what should I do?
I think that military unit is creating a secret division and did false flag like that. look to the Commander's name is even Benedict. Alike Benedict named actor's role in one Star Trek movie. that commander is creating imho a that movie alike unit. a secret division inside the army imho. e.g. like that hmm . which movie it were. hmm it were. Star Trek in to the Darkness.
I think Benedict coincidence is that coincidence.
and this movie starts with a volcano eruption. and there-> again coincidnece with the movie. this means:
There were oence a caribbeans coincidnece very much time ago. like capricornids coincidence. I once told of buying a steamer than I can create steamed rice /and fish and beans. then I told in same blog or one before blog Lucia literal. then the same day I saw Caribbeans volcanoe eruption. and in the news it were saying also St Lucia island came to help.
i think writing these even is very dangerous since crazy people does crazy things when hearing multiverse things -> e.g. today I read a news of shooting in a Caribbeans event:S its scary/horrific.
i think writing multiverse coincidences is dangerous since craziness prone people might go crazy:S e.g. one time psychics told of some comet and then some cult or so did suicde :S so its very dangerous maybe to share multiverse coincidences since there are thousands many very crazy people everywhere in world :S so I should rather shut my mouth whenever a multiverse incident happens in huge scales. since people go crazy :S like the historical psychics. people tend to go crazy when they see something they cant interpret e.g. multiverse imho. so I think I should rather shut my mouth up instead of talking of multiverse incidents :S
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