in not so distant future we would build technologies to make it less possible to organized criminal grou[ps militias to do attempt/intend crimes against humanity crimes to people.
unrelated to that:
similarly with technology, with exposing every delusional perseuction attempt online : we would make sure delusional medievals never succeeed to delusional persecution intents to nonreligious people with delusional type persecution. (Of attempting to slander blogs with delusional very very very very very very very impossible slanders to nonreligious people since because they are not from religion.
i also observed this type delusional persecution intent to blog many times and it does not resolve because some of very rare of but not all of religiopus people have attitude of as if nonreligious people should be slandered with impossible slanders to make religion popular and nonreligious people be defamed. its unbelievable but these type people exists also online as observed various such delusional persecution or defamation attacks to blog with very very very very very very very very very impossible slander types)
please dont be naive and safe your mind from medievals delusional perseuction attacks with very very very very very very impossible slander types to blogs (in intend of defaming nonreljigious peoples blogs to make blogs whom talks of atheism be defamed so actually with religious intention of religious persecution intention and applicance of delusional persecution to blog contents with very very very very very very very impossible slander types)
but we techies would make world a very nice place also safe from medievals. like it is to be safe to believe in religions it should be also be safe to be out of religion without delusional persecutions. persecution when attempted form any side (either from nonreligious to religious or vice versa or intra (between religions) is always same badness very unnice thing. )
but we have responsibility to make future be safe from persecution and e.g. I observe this delusuional persecution repeatedly attempted to blog. its like people dont like when we talk philosophy topics nor atheism. then its more prone to see defamation attacks with impossible slander types to blog to defame nonreligiousness with impossible very very very very impossible slander types.
in either sense, we would do our best to make future be safe from both any kind of bad. e.g. medieval bad. or any bad.
having observed real version of crime against humanity crime intents for last 7 years from an unknown criminal organized crime group and trauma of it. as reported every incident of it in blog one by one aslong as i been blogging.
and seeing delusional persecution attacks to blog last years with much worse slander types. and trauma of it.
its visible we need to fix world to make it a better place. with tech.
planet should not traumatize its citizens either any side. we are living in 21st cnetury not medieval times. so tech should expose one by one every single delusional persecution attack to any side. e.g. I observe last years delusional persecution attacks to blog with very very very very very very impossible slander types. (and slander types much worse than the organized crime groups false flags)
we cant leave this world in this shape. we cant leave it to medievals to torture people. either organized criminal groups with aga smear.
or similarly delusional persecution attacks to blog with very very very very impossible slanbder types. (very unrelated to aga smear).
we wont let torture activities of organized crime groups to prevail with false flags to smear with impossible slander types/ or unrelated to that: delusional perseuction attacks to blogs(As i observed last years) (with much worse slanders with very very very very very impossible slander types)
we would make build some technology some ml technologies that protects world citizens from these types of evil/bads. e.g. delusional persecution attacks to blogs. we would expose every single such incident and we would setup communities to create instanteous law suits.
or unrelated to that with much worse slander types: organized criminal groups tgorture with false flags, we would have robo detectives helping citizens of planet to eradicate torture and crime against humanity crime intents of criminals organized crime groups.
so things to do: likem every religion: we atheists needs to setup communities. to protect from medieval delusional persecution attacks to our blogs. and same wise, every other religion also should do like to protect them from persecution. persecution as we observe is attempted from any side. so community is important. but i hate commumity logic cause i dont any like any group mind. but somehow some internet tech should make world safe agaisnt delusional persecution attacks to blogs. e.g. I observed such delusional persecution attacks to blog content last 3 years, an effort to smear blog with very very very veyr very very very very very very very impossible slander types. exact medeivals behind this visible.
second, we would make world be safe from organized crime groups and their toture alike false flags/batteries(ugly request shoutings) and cuyrse and ugly requests shoutings/very socioipathic false flags.
these are something i never knew existed in planet these type evils. not i am in any sense using evil in religious meaning being a nonreligious people. I mean these type of immorality i dont know what else to call this type immoralities. evil. isomorphic definition in religions it is. i think excess immorality can be used in our nonreligious literature then instead of evil literal which is kind of religious literal and i dont like using evil literal due to that since i am not any religious.
we need to standardize morality level in planet to some basic standards.
we need to protect world citizens from torture of organized crime groups torture like sociopathic false flags / battery /ugly requests shoutings/curse shoutings/sociopathy.
we need to protect internet from delusional persecution attacks of medievals to blogs.with very very very very veyr veyr impossible slander types.
current world's technology level does not is not make these immoralities reduce. but we would setup technologies to make its a safe world whether you have reliugion or not. whether you are an autist or not. (being auitist i added this) world can not be safe only for people with religion or nonautist people.
we techies would make world safer that it wont be a luxury to lack religion and be safe from delusional persecution of blogs with impossible slander types.
we techies also would develop tech to protect world from sociopath organized criminal groups and their crime agains thumanity crime intents/attempts.
we would make world a better place after seeing this unfortunate situation of planet. and world has so many problems that we even cant find help to torture from UN's torture page of reporting fo a criminal groups torture resembling activities because there are so many other important problems of world that e.g. there are places where thousands people tortured so one report does never get attention.
so torture becomes unimportant when applied to singularities but when applied to thousands it becomes a matter cause world dont has resources to resolve anything since there are lots of problems to resolve.
So world is very busy with important problems and we like [people are like grass where the organized criminal groups are like elephants jumping over grass. I observed severe torture like process from an unknown organized crime group and definite absolute crime against hu,manity crimes intent but noone replied to help me emails.
I mean woprld is like a place where UN like places tackle important pobrlms and there is really too much important problems. lots of people suffering in world so singular people's reports never tackled/never looked to. and noone answers help emails from any institute i emailed to neither I also emailed human rights lawyers institutions emails to ask help to stop the crime against humanity crime intenders attempters torture of false flags/battery/ugly request shoutings (e.g. aga smear false flags) and nooione every single time any time repliued even once.
so torture is only given importance if its done to scales. e.g. thousands or hundreds. and if a criminal orrganized crime group does target attempt crime against humanity crimes with severe torture like process (e.g. very sociopathic false flags or battery of ugly request shoutings) noinstitute ever single time replied to any help request.
so its visible world is kind of congested with severe problems and so there is no resource to solve world issues.
so but we techies observing these issuyes would create tech to make it a nicer/better planet to eradicate torture of organized criminal groups that also applies sociopathic false flags/battery of ugly request shoutings/curses/etc etc.
or similarly when medievals of any side either religious or nonreligious does smearing attacks to blogs with very very very veyr impossible slander types, an easy method to expose the medieval delusional persecution attacks to blogs shld be built. (as observed delusional persectn attacks to blog with very very veryvery very impossible slander types, and were mumch worse slander types than the orgznied crime groups smears)
I observed various crimes against humanity crime intentionaloity attempted to me by an unknown orgznied crime group vie torture of thousands many sociopathic false flags, battery of ugly requests /curses ..... I always nihiliated every single incidnt and never replied and nihiliated.
unrelated to that:
I observed last 3 years repetitive medieval delusional persecuiton attacks to my blog with much much worse smear types with again impossible smears but very veyr veyr veyr very very very very veyr impossible smear types. hmm I have an idea tech idea to expose these medieval delusional practices and for even finding easily law instituion help to expose. .e.g creation of an NGO for protectiong blogs from medieval persecution attacks with very very very veyr veyr veyr impossible slander types and exposing the medievals in NGO's page everytime a medieval perseuction attack happens to blogs of nonreligious people. I observed such attacks attmpted ot blog last 3 years. we nonreligious people need to create some NGO to protect our blogs from delusional persecution attacks with very veyr veyr vyer very veyr vyer very very very very impossible slander types. that be the best i think method something like other NGOs that lists medieval delusional persecution attacks to blogs of nonreligious poeple (with very very very veyr very very very very veyr vyery very very impossible slander types) we nonreligious people imho need to setup some NGO alike things and start defense against medival persecution. with very very very veyr very veyr very very very impossible slander attacks to our blogs. we need to make people remember its 21st century and delusional persecution is medieval times activitiy. we need to expose every single delusional persecution attack to nonreligious blogs with very very very very impossible slander types in a common NGO page imho. we nonreligious people of planet need to setup some NGO imho. otherwise there really happens medieval practices of delusional perseuciton of nonreligious blog with very very very veyr very veyr very veyr impossible slander types gets attempted repettively as i osberve last 3 years such delusional persecution attacks target my blog.
So we need to asap setup an NGO, we nonreligious people and expose the medieval delusional persecution attacks one by one in a shame list medievals of year like other NGOs has such top lists we nonreligious people need to setup an NGO and have such main page where every single delusional persecution attack to blogs with very very very very veyr impossible slander types is exposed in NGO pages and we nonreligious people set up a community /NGO. e.g. we might create even events where we do protests to medievals whener a medival persecution delusional persecution attack happens to any nonreligious blog in planet (with very very very very very veyr very very impossible slander types).
We need to asap nonreligious people's NGO and start nonviolent protests. yepp that would be awesome to make planet be very nice planet. to make it a 21st or even 22st century alike century planet yepp. yayyy :)
we techies would make planet much better planet. yeppp :) I mean we would try to help builidng a much better planet yepp :)
in current world when only single person observes torture and reports it noeone ever replies.
e.g. torture of false flags/lsevere torture of thousand of false flags. and doers do it with impunity a thousand times sociopathic false flags.
its like torturers do torture with impunity and you report and noone replies. the unknown criminal militia did attempted torture indefinitely for 7 years with thousand many sociopathic false flags and battery/ugly requests shoutings and curses. and I am still awaiting a reply from UN. UN were like my last hope. but I saw that that like institutions are congested with more high scale crimes against humanity practices where its not one person that confronts crime against humanity attempt/applicance attempt, but they do care only when its of scale, when crimes against humaonity crimes are attempted to thousands but not one person.
but it does not mean I give up. I would continue to fight that torture doers confront their crime against humanity crime attempter labels/torturer labels I still hope I would one day receive a reply from UN torture page. It does not mean I give up against organized criminal group unknown historical neighbours 7 years torture attempts with sociopathic false flags / battery of ugly requests. no its not a world where people can do attempt crimes against humanity type crimes and have impunity. I wont give up this matter and would find some institute that hears my voice and listen this torture of thousands of sociopathic false flg incidents and torture of battery of ugly request shoutings and curse shoutings and dehumanization shoutings. I still have hope that there must be an institution that tackles singular torture cases when its not of high scale. e.g. when unknown orgznied criminal grou[ps militias attempts torture. (not a country nor government nor government institutes any but criminal groups' sociopathic false flag torture/battery torture with ugly request shoutings)
I wont stop until I see the crime against humanity crime attempteds are sued and torturers with false flags are labeled with crimes against humanity crimes. no its not a planet where an unknown criminal militia/organized criminal group can do attempt various crimes against humanity practices attempts.
UN has not replied to me does not mean I gave up. Torture needs an answer. if UN only tackles high scale torture cases, there must be also other institutions which takcles cases of unknown militias/unknown criminal organizations false flags/sociopathic false flags (which is like torture like) and battery of ugly request shoutings that neverendingly happent for 7 years. I guess UN like places dont have time alot to singular cases of torture. cause I reported this in torture ask help page and not a single person replied. so it must be there are so much torture so much high scale things happening in world that they dont have time to single person cases.
but not having UN replied does not mean I give up for to show to planet that there is no impunity of crimes against humanity crimes which were deliberately attempted intended to me by the unknown criminal group which I always nihiliated every incident I never replied but torture like last 7 years sociopathic false flags and torture like battery of ugly requests shoutings happent repetitvely.
I would finds someone that tackles this crimes against humanity crimes that attempted intended to me by unknown criminal organiztion criminal group that attempted variouys torture practices of sociopathic false flags last 7 years and battery of ugly requests shoutings/and curse shoutings etc etc.
and world would learn that noone can commit or intend to commit crimes against humanity crimes with impunity. in this case an unknown organized crime group/unknown militia.
I asked help of many institutions including NGOs before but couldnt found help yet. my last hope I thought is UN to ask help of UN to investigate this unknowns that attmpts intends crimes against humanity crimes with impunity. but no reply came so but it does not mean I gave up no I would find an NGO an institute that would hear with full ear the full report of these torture I observed last 7 years of sociopathic false flags/battery of ugly request shoutings/curses.
people planet should learn that its not you can not commit nor intend to commit crimes against humanity to poeple. just one institution at least one institution would answer one day to show to planet that noone no group no militia no organized crime group can attempt nor intend crimes against humanity crimes to citizens of this planet.
we would one by one resolve injustivce issues of world. we would find institutes that would listen tortures happening in world.
or very unrelated to above topic:
or we would also setup our non religious people's NGOs to expose delusional persecution attacks to blog of nonreligious people. we would create an NGO for nonreligious people to preotect nonreligious people from delusional persecution attacks to blogs of. with very very very very veyr vyer very very impossible slander attacks to blogs.
coming to orgznied crime groups topic:
( hey bad people types, dont think you can do commit crimes against humanity crimes and torture(e.g. sociopathic false flag torture) with impunity. ) (that UN had not had replied does not mean we give up. we would make sure crime against humanity crime committers or intenders /attempters (to me) and along that socioapthic false flag torture doers confront justice one day from law systems of world. )
(if we see that world does not protect citizens, we would build tech systems that protects citizens from severe immoralities, crimes against humanity crime intenders/and torture)
(we wouldnt let it be a world where an unknown criminial militia /orgznied criminal group attempts intends crimes against humanity crimes with impunity to me & attempts sociopathic false flags tortures indefinitely. we would make sure the crimes against humanity attempters are caught put in front of law. and we would make sure that sociopathic false flag practice doers are sued for torture (of sociopathic false flags & battery of ugly requests/and curse shoutings/dehunmanization shoutings) ))
( hey bad people types, dont think you can do commit crimes against humanity crimes and torture(e.g. sociopathic false flag torture) with impunity. )
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