hmm last days been listening audibles of some star trek novels.

I observed coincidences ? yes.

the day before, I were trying to since a CI/CD pipeline failed, I tried to transfer jar file with sftp but that had not worked without partitioning the jar file and then in the star trek that day in audible sending a huge star ship to other uyniverse were not possible so they were talked of partitioned transfer of ship.

today's coincidence were:

today one of colleagues told he is getting married and we congratulated :) Then in the todays audible captain has had wedding. 

I just in todays coincidence suspected whether if the colleague whom is marrying somehow hacked my phone and knowing what i watch to create coincidence or not I dont know :D

Its first time sometime told in a meeting he is going to holiday since is marrying and the tv show today has had marrying. 


now coming to unrelated software project topic:

but the partitioning were very weirdsome project some  pipeline were not working and there were some file transfer CI/CD were not working and I wanted to test some uber jar that were like 150MB and the sftrp would not transfer due to some configs and then I had to tar it and partition it first I gave up thinking ok CI/CD pipeline is not working and this 150mb is not possible to transfer to. then remembered I can partition the jar. then somehow with some partitions I managed to sftp the jar and then test it :D it were like some big data task related some scala etc etc. some unrelated project etc etc. 

then but the audible yesterday mentioned of how to transfer the huge ships to other universe :D and they told they were partioning the ships. 

yuou know this psionics topics is awesome :D universe gets written (from infinity of universes) to create coinicdence with audible's partitioned ship transfer to other universe topic:D


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