If I have time I could build some gravity meter as I saw there exists some arduino stuff. e.g. I can create a tube and drop somethign as some gravity meter demo I wathced now and have sensors attatched at high end and low end. and then also some movement mechanism to carry it upwards routinely and drop a thing and recarry to high end again and taking these measurements continously. hmm this could be even be a small measurement thing with a colorful metal and then sensors so that i can place it lots of places around.
other wise I saw other gravity meters which were like density meters. but they seem expensive usually but i saw some arduinoe density measurement tool that might be less expensive might use that to monitor gravity change either since it wuld effect density in that case also.
e.g my theory how mop falls is somehow: somehow even these basic forces got effected during flux of multiverse changes.
lets now measure the magnetism measurements again since its right now having detected multiverse change moment
hmm I hadnt seen abrupt changes.
hmm but i think one needs to setup some more accurate measurement tools maybe with arduino board/ circuits tools alike.
wov is this a dream or a simulation :)
is some aliens monitoring my mind and creating coincidences to my universe in my flat?
hmm so i live in a flux of multiverse changes so :
this topic makes me like: wov
I mean since:
" my life is in a flux of multiverse changes constantly visibly wov."
I just need to create accurate measruremnt tools to measuyre imho
is this really a simulation actually :D makes one ask such queries such observation of such phenomena
I remember the incident of now: ---> for after seeing today's mop falling:
in one other incident I watched a movie and in movie things were falling. and then came home and then in later some thing fall in home in ceiling floor by then
I by then had not understood but i think its multiverse changes.
wov universe probabilities constantly change according to thoughts I think. wov. its amazing. wov.
i need measure the universe phasing side effects if ever high accuracy wise measurable.
I think one most significant incident is spider incident imho.
cause I scared of the spider with many legs shape that happent when doing patterns and I found it scary to see such spider. then I flattened the shapes and continued doing other shapes. then in morning there were a spider with many legs more than 8 legs in entrry room's wall. e.g. some legs were thicker and some were like hairs thinner. and many legged spider (mnore than 8 legs) I think this were the most significant multiverse change icnident last days imho. were very significant evidence to me of this phenomena imho.
wov its amazing :)
universe gets changed according to thoughts I think
but not much change either. I mean probability wise only slighgtest probability change happens.
but still very amazing imho :)
its like being 0.1% prophet alike. maybe prophets were people with much more of this power like 1000times more of this power. :)
of course I am not any prophet :) I mean I dont have any religion :)
or else I am interpreting coincidences wrongly and its just coincidences. I dont know.
or else there is some aliens and or people doing this universe editing :) I dont know if its happening naturallty with thouughts thought or is it something like some aliens or people editing my universe to creating coincidences :)
Lots of Cheers to universe editors then :) hello from blog : )hello cheers aliens or people whom edit my unvierse somehow with tech I have no idea how is :) lots of cheers from my universe space time place :) 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
Cheers! :)
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