guh's mood to slander attacks to blog with impossible/absolutely untrue/very impossible slander types:
(why some online sites do they repeat slandering attacks to blog with impossible/very untrue slander types repeatedly? what is their mental issue ? psychopathic illness? my blog repeatedly observes slandering attacks online. )
(its like as if many people are like crazy far rightist or crazy far leftists in recent times:S)
(really I would turn to communism due to these maniac people types. I start to lose my belief in noncommunist ideologies for their crazy sociopathic behaviours) (maybe I should try to find a job in China if I could) (since they behave not sociopathic)
(I think I lost my faith belief to noncommunist ideologies for their very sociopathic crazy type kind of maniac people types of course noncommunist ideologies also have nonmaniacs that we respect alot such people but they also have very much maniacs. )
lets start being a commy. before i were objecting to it. now seeing the craziness in noncommy online world side, I think I reconsider my ideologies. Lets try to find a job in China and live in noncrazy side of world If I could find a job there.
This sociopathic craziness made me reconsider my faith to ideologies and human speices mental state/mental capabilities to perform rational/logical/universal thought. Its there are really many people with lots of irrational crazy thought patterns online I observe repetitive very maniac sociopathic attacks to blog with very impossible slander types.
I lost my faith in noncommy ideologies because I dont believe in human speices in gauss curve wise mental capacity/intelligence to be sufficient enough for noncommy ideologies. I think its a crazy maniac world full of crazy people types. At least I had not observed crazy maniac people types with sociopathic thought patterns from Chinese people lets see if that side of world is better or not :) I lost my belief to this side. I mean by side, noncommy side. Lets check commy side If I could relocate.:D
Lets see communism :) wishfully i could create my life this time in commy region of world. I definitely absolutely want to relocate to commy side of world If ever I could. since this side is very maniac. I mean not all. but there are lots of maniacs that has some I think to be blunt: genocidal thought patterns.
e.g. thinking very unnice slanders to people not from their race/religion type maniac behaviours which we call as genocidal behavior scala. I observed this behavior pattern on internet repeatedly (from noncommy country people). and then I started to be suspicious of human speices mental capacity at all. maybe communism is better since speices is really not very promising in terms of rational thought/ mental capacity to think rational ideas not to think genocidal ideas. (eg.. thinking ugly & very untrue very impossible slanders to people not from them type behaviour scala)
I really lost my faith in human speices. for their rational/universal thinking capability. and so I dont believe anymore in noncommy ideologies. i mean i lost my faith to any ideology in this side of world. cause there really are many alot of maniacs in world. its nothing related to any country any place its related to speices (human speices). its really not a speice i would trust freedoms to since they use freedoms to do slander attacks with impossible slanders to any person not from them. this is main reason I lost my faith to human speices in overall.
I dont want to be parasite like either. its like I really disgusted from lots of people types in internet. e.g. specifically genocidal thought pattern having ones. e.g. thinking untrue slanders to people not from them type genocidal type people types. they are most disgusting people types imho. it makes one even disgust from human speices to observe such people type.
I lost my faith to human speices.. if aliens existed I woul;d be very happy if they carried me to their planets.
But I also had not experienced online internet world of China. I mean i dont know if they are also like this side's maniac types. but at least, I assume maybe it might be different. mnaybe they are less genocidal thought having people types than the genocidal online experience I oibserved (e.g. slander attacks with very impossible slander types, its i think genocidal behavior, some kind of extreme form of either racism or maybe far rightism or far leftism)
But its not also easy to find job in China.
ts not easy to find job in also other countries also here and other countries. job find process is not any time easy process.
I considered initially today such idea, when I searched most atheist countries in world map seeing China is the most. Then I thought I am also atheist. Then I were wandering thoughts in my mind of ideologies. but seeing again slander attacks to blog with impossible slander types, I decided such decisions :)
Today is a very important day to me. I heard that my dad is healed from cancer illness (it were like in 4th stage). hmm I also bought very religious items, even i dont believe in religions I also believe in religious items nice effects slightly i mean even if i bought it due to another reason (due to multiverse topic not being confused as demonic stuff) I also like religions symbols either. but I also did not any liked having have to buy religious symbols either just to make it understood multiverse is not demonic things. I usually dont like symbols topics alot. or I felt unhappy when I have to bought religious symbols from all religions just to prove the point that its not demonic stuff. I spared a lot time to find the religious items that I find less symbolic. Cause i dont like symbols. I found it unhappy period where I forcedly tried to buy some religious items to prove multiverse topic is not demonic stuff.
maybe its better to live in a side of world where all people are atheist alike me. why not I mean. it seems more logical. considering that I am atheist.
Maybe it were from beginning for me very illogical to live in noncommy countries since I am atheist.
plus I had very unnice observations of people types that are maniac which made me lose faith in humanity. e.g. people types that holds genocidal thoughts to people not from them. its like craziness in severe high degree. there I observed to my blog slander attacks with very impossible slander types. and this is truly disgusting. i disgust from such genocidal people types. I mean people whom think whom are prone to think unnice slanders to people not from them (them being sometimes religion sometimes race sometimes ideology etc) I mean slander thought mode. very disgusting. made me feel disgust to human speices mental capacity. in overall I mean.
I am sorry If I reflect my opinions bluntly. and sorry to people whom might find my opinions rude.
I think maybe living in noncommy side of world were a mistake for me. Whilst working to Huawei, lots of colleagues immigrated to China. I were kind of accustomed to noncommy ideologies so I hadnt even thoght. but now I changed my mind. but its not easy to immigrate to China either :S its not easy to move to all countries either. I mean mvoing and relocating is not any easy process. either finding a job is also very hard.
I mean what the heck i am still doing in noncommy side of world? I am atheist. I think to atheists its better to live in China. second: I observed repetitive false flags from an unknown criminal organization for a very long time (last 7 years). I got very sick of stomach and due to agoraphobia couldnt even go to doctor by then. I mean I really disliked status of noncommy side of world where there is repetitive false flags(bitch slander etc) and also: unrelatedly I observed craziness in online and with very impossible slander types blog observed slander attacks (with very very very impossible slander types). That were what changed my ideologies of losing faith to humanity in overall nor to rational universal thinking capabilities of human speices. (instead speices most is prone to thinking slander thoughts to people not from them (them being either race religion alike). )
Its like when hearing my dad's good news, I thought also now in last hour, what the heck I am doing in this noncommy side of world. trying to protect myself from an unknown criminal organization's repettive false flags by sculpting? dying of stomach illness due to agoraphobia due to sociopathic false flags of unknown criminal organization? what the heck I am doing in this side of world? to die?
is attempting multiverse skills to create protection from false flags of unknown criminal organization: is this logical? I think I lost logic awhile in trauma of last 7 years of observing repetitive false flags. I mean what the heck I am doing in the noncommy side of world?
I think I should start considering relocating to commy side of world: e.g. China. but I dont think relocating to China is easy. I once more tried to find job and failed.
it would be like awesome to live in a country where every most one is atheist like me. but I dont know if i could migrate.
e.g. i very disliked having have to buy religious symbols today to show that multiverse phenomena is not something demonic. I really dislike attaining any symbol of any kind. I found it very unnice experience to have to buy symbols to prove multiverse topic is not a demonic topic.
religious peole have sometimes really crazy ideas imho.
I want to live in a country that is atheists like me my religion: which is atheism.
But its not any easy to migrate to China. firstr of all finding job is super hard. actually this is also same for all countries. finding job is always super hard. but lets with some hope retry next week.
I mean thinking: what the heck I am doing in this side whilst i am atheist. I think China is a better country for atheist people.
I felt some feeling very unnice when havingt have to buy religious symbols just only to prove that multiverse topic is not a demonic topic. I mean having have to buy a symbol and put in my flat just becauise some religious crazy person shared something that included playing with fire title. I think relgiious crazies happens from all religions. look the horrendous persecution Christians have encountered in Pak. also this is unspecific to any religion at all. all religions have crazies. I am not any religious person. so why living in this side of world? why not check life conditions in commy side of world? I really think there is cultural barrier between atheists and nonatheists. I really think the idea of atheists living in atheist country is better. I mean various thoughts religious people think seems illogical/irrational to we atheists most time. why do have such shock of observing irrationality with living in noncommy side of world and reading news of noncommy side?. I dont know about commy side either. but I think maybe its better idea to try to migrate to commy side. since they are also atheists.
I really have lots of shocks of irrationalities I observe from speeches/writings/talks of religious people most time. sorry for bluntly stating that. i am in a flux of shock in last years. of incrtease in irrationalioties in world. of increase of irrationality/lack of logic/incorrectness. there is a huge surge in irrationality./lack of logic and incorrectness imho.
I just think simply, I think being atheist, China might be better country for atheist people.
plus I started to diagnose some insanity happening in this noncommy side of world. some reducing of logic/rational thought.
I think I am living in wrong side of the world thinking I am atheist. I think for religious people the reverse might be true or not. I dont know. but I think for we atheists maybe China is the country to live?
cause this noncommy side of world seems crazier day by day. I mean not this country but entire noncommy side. as if there is mental sickness happening to this side of noncommy side of world. is my opinion. there is surge in irrational/incorrect thoughts. I have no capability to analyze why either. I mean I dont have the humanities science knowledge to understand this unrest/crazinesas happening in the noncommy side of world. but there is sure some mental craze happening imho in this side of world (noncommy side). its my opinion. of course my opinion might not be correct I mean maybe I interpret like that due to specific life conditions e.g. being targeted by an unknown criminal organization and repetitive false flagfs might be reason why I hold negative opinion to the noncommy side of world. I mean opinions being shaped by last 7 years my life experience of observing repetitive false flags with very idiotic bitch slanders. its just so crazy imho. idiocracy/craziness imho at high degrees this unknown criminal organization's repetitive false flags. Due to such experiences, I think I had built a negative opinion on noncommy side of world. does it matter how we setup opinions? I mean everyone has seome specific life that setups specific opinions that is bound to life experiences. and among my life experience, I had setup such opinions.
But the thing is: ---> its not any easy to find a job in another country,. its always very hard to find a job ina new country. e.g. it were also hard to find job here. or also inside the country its also always hard to find a new job.
so I think I should revert back to logic instead of trying to stop the unknown criminal organization's false flags with switching to multiverse logic. its not logical approach. life time is valuable. why waste like that? I mean why I waste my life time with trauma? e.g. with trying to learn multiverse skills so that to protect from false flags. why this pain suffering? I mean If I as an atheist being targeted by unknown criminal orgnziations, why not move to a country whcih is atheists like me.? Maybe the unknown criminal organization dont have power there to do false flags? lets try at least right? instead of moving to illogical approaches like trying to stop false flags with multiverse skills? is this logical? definitely not. Maybe there is another side of world where atheists are not targeted by unknown criminal organizations' repetitive false flags sociopathy. so lets try at least right? instead of switching to illogical paths like trying to stop unknown criminal organization's false flags via multiverse skills, lets try at least -> try migrating to a commy country and lets experience life there right?
but the thing is migrating to China is super hard. first of all in all countries its very hard to find job and also its as I know very hard to migrate to China. but lets try. I disliked noncommy side of world's current situaiton. its like mentally sick this noncommy side of world became. is my opinion. logic/ragtionality day by day being reduced. its like mental sickness thought patterns becoming the main common. is my opinion. of course only opinion. and you know opinions are related to life experiences and idiosyncratic.
Why the heck being an atheist, why the heck I dont live in a country whose religion is atheism :) a good idea imho :) lets try to accomplish this idea but I think it would be not easy to migrate to China. and beside its always super hard to find a new job. but lets try this life path. yepp :)
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