its so happy! :)  ( I mean group theory studying in rest times :) ) (since writing studying on paper is very fun :D  and topic is also interesting I mean this book tells group theory not so slow nor very paced. one does either not get bored nor be overwhelmed whilst studying to this phd book I liked this book among group theory books I seen though I dont have lots of group theory books yet actually only 2 and one printed thesis like pdf alike. this phd book is best.  )  

group theory phd study goes very good with such musics ->  

(2) STARLESS SKY - Best Of Epic Music Mix | Powerful Beautiful Orchestral Music | Twelve Titans Music - YouTube

(title is weirdo though imho.  but unlike title, songs are awesome imho in this compilation wov.) (and animation is very cool animation arts imho )

studying some msc/phd topics with orchestral music is so fun imho :D and funny also :D :D:D:D:D:ayyy so funny :D  (definitely motivational to do study :D and by that so funny it becomes :D ) 

(I think we autists like music alot maybe some music whilst studying helps adhd add like stuff maybe who knows :D  I think music helps ADHD or ADD whatsoever :D)  

and partially momentarily the ballee continues in my mind random careography dance scenes of modern dance balee :D (at moments) (since I am listening orchestral music ) (for art sided people i think such feature comes in default. I mean thinking of ballee animations or modern dance animation of clays or ballets when listening to orchestral music :D )  ( I dont think I am the only one in whose minds careography / ballet scenes goes when listening to orchestral music :D I guess everyone into arts (e.g. drawing/sculpting) must be also having this feature )  (you know, actually my initial drawings when I started to try to learn drawing were always ballets/dance :D )  ( Maybe its specific to me :D this liking dance animation careography rendering in  mind topic and finding it interesting of materialization of existence reflection somehow. I mean like matter exists. sculpture careography doing sculpture exists :) I mean its like a cheer of joy of reflection of existence of 3d existence and articulation of 3d space with aesthethical existence form of balleet dance sometimes very strongly marching on ground and sometime slower movement looks/gesture of sculpture clay. ay caregoraphy of sculpture ballet is so fun. rendering 3d existence in mind is so fun imho. and its somehow related to cheer of existence. reflection of cheer of existence imho. of 3d existence i mean :) ) 

( i think for art sided people there is some euphoria in rendering 3d animations in mind. I mean some cheer of electrification of neurons to create matter of 3d dimensions and to articulate with dance give soul give life reflect very strong existence all in mind :D i think sculpting interested people would understand this euphoria of 3d renderer in mind. I mean e.g. to give volume existence to an arm movement to a turn in careography :D every volume created in mind is a cheer of creation joy.also cheer of existence and creation joy :D )  (I had not yet learnt sculpting or drawing well. but still learning :) but I think this euphoria of rendering things in mind in 3d and articulating them is something must art sided people share I guess so. the cheer of electrification of neurons in mind :D of creation. ofgiving soul.  giving existence to volume /that is articulated built. its just euphoric. arts is euphoric stuff imho. I mean when yuou do arts with music it becomes euphoric imho :D I think art sided people would understand this :D of cheer of creation :D cheer of giving soul :D to an articulated frame in mind. :D 

its pure matter. even virtual I mean not solid matter but matter of mind. I mean creating shaping the volume with matter in mind :D and creating careography e.g. strongly marcvhing to ground in mind like shouting the existence of the matter of mind and reflecting the cheer of creation and cheer of existence :D 

every strong getting to ground from a dance sprint is defining the echoes of existence and sometimes its silent and lesser loud existence like such moments in ballee but sometimes its other. its all a reflection of existence and cheer of existence or modes of existence aligned with music's current notes/melody 

Sometimes its like turning many round 360degrees and stopping aesthethically. and then moving to another careographic frame of another dance frame/sprint/movement. sometimes the dancer loudly sings the songs of the orchestral music with all sound and sometimes walks very thin on air fastly  and but the constant of dance theme of dance is cheer/joy of existence/life. the reflection of existence the reflection of 3d existence and articulating the 3d volume with dance etc.  the common existent themne of joy of existence and also aesthethics. 


I do think everyone into arts has such 3d renderer in mind where they do also ballee :D (e.g. with ballets or clay sculptures or so :D  I mean dance careography of sculpture :D ) Its always most cheerful to create imho :D 

I wish I had coder friends (not from work so that I could ask such nonwork query)  whom I could ask whether such 3d renderer they have or not in mind.  :D i wonder if this is only unique to art sideds or is it common in all people? I mean careography doing sculpture or ballet (this time a fantastical entity :)  before it were women ballet. )  in mind when there is orchestral music?  I mean fun of creating careography of dance in mind? is it unique to art sided people or does this exist in all people such feature of careography creating in mind? One topic I wondered. I wisgh I had some coder friend I could ask this to. I really wonder if this is something common in all people or solely in art sided people?   Maybe all people has such feature who knows. I had not asked anyone so I dont know. 


hmm in my mind a clay sculpture is telling hey we are dancing in the dance of life the dance of existence! (We are building the projects. nice that you started to cheer  and smiles with making it all happy ballee. I told you sculpture says! I told you tried to show you there is enough time to build projects! Nice that you also started to get the meaning of the dance!  the dance of existence/life! :)  ) 

  (says the dancing sculpture (fantastic entity) with some careography :D) 


cheer of creation is infinite imho:D . and cheer of iterating in projects also since thats also a creation type :D  and knowing that we would build quantum computers and build solutions to make it easy to make life duration of infinite duration. we would even build solutions to transfer our consciousness to more other noncarbon materials based designs :D or similar :D  we would build first how to have infinite life task/quest :D yayyy :D  so much fun &cheerful  :D  yayyy :D ) 



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