I did laziness instead of creating phone app.
yayy now time to build phone app. hmm but I dont like psychic phone app tests since I usually fail in them. (maybe due to their random number generators) so maybe creating a phone app is not a good idea since my neural circuitort of psychic phone app experience might impact the test.
maybe I should create a computer app. yepp. lets then create the app in computer. cause phone apps has negative experience (psychci tests, zener tests, I always fail alot except one test, somehow their random number generator is not working with my multiverse switch function) But I do see multiverse switch is functioning when using card shuffler. so I dont like the zener card apps which I usually fail :D
I would then now try to code a code that would do take 2 images of stars from telescope data and then would do apply the mentioned algo to reflect multiverse datas to card to create coincidence.
e.g. with first forward coincidence direction which is: ->
I do run the card selection app run and find the card selected there. I look to the card and then do shuffling whilst i do branch out my mind with thinkign some complext surface over card in tandem to coincide with card.
then I need to revert the direction. I need to do look to a self selected card and then shuffle whilst thinking complex surface then stop and check the card and then: go look to the multiverse data if its that card also.
I think I seen forward direction can work, but I never tested this reverse direction psychic test. hmm I could do instead:
hmm I could look to card. then i could have a gauge rolling gauge widget on app and then I could shuffle that and then try to when stopping see if the gauge's stopping condition when mapped to designed function is the same card in the test.
hmm maybe i could start with this latter one. hmm why not. I think even if card shuffler is nice /working tool, I think i have to define such software shuffling tool now. a qt app alike with some widgets and code to convert the multiverse data to card type and an interface qml interface that i select initially which card I wish to happen. then shuffling button I press awhile. then when I stop and check if see the multiverse data were that. yayy by via this I can switch to that multiverse in which that card happens.
ayy I finally understood that : --> the multiverse happens as:
brain thinks of a thought right? then some complex thoughts branches. then multiverse binds that even sometimes other day I see something coincidence with thought.
E.g. very tragic Leia incident that I hate such coincidence happent :S but I can assure Leia is living in other multiverse. its just I switched to multiverse where Leia passed away:S 😢
In that case (The very first starting moment of pyschic phenomena) I were doing sculpture and the sculpture's hair at a moment resembled Leia's hair I thought hey hair resembled Leia's hair this moment but changed slightly that also and and then other day I learnt in news some news I saw other day that Leia has passed away 😢 Its tragedy very unncie 😢 But I can assure Leia is living in the original universe still, I only switched to an altarnate universe where such tragic news happens :S😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
So I now know its about that: many infintiely many multiverses exists and any of them can bind. But the one that most interfaces with thoughts binds.
I understand that neural circuitory can even stay a day or so. I mean thoughts we think. Cause this incident I think had a day delay.
And I now understand that its really multiverses.
E./g. its like some unknown aliens talking to me from podcasts or scifi tv shows I confused. But its instead its fact I 100% believe its multiverses. I were very confused.
E.g. me buying a red blanket staying under it since it were cold that day and looking to a tshirt then I randomly select a podcast and podcast starts talking of red tshirts protest.
or me having taken attention of emerald color in a paint shop online ad, and the mid color is like silvers/grays/and emerald and its written emerald there, I said wov look to these shines in emerald its very cool. Then 5 minutes later I opent a random podcast, and in mid of podcast podcast doing person started talking of an emerald sculpture and talked of it for 5 minutes.
I just initially confused if aliens are interfering ? how this happens?
E.g. when I told jujitsu in blog then 1 hour later I open star Trek and captain whilst switching the bridge of the ship says We were watching sumo martial arts. I by then thought it as if aliens did interfered and made fun with my weight also. But I remember when writing jujitsu that day (And I deleted later) I thought hey I am not agile, I think if my mind were like martial arts in studying to some project related intricate science topics, It would not be jujitsu since my mind is not agile I thought. Now I understand that: Its not funny aliens making fun with my overweight condition, but its again multiverse switching. I switched multiverse again to a multiverse where captain mentions of martial arts in bridge. (Captain Janeway I think).
Or I once one day I were studying to some scala library in all blogs and that approach has one turned out one specific library type that is an example, and that library is called Doobie. And then I watched sci fi movie that day and there were a multiple times playing Doobie Doobie song there. Again I had switched to an altarnate universe where the scifi movie has had such song.
Or once I watched a movie in bus when coming from city to another city and then came home and then in the movie things were falling in house and that day I came some glass shuttered from 3rd floor to all floors (turned out mom dad puit a carpet there that day and it lost it balance in evening and fall over glass stuff and that fell over all floors :S) then day other, a bird throw itself somehow passing from an opening in net of balcony door to hit my mommy's head in that movie the birds were throwing themselves to house also. I initially interpreted this as if aliens did it. Then I understood now, I switched to alternate universes where such coinciding falling things in home happens.
Another one, we heard a meteorite like asteroid hitting a city. and then I investigated the city to see there were some famous city with soem famous person that were burnt as a witch I mean in wiki of that city it mentions that woman whom were wrongly burnt with a witch trial. Then that night i opent sci fi show and in there the captain went to some time period where some people tried to attempt witchcraft trial to him and some woman repeatedly shouted wiiiitch wiiitch to the captain. and then he were saved from witch trial.
or else, once I drawn a image of a meteorite falling to some air with green light flashes of meteor, then tghe first scifi tv show I opent that day started wigth similar color asteroid/ meteorite falling to aplanet and then some spaceship saving planet with destructing the meteorite. So I definitely int his one also entered switched to an alternate universe where sci fi tv show started with such scene.
Or once a coffee carton fell to ground in room 3 meters away, I told to myself hah it must be placed inbalanced and fell after some time, and same week, 3 days before to that, I saw a circular wave in my coffee mug/coffee and, Its first time I saw such wave in any coffee mug, I usually saw rough waves whenever coffee mug moves, never seen a circular wave. Then coming back to the day where coffee carton fell, then the first scifi tv show I watched were like the camera is inside that show asking for a coffee, and takes and then camera zooms to coffee mug and shows rough waves inside coffee, then captain does not see it and drinks and then he went to another existential domain where entropy were happening moving faster.
hmm many many such incidents. So I understand that its a fact that multiverses exists. I mean I dont even suspect whether if it may not exist. It exists. I mean there is no confusion in my mind regarding it.
many many many such incidents I observed. Sicne I dotn watch sci fi a while I dont observe recently. but I think I learn slightly how to switch multiverses with using card shuffler I try to learn from there. And I saw working mechanism in card shuffler machine, good.
I just cant believe all of this. I am still in shock in observing for real multiverse phenomena. Its both amazing and both unbelievable and I think amazing. (except tragic Leia incident :S that not any amaizng:S, but that did nothappen in original universe any and happent only in alternate universe. )
Meanwhile you think you observed reports of this phenomena multiple times? no you did not. you only observed once. if you think you read my other incident reports, you are not original you. you are new version of you in alternate universe. I mean any reader can read a psychic phenomena report in blog only once since I mean its about switching to multiverses. I mean when this happens, I switch to a new multiverse, and people in new multiverse might think they had read twice or more my reports of this phenomena, but its like they are actually a copy of previous original universe plus the newly added psychic phenomena that psychic phenomena that happens with multiverse switching.
E.g. blog readers pleasee dont worry if I would alter your universe as I told something like Leia's incident:S which is tragedy 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢:S. I had not any slightest altered original universe where Leia is any. Leia is still living in her original universe. I just switched to another alternate universe where such news happent. You would never any single time be impacted by this phenomena. This phenomena has no impact to any current universe. I mean for instance my current universe is this universe. but if this phenomena happens I would be in another universe. and any time in any universe, this phenomena does not any kind of any slightest impact people inside that universe.
My phenomena does not any impact would never impact current universe any single time. It does not work like that. I just go to another universe an alternate universe when this phenomena happens. it is simple as that. and so there is no impact to any current universe residents from this phenomena. I just wanted to add since I mentioned Leia incident and wanted to assure, Leia is living in original universe, this is an alternate other universe and in original universe Leia is living. This universe that you are also in is an alternate version of that original universe. and whenever this phenomena happens I move to another alternate universe that which has coincidence. So thereby this phenomena has no impact to any slightest to current universe anytime. Its only moving to another alternate universe.
Its really weird when universe shapes itself to creating coincidences with thoughts in my mind. truly phenomenal. Its slightly being slightly Q powers. but not full. If I had full Q powers then I might switch to even a universe version where I am a computer (that can switch concisousness to mechanical units) and that would have been very cool right :) I mean Its not that much. but slightest form of it really happens. I mean e.g. the day I learn Doobie in movie I watch a doobie doobie song plays 2 times.
aha I remembered this one: I once watched a scifi show there a solar eclipse happent and the day after same solar eclipse happent in world with same look :D and it were not something like in search engine the tv show is listed in some order that priotizes that tv show since there is some solar eclipse the other day (it were the hybrid solar eclipse that happent in southern hemisphere this year). I sweeped internet to find sci fi tv shows and there were alot sci fi tv show episodes and I selected that one to watch.
or another one. many before. I once wore a dress that is like standard and but has had some shoulder design that looked steep or something like shoulder padding alike weird shoulder look it had. I before sometimes liked to wear dresses when I go to work. e.g. black standard formal dress or blue etc. I mean I were thin wthr to now and I sometimes liked to wear such formal(noncasual) clothes other than casual when going to workplace. then I wore that dress when going to I think were working as a software engineer in a startup by then, then, that day I always dislikde my shoulder look of the dress since it were weird design imho, just too steep. (are we in 80s and clothes has shoulder paddings :D) I mean it were not shoulder padding but somehow it looked going upwards the shoulders of the dress were. Then I came to home and opent tv and in the tv it turned out talking of aliens and when they shown aliens one of the aliens were having same cloth design :D I said to myself what a coincideicen :D I now think its again same phenomena, I switched to an alternate universe that had such tv show :D
You know it were just very confusing without knowing anything. Now I know its multiverse phenomena and I know I switch soimetimes multiverses with some mechanism I start to figure out or try to decipher/understand and I think I deciphered alot last friday. I mean I had not invented figured out the matrix of universe/multiverses or their iteration but I udnerstood at least how this phenomena happens or why/how.
Or one another. The day I told of trinity as metaphorical to relgiious discussions (nonreligious but justr some philosophical talk that somehow with someone I were talking and Trinitgy passed in a philosophical discussion) then later that day tv show I opent started talking of a pirate called Trinity. again multiverse switch.:D
it were very confusing at first. I mean I were like : is there aliens interfering ? how this coincidence happent in tv show? or how that happent ?
now confusion is over :) I know whats happening exactly :) I am a multiverse traveler yayyy. I can switch to alternate universes anytime and its time to me trying to learn to control this transportation to another universe mechanism :) its not transportation, its just another universe version binds to my consciousness instead of another existing universe, another alternate universe binds to my consciousness thread :)
I now try to advance learn this skill to hack my universe :) I had some success with card shuffling machine but Its just cards nothing like hacking my universe yet. I intedn to learn that skill with the Qt/Qml desktop app I woudl create :) I dont know if that test would succeed. If succeeds, then I would start switching to universes using that desktop app :) I dont know if its possible. btu the card shuffler's positive experience gave me some more confidence that it would work. I know I would decipher and hack my multiverse thread. how I wish I could also switch to very alien universe versiosn, e.g. it would have been very cool to becoime a computer and switrch to such universe version where i am a computer that can transfer its consciousness to mechanical units :) would be so cool. or another universe version where I have a space ship and then I orbit a planet and investigate vegetation/oceans/mountainscape/valleys/lakes of new planet :) I know that those are very impriobable universe switches since I mean this universe is what my brain is used to be inside. I mean its about what thought you think, about neural circuitory so It would be very hard to switch to such alien universe version, but it would have been totallyawesome/cool. but unfortunatley I beleive that extensive/drastic universe switches is very less probable. and I am newly trying to learn decipher this skill. I think the Qt/Qml app might help. But card shuffler machine definitely helped and gave a stable confident results. I wish I now move to more multiverse function (e.g. telescope image to card of one before blog mentioned cards like function design I designed (e.g. a lost city has been found in Atacama desert like card etc) ) related tests with the Qt/Qml desktop app I would build. Its so exciting :) I wish I could learn advance this skill so that I hack my own universe thread's iterations/multiverse switches :) its amazing to encounter multiverse phenomena :) its like slightly being Q alike :D ( of course not full capacity of Q alike but very slightly powers of Q alike maybe 1% of Q powers alike I mean maybe 0.1% of I dont know :) )
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