hmm I again see slandering attacks to blog and indirectly to me with very very very impossible slander types.  hmm I observed slandering attacks to my blog with very very very impossible slander types last 3 years due to jealousy and there is good & bad people every where, and the bad people type when gets jealous tries to destroy cool people types with slandering. 

really crazy imho bad people types. 

I mean people types whom tries to slander people whom they get jealous of. most possibly multiverse skills is jealousy reason. like historical times humans are good and bad in everywhere and bad ones when they get jealous they try to move to any method to try to destroy the people they get jealous of with resorting to crazy dishonesty like slandering attacks as observed to blog. I observe dishonest slandering attacks to blog with very very very impossible slander types. ah guys I got in to in love were -> last one were a basketball player. one were like scientist etc etc. I mean that slander type is totally insane and impossible. I observe such manipulation attacks to blog recent years as my blog got somehow read more popular, then the defamation attacks started with impossible slander types. Such slander is impossible. guys I dated/or got interested to were all like me. and much better than me actually. hmm one were a scientist first fell int o love platonic. hmm other were basketball player and software engineer. hmm one guy I tried to date were not engineer or so but were like hmm 34 or so  I were like 28 or so, and were just trying to figure out relationship topics. So to clarify, all my life I fell inlove to got interested to such guys e.g. software engineer/basketball player, very intelligent scientist  etc etc. So that is a bullshit slander. I observed such slander attacks to my blog last 3 years with nefarius information manipualtion attacks. some online place nefariusly took my blog paragraphs and always tried to associate with worst slanders with manipulation tactics: I observe such nefarius attacks to my blog randomly last 3 years. I wanted to reinform its a bullshit lie/slander because I mean here my life is all open. and the guys I fell in love to I got interested to. I usually were like when  I dated I liked to date with for instance 190cm guys. once a software engineer whom were like shorter than me wanted to date me I did not wanted to. I mean I were height obsessed I liked guys whom were very intelligent or whom were very cool (e.g. charismatic) and they were like one were soft. engineer/basket player, one were like very intelligent scientist one were like 200cm or so likem and were very charismatic guy etc. so all my life all guys I fall in love to be like this and that slander is a bullshit impossible very very very very very impossible slander type. 

I opbserved such slandering attacks started to my blog 3 years ago with people taking blog paragraphs and putting in slanderous contexts to attempt tomanipulate people to associate very impossibel slander types. 


I observed blatant manipulative enmity to my blog. 

Its just some people are crazy imho. I mean they read this blog and misinterpret in worst impossible meanings meanigns that I couldnt even think. I observed such slander attacks to blog with such maniacal manipulation methodology last 3 years. of taking blog sentences and then trying to associate to very slanderous contexts with putting blog sentences aside slanderous context to do such manipulation to attempt to do slander like that:S

This were initiated by some online medium (not psychic medium type medium as online entity) whom got jealous of my blog being popular. and then they did attempted this smearing blog with impossible slanders methodology randomly like 3 years ago. so there were absloute entmity to my blog and information manipulation attacks to smear with impossible slanders.  I observed severe information manipulation attacks to blog 3 years ago with some severe information manipulation tactics. 

again I saw today slandering blog attack with very very very impossible slander types.   

that is a bullshit slander.  my life is the contrary to that slander I mean I were very shocked when I saw such slander attack to blog cause I mean here my life is open like a book. from first guy I fell in love to to the last guy I fell in love to. I were obsessed with `190cm 200cm guys first of all (since I am short I have had height complex and found it like better to date with tall guys If ever I could date cause I hated being short, I also have complexes have had complexes alot and my biggest complex were being short, so I liked to whenerver I could would always favor to date the tall guys If I could date if guy got interested I mean,  that slander is a bullshit slander very impossible. very very very impossible. is it jealousy to attack aany people with cool blogs to try to attack blogs with impossible slanders? are noncool people types does this? most possibly yes imho. I mean I think that slander attack doer information manipulation doer online entity must be a very uncool people types. I mean this seems like envy/jealousy and then I just cant understand even such mode of mind: I mean I dont slander people so I just cant understand how such minds are. I mean I observed again some information manipulation attack and slandering attack to blog with a very very veyr impossible slander type, that is totally absolutely a lie/impossible slander my life is contrary to that slander. Its an impossible slander type. first guy I ever fell in love to were a very very intelligent scientist and tall alike but platonic love it were. hmm second one were I think some cool software developer some 190cm or 200cm like guy slightly fat and again software engineer. hmm other were like some guy 200cm tall and he were 34 or so we hadnt dated alot since he seemed kind of weirdo he had weirdo talks, so I stopped seeing, hmm other guy I fell in love were like a softwafre engineer & basketball player. these are the peoplke types I get interested to /fall in love to. so that slander type is a very impossible slander type:S

do people like to try to defame popular blogs? is that reason why such defamation attacks sometimes happens to blog? most possibly like that I guess. Because that slander type is bullshit very very very impossible slander type. very very very very impossible its very impossible to my life/my universe. I mean,  here be my life like open book. there is not any even millisecond of my life that is any kind of could ever become related to such slander type:S. I mean: Its really a slander very distant to me/my mind/my universe/my life. its a bullshit lie/slander. why some online manipulation attemtping people try to attempt to defame blogs with impossible slander types? just because I guess they are jealous that they dont have multiverse skills I guess so. I mean I wanted to clarify that that slander type is very impossible. very very very impossible. that online slandering attack to blog is a perfect example of untrue online manipulation attempt/slander attack (and with a very very very impossible slander type these nasty manipulation attempters do attack the blog). very dishonest manipulation attempt/slander attack. that slander type is one very most impossible slander type. its contrary to my life/my universe. E.g. first guy I fell in love were like some guy like super intelligent scientist. other guy I fell in love were like a cool software engineer & at the same time basket player. other guy one guy were like again, aha I remembered another guy: he were like 40ies I were like 25, he were very muscular and he were very intelligent. that be another my platonic loves :D but my friends truied to arrange to make me talk to him :D I mean my friends were so, they were trying to build ingenius methods so that we would talk :D  gosh he were really some very cool guy.  but he were not interested. he were like some kind of engineer like that is not like nerd engineer concept -> he were like very muscular and were very cool looking engineer  --> sooo this be my such guy types I had interested I like to get intgerested. So that be a very very very very impossible slander type.  that is truly a bullshit slander and a very very very impossible slander type.  I observe randomly slandering attacks to blogs with very very very impossible slander types. this be another time I observe again. I wanted to restate thats a very very very very very very very impossible slander type. I observed again slander attack to blog. these attacks happens last 3 years after my blog started to get popular, also defamation attacks started with nefarius information manipulation methods. e.g. they would take a part of blog and then put beside a slanderous context to create incorrect slandereous association type manipulation attacks happent to blog. I observed repetitive information manipulation attacks to blog with very very very very impossible slander types last 3 years randomly. and they do slander attacks with nefarius online manipulation tactics. I have nefarius blog haters that attempts slandering blog with very very very very very very impossible slander types. 

I think its all jealousy. its because I have very cool blog. then its why jealousy based envy based attacks happens to blog. 

not everyone can handle that some poeple have super powers and they dont have. and they try to do handle the jealousy with doing online slandering attacks to blogs of people with super powers imho or maybe I have slightest super intelligence that might be also envy factor root cause. 

I got understood that people usually get very jealous of super intelligent type people. actually I am not super intelligent in various fields. only in maybe creativity/ multiverse talents side and maybe learning fast skill I had (autist savant like learning skills I had) hmm. I do have slower intellignece coming from auitsm e.g. I cant play volleyball or basketball or any sport. or I also in eq wise sometimes not super intelligent. but in learning any science topic I were like savant I were savant like before.  or maybe its coming from being computer engineer, we are trained to learn knowledge generically. I mean since computing engineering platforms constantly update. I mean I had if i had superiontelligence it would be abotu: learning fast science topics skills (e.g. I could read very fast very before, e.g studying 200 pages of calculus in 4 hours, but calculus is kind of easy topicsnot like abstract math topics so easy to read/learn) or else like that i mean being able to very fastly read/learn calculus like easy things. (I am very slow in learning abstract math.  when it comes to Phd math I am very slow learner. )  or in my free times I were developing an ai project that would do invent algebras for particle [physics. so these type of stuff i might be super intelligent. I think these talents created envy in some whom reads blog and then people with no super intelligence sometimes are really very bad. I observed slander attacks to blog with impossible slanders with information manipulation tactics like exemplified. I were traumatized when I observed this. 

I wanted to restate again: that slander type is a very very very very very very very very impossible slander type. :S very very very very very very very incorrect/very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very impossible slander type. 


hmm in my freetimes i were building an ml project that would try to invent new algebras for particle physics and quantum mechanics. but then I paused that project ssince I wanted to continue learning sculpting with specific reasons by then. hmm yepp.

yayyyy I did watched Star Trek now. 



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