again a decisive time point: again a new decision ->

I were thinking  its ok to translate to some group theoretical constructs. but sage seems as does not supporting product of groups eg. AxB alike regarding homomorphism definitions but turns out I might need to learn libgap and library maybe. since I could not find how to define AxB type group homomorphisms. 

hmm the situation is as:

I started to write python module and initiated grammar_v1 module which would be also having object graph mapper objects to noe4j db via py2neo library that the translated grammar directly could have been pushed to neo4j graph. So whilst doing this activity, at homomorphism definitions side, I could not find how to define AxB in sage (A, B being group ) but I saw maybe gap side might provide that functionality of AxB or AxBxIxJ etc etc



I think I came to again changing decision point of changing my project schedule for today to rather I think: 

I think I accomplishjed some thigns but I couldnt finish the tasks I set for this sunday. But still software development is iterated even not any much. but still better than none code. 

hmm I have slight issues of how to integrate sage language to knowledge graph nodes. if its like script inside a str variable, then its i think ok for the moment but definitely not nice software design, it could have been specific node types that corresponds to sage expression sets /variables etc. that would had been nicer software engineering or coding style. but I dont want to invest such effort right now and would store as scripted definition sets inside covering knowledge graph nodes e.g. verbs. I think this is an active design in progress topic that I might change these parts design.

but so did I accomplished alot in this weekend?

surely better than having accomplished nothing :)

but I think I were kind of lazily studying today :) since yesterday studied unlazily most. 

I think I iterated important topics in this weekend regarding this translation side's design. 

but I stucked by today by such lack of knowledge in sage for regarding group products. I need to learn about GAP. but It rather came to me, why I started blog as decisive time point is: I slightly moved to decisions alike whether its time to get expert in group theoretic topics. since Gap has alot of references to group theoretic topics that are in expert knowledge type. so I mean, decision I thought were: 

Lets invest some more time to studying to group theory book and learn gap functionality and sage integration of Gap.  e.g. an intermittent study with continueing 500 alike verbs translation to group theoretic definition sets study. I mean I would continue resume studying to group theory topics to get some more expert and finding the gap libraries which would enable definitions of homomorphisms of with products of groups. 

so I need to setup such effective study of mainly 3tasks:

- getting more expertise in group theory and then learning gap and sage gap interface

- translation of 500alike verbs to homomorphism definitions

- big data engineering to ontology db of wikidata to create single language ontology tree structures dbs/indices/dictionaries queriable from some hadoop query enabler FAAS on cloud solution. (cheapest solution: store as parquet, s3 very cheap storage, then use either Redshift or something like that or even a lambda function or so to provide some service to query data from such ontology dbs/dictionaries etc to craft) so there is a lot of todo tasks in this task.

Sooo, now that my python module writing activity is interrupted due to this not knowing how to define homomorphisms in sage for groups that are products of groups, (I just could not find a product operator for groups), I would then investigate gap side and functionalities in gap to find some library that supports group products homomorphisms. 

hmm so unfortunately the library for translation to knowledge graph is interrupted due to this reason. (where e.g. paragraphs would be translated to knowledge graphs having sage wise definition sets.)

I would use many neural nets and spacy library also to do create the dependency graph structure.

so I think I slightly learnt neo4j this weekedn during these project tasks and how to use object graph mapper classes py library for that, and also 

I analyzed wordnet and figured out the initial set of verbs from there (set of verbs with 0 hypernyms, not the full set either but some set of that) then I also without even reflecting to neo4j investyigated the ontology structure in wordnet and I found it not suited to project alot, its very a nice library for hypernyms/hypnyms or synsets but not a very eloquent ontology db type (ontology side is rather nonaccurate imho not fully accurate). I think wikidata  ontology db is one most accurate ontology structure definition around so I decided to utilize that ontology structure instead.

so I think this weekend feels like not having accomplished alot things in project or feeling not much iteration. but still its good that i iterated some.  but at the end of sunday, new tasks crafted/became necessary e.g. like urgent some more study to group theory and more some more expertise knowledge gaining in that domain (but not fully expertise but some chapters of phd book i would study even not all) then I would need to get expertise in gap library and its sage integration. 

It would had been nice if at least one verb is translated to its sage wise definition. but I think its slighgtly very partially started to be coded with sage definitions even not fully defined thats something also  imho. (wtr to having accomplishing nothing). 

I dont feel good about having accomplished not much this weekend actually :) I would wished at least one paragraphs sentence/some verbs are succesfully converted to knowledge graph and sage representations. :) (I mean from a selected verb sets etc etc )

but that is the only accomplishments for these weekend that such module/library started to be written but got left stucked due to sage not definitively supporting homomorphisms of products of groups in sage side, maybe gap integration supports I dont know gap yet.. 

so weekends project iteration: better than having accomplished nothing but not very much accomplishments either. 

ok. then. 


so now its resting time. 

I think tomorrow evening I would mainly refocus to group theoretic study and gap library study. and I wont do intermittent study, I think i postpone the 3rd task of ontology db preparations to next weekend. or weekend after next weekend.

I think I would rather get more expert in group theory this weekday evenings and try to accomplisht his module earliest. big data tasks of ontology db signature could be done latest. hmm first I need to accomplish this knowledge graph task. 

seems as I need to priotize getting more expertise in group theory this week. 

yepp. that be it. some replanning due to this contingencies observed on sunday whilst writing the python module for translation to knowledge graph. 

now some rest time. maybe later I resume group theoretic study from module related study papers/printout. I dont know I would initially have some rest time now. maybe a hour then after wards I would study some time to that modules/rings related printout to get expert on those topics then I would switch to studying book of  a course in the theory of groups in weekend evenings. and I need to also priotize tomorrow learning gap library more and I guess I need to also study to this book whilst trying to learn gap library since e.g. free groups topic its defined in the book and I mean I think one needs to learn some more group theoretic topics yepp. 

one thing I liked from libraries: 

-> py2neo library's object graph mappers. That is slightly similar to ORM concept. 

one other library I liked ->  wordnet's hypernyms/hyponyms features. 


hmm now resting time.


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