( I really think to be a correct human being comes from decent brain architecture and I really started to think some races have issues. but i would never mention which races. Its I observed this mental issues in multiple races as we all are like anthropologists due to www we observe thinking processes of various races and imho some races really are problematic severely due to their incorrect thought patterns. but not to be racist would never tell which races. but its like really imho racial brain circuitory architecture issue. and i observed this issue multiple races. its because www made all we people anthropologists to see how people from various races think /thought processes is/are. and imho some races are really problematic. some like as if I dont know what to say. some kind of absence of thinking thought capability and some incorrect thought patterns. really problematic imho. one wonders the degree of effect of sociology and culture in creating such errors in brain architecture.
from my readings, brain architecture is initially just only the connectivity is templated i mean connectivity regions. most thinking capability comes from actually sopciology culture layers. i mean of various ontologies there brain being the lowest layer and psychology being upper layer and sociology and cultural processes being higher layers.
to correctly analyze this issue requires some more expertise in imho sociology and anthropology topics. i believe but there is also some possible root cause in brain architecture circuitory imho. I mean why such need to think slanderous thoughts against people not from them. this is really weird curiosity creating anthroploogical topic imho. why these race member A for instance, an online medium sample, thinks to likes to hold slanderous thoughts about people not from his/her group (group being race/religion or etc).
This is actually really interesting anthropological topic. there is regressive anthropolgoical status in some races imho and reason is very curiosity topic to all anthropologists out there imho. and I think no anthropologists would ever use racial designations to not be racist either in this subject either imho.
There is some kind of interaction between culture/sociology/anthropological processes that results in such regressive type brain framework and information frameworks inside mind which are incorrectly working. curious topic.
I think it all roots down to metaphyiscal topics and ego/super ego and such topics conflicts. but maybe one would need much more higher sample size of these erronous minds to deduce why they have incorrect brain frameworks? (that is prone to think slanderous thoughts against people not from their group (group being race or religion or etc) )
This needs some really interesting study. e.g. these people types also have hubris associated to their relative condition whilst they are actually regressive in anthropological domain. I mean such samples from several races which attains this erronous thought processes and have incorrect invalid brain architecture. (what I call as invalid brain architecture --> brain type which is prone to think slanderous thoughts against people not from his/her race or religion ) (I saw in online such people ty[pes from various races and or religions) (they have imho imvalid brain frameworks. but how they came up to have such invalid brain frameworks in the process? what is cause of their regressive situation in terms of anthropolgoy domain? completely unknown. )
I think there must be some anthropological root cause for such invalid brain framework.
but exactly how? I think this is also related to neuroscience papers one always very likes reading when has free time to read neuroscience papers to understand this amazing and sometimes awful (eg.. people with invalid brain frameworks as mentioned in above blog) stuff thinking device called brain.
i think psychology must also be an important factor to create people types with invalid brain framework. I think this need to devalue people not from their group (group being race or religion or alike) (yes I seen this behavbiour on online from various races religions) is really regressive behaviour in terms of anthropology domain.
One could not setup isomorphisms to modern sapiens behaviour (in between lets do tribute to savage human definition author Levi it were right? ) in these invalid framework types. I mean even modern human behaviour is deemed savage, its actually in there meaning isomorphisms to historical tribal versions of humanity and but-> this topic I mention is really not easy to wrap in this tribal human behaviour modern human behaviour concepts. I mean it does not fit to these definitions I mean its really out of bounds of modern or tribal human behaviour. This is maybe a psychology topic. and some absence of high iq maybe. and some culture/sociological environment that somehow enforces such mindset of high group mind mentality which results in an amalgam of psyhological layers being merged to group mind mentality hmm if we think in terms of software architecture, group mind is very connected very easy to connect type mind. hmm. then in this nonindividualistic software module, it is in search for some self appreciation maybe or some ego/super ego/id topics/struggles that tries to fit in to this new modern individualistic era with coming from side culture of group minded culture
I now understood why such people turn out having such invalid frameworks.
Maybe I think wrong: but I think --> this is related to the abrupt change of socieiteis/cultures to a more individualistic culture in current era. maybe a century ago, it were like very group minded. and some races or some religions or lack of relgiions still attain this partial group mindedness hive needs. mayvbe some being a part of whole need. then-> the century is abruptly changing. e.g. there is constant group mindedness and turn to individualismn constantly emerging and remerging/constant changes in these ontology layers of network connectivity of mind. This might be like a chaos for some races which were like having more group mindedness before.
This need to be a part of a whole: why its so much high in some races/religions. I just wonder if there is some biological basis on such instinct of being part of whole instinct. hmm it could be also some races myelin structures might be effectring their somehow instincts e.g. being part of a whole instinct. in some other races it might be learnt from environment. I mean I am trying to decipher group mindedness.
dont look to title of individualistic. there are really races out there which considers itself individualistic whilst not actually and in internal chaos during this century where constant emergence of contraries happens. e.g. group mind/indvidualism.
why I am talking of group mind? because -> this being prone to think slanderous things for people not from group (group being either race or religion or like) is very directly related to group mind behaviour.
its a network connected mind behaviour to proceed with some shared network connection and even id/ego/super ego disolves in the shared essence of group mind imho. and take such people and put to this century --> would be in chaos. this transformation/this dynamism is the root cause of chaos and why some people of some races has severely invalid brain frameworks imho.
its my opinion.
that this dynamism some minds cant handle :) I mean constant changes in how mind functioning is.
thereby what could that id/ego/super ego could do in that chaos? :D I mean :D --> think of a constantly changing environment => from one mode where ego/id/super ego is immersed inside a shared connected mind mode then century changes things change and its now more cool to be individualistic (in some continents not all ) then this change of id/ego/super ego placement to a more individualistic network connection type might create some really chaos internal shock in some minds. and those minds like to handle their internal chaos with imho doing insane things absoltuely insane things --> e.g. thinking or being prone to think slanderous thoughts to people not from their race or religion or like.
so i dont think the basic ontology layer of circuit architecture is very divergent with respect to people with valid brain circuitory. Its most possibly because of dramatic changes happening in this century of which network mode of mind is the cool mind mode :D I mean constant emergence remergence of either individualistic network mode or very networked connectivigty mode of minds conceptually saying (its not meaning software wise not to be misunderstood, I am talking of psychology/sociology/anthropology layers not software systems any I just do metaphors to software not any related to software other wise) might be too mcuh for some minds.
I believe its some issue of like prime directive. currently in current www woirld which social changes happens abruptly but not actually changing the underlying anthorpolgy culture framework troughly means some degree of chaos.
What i mean is: there is no more prime directives in this www world. I mean prime directives in culture transfer. e.g. individualistic culture. I mean e.g. one culture might be not ready to become individualistic very much. but then comes a wave of individualism popularity from www then it starts to emerge create new basis or alter basis of culture/anthropology layers in the perceiveing culture. right? then --> this is the dynamism change is the root cause of emergence. and new individu-group mind concepts emerge. but in all these changes/chaos, the individual that which finds abrupt changes in surrounding universe in terms of culture/sociology finds creates an inherent chaos that is most possibly even unaware of either. That chaos that has no definite voice inside the mind, of these high rate of change of modes of mind (group minded versus individualistic mindedness) in this new century, might create some maniacal insane behaviour outputs --> e.g. thinking slanderous thoughts to races or religions not from their group , group being race or religion or etc.
I think the rate of change of mind modes in this recent centuries the dramatic change of emergence of new mind modes in terms of in scope of group mindedness (network minded structure) and indvidualism, is main root cause of various insane behaviour types.
though it would be always a mystery if there is something related to -> hmm maybe --> I once read an anthropological study that even societies eating habits might effect the psychology of societies. ---> maybe there might be one slightest also some such thing like I am just theorizing now : maybe the instinct to be a part of a whole, this instinct might be increased somehow due to some diet practices among societies. and this might even increase happenstance of such chaos. of the very dynamically changing recent last 50 years.
Its all curious to me: how people could be such bad? that much bad e.g. to think slanderous thoughts about people not from their race or religion behaviour? I saw this behaviour in various races/religions on online. (as www made every member of world to become anthropologist amateur alike :D ) It were mystery to me that I became very curious of. I initially suspected whether some brain framework circuitrry change is reason. Now I understand its not like that. I understand that its the last 50 years where waves of variouys cultural popular culture topics and emergence of networked or individualistic dynamics and some poeple can not handle this much dynamism of this last 50 years.
its like prime directive violation imho. that world became globalistic, does not mean cultures are adaptive to these changes. I mean changes in networked mind mode. I mean globalism kind of breaks prime directives very abruptly. and this creates some unrest in minds in people not being able to adapt to change of networking structure of minds. I mean e.g. dramatic changes from group mindedness to individualism or vice versa either, constant cvhanges/emergences of either mind structure (networked/individualist) this dynamism is too much.
could we think of hmm capitalism's increasing rate of change has any effect in this? First of all capitalism has reduced poorness in world in global. but if there were no capitalism would also dramatic changes would happen such frequently? I dont think so. So capitalism is good in the aspect that it changes world/makes less poorness.
so but ; now not talking of capitalism and coming back to group mind(network mind) indivdiualistic mind discussion:
Though the culture/anthropologic/sociologic frameworks are not keeping up very well sometimes this dynamic world imho. and this emergence/remergence and changes of network structure of mind is I think not happening quite good. or prime directive is invalidated in various cases.
Take for instance, under the modern cover, some people typoes showcase severe group mindedness most tribalistic version. e.g. --> needs some enmity/hatred feelings. why? --> internal chaos --> why? not adapting well to the dynamism of networked/unnetworked mind changes incurrent times imho.
and this is I think various prime directive invalidations happening in globe. the effect of outside cultures dont necessarily mean change of culture. it might be only on surface. or other ontology layers. but at the same time, the chaos is what is the thing that is very bold in this centuries of people types whom can not handle adapt to dynamism of these centuries. then they sometimes handle this chaos with reverting back to group mind/network mind habits which is : wanting to think outside of group concept as and desire to associate bad traits to outside of group. (e.g. thinking slanders to people not from their group, group being race or religion alike )
this is maybe some you know there is Dunbar number concept coming even from chimpanzees. the first time the group hierarchies/group structure started to happen in early hominids and even ancestors of early hominids, there started to happen groups. E.g. even bonobos have groups with dominant group leaders either :D I read one funny sociology article about bonobos veins inflammation rate regarding to their status in their groups. eg. the dominant bonobo would have less chance of getting sick from vein diseases whilst the lower status would due to over stress would have more chances of developing vein diseases. were it bonobo or chimpanzee I dont remember, I think I read this 10 years ago like, this article.
but what I mean is: creating some group structure is something very early even exists in bonobos. even hominids very ancestors had it/some type of invented group structures.
Would it be also possible that: this motives for group mindedness is somehow existing in template of frameworks of human mind?
if that were the case, then it might be really also circuitory framework wise topics.
but I think its very probable that its rather some change reaction and not related to templates(to be less racist). e.g. emergence remergence of new network mind mode and emergence of individualism and some existentialist chaos unexperienced before these abrupt dynamic changes is the cause of chaos inside minds/unrest inside minds.
And globalism also sometimes reflects wrong reflections like it shows a global world but actually cultural anthropological wise not that global world if you go to www. I mean: I think this fast globalism is somehow violating the prime directives in terms of providing so much change that is creating chaos inside cultures that are not adaptable to changes of network mode of mind -->e.g. fuklly networked mind versus single mind (individualistic).
I think now I had myself answered my query. why there is so much unrest in this era? because change is so fast in this era imho is the answer imho. I mean change of group mindedness. emergence remergence in maximum level of sociological mechanisms/constructs/ remeergence of group mind/popularization of individualism/ then remergence popularization of group mind vice versa. this chaos is not an easy chaos to everyone maybe. and I believe people we consider as both stupid and hubris having maniacs that are showing insane behavior of -< ones whom likes to think slanderous thoughts about people not from their group group being race or religion or alike. this insane behaviour's root cause imho is this chaos I think. there is a chaos in minds of such people imho. i mean people types whom likes to think slanderous thoughts against people not from their race or religion type insanity showing people types,
I think its all because eventually related to capitalism pushing globalism but that being good change being good but at the same time not everyone could handle this dynamic changes in anthropoilogical/cultural/sociological layers and creates an inherent chaos /anger in people's inner mind which reflects/projects itself with some insane behaviours e.g. most insane behavior being --> thinking untrue slanders to people not from their race or religion behaviour. this is pure insane mode of mind in terms of anthropological comparisons of recent rationality level human mind adhered to. This reverting back to insanity is because of chaos imho. of internal chaos imho. is my opinion.
yayyy I now deciphered why bad people in overall globe are bad (bad people people types whom likes to think slander thoughts to people not from their races/religions) Its all because of capitalism just increaing frequency of sociological layer emergences cultural changes in such higher ontology layers then that resulting a internal chaos in the lowest ontology layer which is brain. Brain adapts to the inconstant changes in sociology/cultural layer in this constant waves of cultures all around world creates some kindof such insanity imho. every insanity is always related to chaos I think. and I think the chaos of this type insanity (insanity of thinking slanderous thoughts to poeple not from their race or religion) is due to this chaos.
could anyone claim that globalism is bad, no, change is good. but dont trust to globalism that much i mean. I mean the cultural anthropological sociological layer changes might be on the surface but not very much. I mean also change means chaos to some. and that reflects itself with reverting back to some insanity mode imho. insanity of: thinking untrue slanders to people not from their groups (group being sometuiems races sometimes religions) I saw this in various peiople in various races of such mindset.
It were like a mystery to me. why there is such insanity in this era where we wished to see rationality's dominance. instead of insanity right?
I think reason of this why this I observed more in west side is because east side did not globalize so is inherently protected from chaos.
but i dont say change is bad and chaos happens.
now that I understood why some peopkle types i saw in western or eastern world seems insane with insane thoughts (e.g. thinking untrue slanders to peopkle not from their race or religion)
It is the CHAOS! :D
I mean its the various ontology layers observing abrupt changes in terms of sociological topics or culture e.g. networked mind and idnivdicualism emergence/remergence/constant change.
Now that this mystery is clear. Cause I really were very curious why irrationality started to become popular in this new era. now reason is clear. because of frequent changes and globalism, there happens to exist chaos in some.
This wereone topic I wer every curious to understand. how after a century of rationalism emergence and dominance, then this insane period happent in this global world?
why did insane thoughts started to become popular? or insane thoughts patterns of mind? I saw this insane behaviour in vairous races and religions --> to think slander thoughts against people not from their race or religion.
one after 1950s after 1960s after 1940s would had assumed that rationalism has had taken over world/ positive thought etc etc.
then looking to current world it felt like world regressed to insanity to me initially.
now I understood. its becauise olf globalism and capability to consume change as a culture/as anthropology layer as sociology layer and there, some inherent addition of chaos to lowest ontology layer whihc is brain. sop this chaos reflects itself with insanity-> e.g. thinking slander thougths to people not from their group (group being race or religion or etc) I saw this behaviour in various races/religions on online.
This were one topic I were really severely curious to. why did worlds many races started to behave like /think crazy? as if it started to lose rationalism/humanism trait it gathered in last century?
now the insanity reason is clear. its globalism's induced chaos in lowest ontology layer which is individual mind/brain.
not saying globalism is bad. no, change is good. its the source of invention even new cultures emerges. but what i mean it does not come without cost. cost is some people cant adapt this frequent changes in higher ontology layers of sociology/anthropolgoy/cultural layers and develop an internal unvoiced unrest/chaos inside that then is projected to people outside the group. group means either race or religion. I saw this behaviour in online in various races/religions that I became near to racist. but now i understand afgter these blog paragraphs its not related to race either. its due to these sociological mechanismtics developing a new form of chaos/unrest and somekind of not directly known even by the individual having such chaos imho. and that projects itself with various insane behaviors: e.g. thinking slanderous thoughts against people not from their group. group be race or religion. (and to restate 100th times, I saw this insane behaviour in various races/religions and I saw in global world which is www so its not specific to some set of races but saw this alot in various races. of such insane thoughts insanity and reduction of rational thought. then I understood this is one space where its such projection of chaos is frequently handled. I mean people usually by then process such chaos with insane thoughts to resolve chaos maniacally. e.g. with insanity of thinking slander thoughts to people not from their race or religions. I was on edge of becoming a silent racist for setting up unnice thoughts against races which I saw suhc insane behaviour on online, but then I now understood its something not race related.
If it were race related: i would theorize that some races have more talent to adapt to change (in terms of neural circuitory )and develop less chaos and some races are like more marble minded I mean rigid less adaptable to this dybnamism of globalism's effects like sociology/cultuyral anthgropological layer changes frequently : e.g. emergence and reemergence aqnd diminishing of group mind mode or individualistic mind more and when this very frequently happens (abrupt changes in cultural/sociology ontology layers) and that it create huge chaos inside unknowingly and projecting it very insanely with very most insane bvehaviour of: thinking untrue slander thoughts to people that are not from their group. group being either race or religion. I saw this insane behaviour from various races in online. I were in edge of becoming racist. as in the start of paragraph you see how i close i start to become racist. but then during the analysis the deciphering this insanie mode of mind's mechanistics, I understood its not ralted to race (most possibly :) not sure🤔 ) ))
( I dont know if i like globalism or not:D. i like it and I also dislike it also since it very violated prime directive and created new chaoses in cultural/sociological layers imho but also at the same time change is good either. --> what I dislike of it is actually: just is kind of con in the sense, it reflects as if world is global whilst its not :D wrong advertisement of world imho:D that i disliked. it shows as if world is standard of at least thinking device capability/framework and then seeing insanity in severe degrees in online shows brain framework is not standard :D I mean :D its just false advertisement of world imho to say its global :D because we are in mid of insanity era of world imho :D I observe frequenty insane behaviours on online like world started to lose its rationalism/humanitariasm traits :D I mean I would not expected this to be like this --> e.g. there exists really people types that likes to think slandrous thoughts against people not from their race or religion. this is unbelievable to have existence of such framnework type in this new century. after 20th century's rationalism/positive thought then what come back to pre-rationalism and insane times thought modes :D I were really severely curious about why this insanity in thiscentury happens. of emergence of people types whom likes to think slanderous thoughts agains tpeople not from their race or religion. then I understood its not related to race but its something related to internal chaos /psychology ontology layer but being also related to sociology/cultural ontology layers. and those changes in network structured mind mode and individualism creating emergence/remergence /dimishing/again emerging modes of group mindedness/individual mindedness is all too much for some and those some project that chaos with insanity in worst form: of thinking slanderous untrue thoughts against people not from his/her race/religion.
I now deciphered how this insane behaviour's mechanistics is. its both related to all ontology layers. cultural/sociological/psyhocology and lowest ontology layer beiung mind/brain.
yepppp feeling great since I deciphered/solved onie query I wondered. e.g. undecipherable level bad people I deem as such people -> I mean people types whom likes to think untrue slanderous thoughts against people not from their race or religion. I now know the mechanistics of this.
yayyy I feel awesome since I found answer to one query I wondered since Its were not possible to even understand such badness/insanity I observed online in www. of such people types with slanderous thoughts to poeple not from their race or religion. It were quite mysterious/but now its clear. I understood why such people are insane behaving after a century of rationalkism.
It were just so unbelievable to me to see such rising of freq1uency of insanity in online www www actually depicts a sample of world situation actually, now I deciphered this insanity's sociological/anthropological mechanism imho. I believe I really understood how rationality is on lessening trend in the century currently and how insanity is increasing in globe over all.
yeppp I think this were one query I really wondered. how such bad people can be this much bad. I mean INSANITY. Now I deciphered the cartesian wise mechanism of how insanity is becoming more frequent in current century. yeppp.
(???? why the heck insanity become frequent in current century ???? )
(analysis of is above paragraphs yepp. )
now the tributes/thanks part of analysis:
(funny self promoting end of blog --> :D guh congratulates guh for her sociological analysis yepp :D funny style to end todays blog :D )
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