.

second, i need to call the java program. 

then yayyy i could start tests then :) 

very exciting :)  

since never did tests with a program that I try to code its random number creation mechanism. i try to resemble it to card shuffling machine's randomness. or would try out other random number generation methods either. 

Ayy so exciting since never did tested this with ever before with any desktop app :) i dont know if it would succeed :D it would be first time i tie the exact multiverse data directly to test:) i have no idea if tests would succeed or not. 

its the first time I link test to direct multiverse data. 


yayyy now tasks: 

Qt + windows programs -> 

hmm yeyy now downloading image fromt elescope from 2am:

hmm now wondered if i should do that in scala/java side since i checked the lib i dont even know which binary the linux distribution this installed qt uses. so lets do code that web page download side also in java imho. and the initial random number generator I saw were also java. 

hmm I give up working with qt and windows directly without visual studio. I been coding so much time with java based environments, that I am not used to this dll/lib topics in cpp language for a lot while. I now would move to wsl and ubuntu there to easily download install necessary libraries including JNI. 

hmm i would run qt creator from wsl itself I know how to setup connection to graphics server before did that when running some conda software on wsl.

I this time did not installed linux to this pc since I mean I learnt of wsl and so I had not needed to partition hardisk etc. I usually in previous pcs had both linux and windows. (if not mac I also once had worked with mac in some workplace) so but now that i learnt of wsl i had not installed linux separately this time., 

hmm so lets reinstall qt but this time to linux/wsl. 

hmm taking time to download qt.

yayy now need to figure out how to configure cmakelists.txt for jni integration.

then need to create an assembly jar including functions to call from jni. hmm ok then.

ayy so exciting:) never tested directly with multiverse link before. 

an exciting weekend. (even this friday were unnice. i think weekend is cool. since yayy i am so curious whether direct multiverse linked tests would succeed or not :) ) 

its like, if that succeeds, then its more possible to design more complex test designs with such app. so this is why its exciting. maybe if i learn there in desktop app, then I might really do some significant changes in the switched universe :) who knows maybe the skill of this becoems very capable after using desktop app :)  or else it might not be like that either. but this is the first time this would be tied to data feed of multiverse directly. e.g. i wonder if i can make really aliens visit to world with this. i mean in new universe i switch to during test. i mean if capability level becomes much more with qt desktop app, that might be also possible who knows.  wov. its the first time the multiverse control would be tried to be accomplished integrated with software. therefore more elegant test design. more alternative test design i mean. in design of random number generator or tie/link to the multiverse data. it were like very static with card tests. now it could be easily configured after software version is built. so i am hopeful maybe skill level would enhance via this new platform (software program based test designs) so its like I am hopeful maybe my skill level would sky rocket, i mean maybe I might even switch to a universe where gravity is lesser. or alike.  I have kind of such hopes also because I never did tested with such elegant test setups before. so its very exciting. cause I dont know the limits of this skill. so now making betterment in test design means maybe skill level would also enhance (maybe not). but there is some curious mystery of that of not knowing currently how would this software based tests would result. its jusgtb so exciting:) cause I might really get better in this skill maybe :) so that would mean, i might create a universe version where there is really e.g. aliens star trek alike places and they visit earth :) I mean if somehow skill level is increased, maybe such universe designs for the switched universes might be also possible who knows. not knowing the limits of this skill is very exciting :)  up to now only bytecode changes in switched universes have had happent. (e.g. last one being silver cloth) but its very exciting now that i would move to more detailed test design capability. cause it would be like reaching out /learning about the max skill level via changing testing various test configuration/test designs. that not knowing the maximum capability level of this skill is very exciting topic to me. I mean is it only bytecode alterations or could really universe be coded more? other than some byte changes?  (I mean the to switched universe) that is very curious query imho. 


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