meanwhile a news platform is doing attempting defamation attacks to this atheist person with using young literal whilst I once mentioned when we were young (at our 28 age) we liked to go to parties at reina (w.g. with my friends alike me, e.g. psycholog or other professions e.g. soft engineer etc like me io mean people with good careers alike, whom also liked to go to reina by then at some weekends. being at 28s with my such friends at 28s alike. I think most of the time my friedns would invite me when they went to partying. I wiyld happily go since I liked loud music very much.) 

I just cant understand the obsession to attempt to defamate my blog with such impossible defamation type. with taking that young literal which designated being 28 (being 28 is our young times. I mean since we are now middle aged. it were like befing before 30 and after 24 is called young times of life to we engineers) ( and i saw obsession to attempt to pick that young literal and put it in very impossible slanderous contexts with very impossible slander types to attempt to defame with very impossible slanders :S )  I think this is like being Jewish among blog world. I mean scapegoating attitude with impossible slanders that does not any belong to my life any  as my life is very visible I blog my life and you can ask my life from my all friends I ever talked to ever once in my life and they would also say same things as I said. I mean such slander attacks to my blog is insane and untrue and obsessive to attempt to defame with impossible slanders. one can not understand this obsession to attempt to defame my blog with such imposisble and very nasty slander type by that people whom do information manipulation attacks to my blog.  I just saw this young literal being taken form my blog paragraph and repetitively used in doing defamation attacks to blog with very impossible slanderous context :S its such an impossible slander type. that young meant--> our 28age of our life. since we are now middle aged, young times of our lives refers to being 28. but psychopathic type blog readers took that young literal from blog and put to inappropriate im[possible contexcts to do information manipulation/defamation attacks to blog with such very impossible slander type :S I just wanted to say that this is not any ok. and I think I am the Jewish of the blog world :S I mean attempted to be scapegoated with impossible &* untrue slanders. I see such obsessive information manipulation defamation attacks to my blog very times and I just dont understand this irrational hatred and defamation goals. this is not understandable. kind of genocidal hatred to my blog  to attempt to defamte with worst slander types imho. I  feel like the Jewish of the blogging world :S always seeing defamation attacks with impossible slanders to blog recent last 3 years alike. 

and I do not understand why some people attemtp also such attitude to my blog with obsession to do impossible type slandering attacks to my blog.

I think I am Jewish of blogger world :S I mean tried to be scape goated with impossible very untrue slanders. 


anyway. lets come to context instead of unrelated contexts ---> 

 I just think there is genocidal things attempted to Jewish people at that region of world and very strongly angry against.

Meanwhile, I just again wanted to say, my anger for seeing real genocidal attitude to Jewish people in that region. :S I saw leftist people even thinking supporting other sides. I wanted to say we even not Jewish are by Jewish people sides. they doint need to worry from genocide any time since there exists a huge population in world that would be very angry to genocide and protect from.

I just also written then deleted my ideas: I think also that in that region there is really genocidal attitude to Israelities. :S and it makes one blood's boil. I mean I read leftist people comments and very disliked:S its I think leftists are kind of severe violent minded :S 

I just think that Iran has a genocidal agenda there to Israel. From what I read what I seen. and this makes one blood's boild with anger. cause I mean every civilization has right to exist. Israelities are very surrounded by hatred imho in that region and its horrific. I just wanted to say that: we rest people of world, would never let holocaust ever happen again :S as I read a news where some person from there very rightfully told that terrorists as a genocidal terrorist organization, we totally 100% agree we people from other countries. cause visibly they have an agenda of terrorizing Israelities in there and not give life chance to them at that region of world. and visibly this is also most possibly coordinated by Iran. Since they blatantly voice their such genocidal agendas. 

I just wanted to say that, we rest of world, do not any be blind sight having to this genocidal level terror attempted to Israelities there and we just wish to say that wishfully world would understand that this is not a simple terrorism. this is a terrorism most possibly articulated byt countries that have genocidal agenbda to Israel there. 

Its visible that the country might be Iran because its visiblke that they swish to disrupt friendship between Saudi Arabia and Israel which means peace/stability to that region, which means peace to Palestianian issue. but seems as Iran is happy of disruption of it since they totally have an absoltute resolute genocidal agenda against Israilities there which they voice themselves.

I never have any bad attitude to any religion fraction or country, until it tries to commit genocide. 

What I see is Iran is articulating fractions to attempt to do ethnic cleansing there to leave no country to Israelities. it boils one blood to see such genocidal agenda remembering the people whom confronted before such genocidal things a century ago. 

I had no opinions of middle east countries after I read opinions reactions to such a cold blooded murders in vast schewme in that region.  I in that 5 mintuies, understood that Iran has genocidal agenda to Israelities and is supporting the Hamas terrorist organizaiton.

I believe Hamas is not about Palestinian rights but about being tool of Iran and genocidal agenda to Israel country there. 

 I think its time to remove genocidal atittudes ofg relgiions in world wide:S

I think muslims of course should support miuslims lviing in Palesitine its understandable that saame religion people support same religion or even other relgiions either. but its not ok to support genocidal agendas to other religiins civilizatiopns living in same region. 

I mean I think muslims should become more aware of Iran's voiced genocidal agenda against Israel country. I mean world should be more conscious of this blatant genocidal goals. 

I when read the UN talk of the Israelian guy there I said we 100% agree. we 100% agree that that terroristsof Hamas are a genocidal terorrist organization.  (and most possibly articulated by Iran because its timingly intersting that this happens when Saudis and Israelities are trying to be friends so that peace happens in that region and wars ends etc).

No relgiion has no right to do any genocidal agenda to any civilizations around.

I lastr day were horrofied by genocidal sentences against Israelities in some mesage boards. like if people lost their minds. 

I just dont know but I think Iran is stirring middle east in directions of genocide intentions against Israelioties. and Israelities also have 100% existence right fully by their religions by their cultures.

its i think time world became aware of Iran's nefarius goals/actions I mean genocidal targeting of Israel country. 

I think Israelis are surrounded by countries that some of them has genocidal attitude to them that they even as I read in internet yesterday:  of sentences like moving Israelis to sea. this is totally genocidal. Israelis also have right to exist there like other civilizaitons to exist with their religion/culture.


We are very shocked of e.g. just targeting even of a musical festival concert there:S what kind of barbarianism unthinkable :S  I just cant place my mind toi those families impacted by this barbarian genocidal attack :S


look, if i were from Israel,. I would definitely do nuke the genocidal countries against my country.  but most possibly people are more cool minded then me and wont do such things.

but If I were from IDF, I would had nuked countries whom has genocidal agenda to my country. but most possibly people are not such mindset but world is lucky that I do not have nuclear codes either. 


but its not simple like that. but I dont know how to resolve these genocidal issues in world. e.g. Iran's genocidal attitude to Israelities.  why do they have such crazy maniac racist attitude :S

Iran could have been a nice civilizatuion if they stop genocidal thoughts against other civilizations and behave like current centrury :S we do not tolerate genocidal thoughts as we people of current century.

Its why we support secularism in world usually since whebn religion comes ruling a country, i think government order then might amplify differences to set artificial enmities and genocidal targeting/goals to its people to create an artificial and genocidal context to its people to legitimate its own order in its country via using people's religious attention iomho.  I mean i think Iran's genocidal agenda to Israelis is something like this. 

its like peoplke start behaving like current century imho. its not ok to have genocidal goals against civilizations of world, Israelities are one very cool civilizations with very rich culture and interesting people all and its not ok to hold genocidal atitutde to Israelities nor murder their people any :S. ayy even writing this last part of sentence is very heart breaking :S 

Its not ok to constantly stir middle east to attempt to create chaos there. for countries whom has underlyingly genocidal attitude to Israelities. :S it seems as all these stuff happening in such axis. of genocidal attitude imho:S

I just in 10 mintues of reading every reaction in internet had a brief understanding of whats happening in Middle East.

I think people have genocidal atitutde to Israelities.  I mean some countries have genocidal goals to Israelities as we read country reactionsa. but we rest of world and also Israelities would not let that any. plus: I think its time countries with genocidal atitutde to Israelities should start behaving aligned with current century e.g. ==> alike not having genocidal atittude against other civilizations/religions.  

Its time world move ahead of mullah's genocidal atitude to Israeel. Israel has right to exist in that region as with its civilization/with its rich culture like every civilization of world. 

and of all worst: --->  cold blooded murdering of civilians which I dopnt know its just unthinkable very horrific :S i mean it is definitely genocidal. noone could claim that those people any support Palestinians but rather actually exercise genocidal targeting against Israeli civilians.  its rather genocidal terrorism imho.  I just cant imagine that pain of familieis. Its not understandble how people could do such things. e.g. I mean just shooting to people in a music festival even byitself is severely horrific :S its genocidal imho :S  I think Israel has any right to end Hamas terrorists and then continue peace in that region afterwards. cause visibly Hamas has genocide goal to Israelities.  :S very horrific:S


I just cant even horrified with people supporting Hamas :S how could people support Hamas? :S e.g. seeing this genocidal terror they do?

I just want to say things are blatant on world map- -> its very visible that people are trying to stir that region constantly to try to purge Israel country. one should be fool to not see that scope. I saw that even just 15 minutes or a day reading things of this topic in internet.  even post reaction of Iran is showing this I mean. 


its not other topics. its very blatantly visible like that. -->they have genocidal goal of purging Israeli coutnry there.

I think one most evil actor behind this is Iran most possibly. since they even voice such things themselves. and most possibly are one actor that powers genocidal terrorist organizations with genocidal agendas.

I just wished Iranians saw that world is sick and tired of their genocidal perspective to world. and we world residents urgently wish from genocidal countries to stop genocidal agendas to Israelities country because we are sick and tired of this unthinkable violence that we traumatized of reading news of. this is nothing but exactly absolutely genocidal violence/genocidal terrorism. 


And that talk of the Israeli guy to UN board, we 100% agreed. world should not leave Israeli country alone and protect them from this genocidal violence of their right to exist as a civilization in their country or everywhere else wiuth their rich culture.

the talk I read from news there, it just I just wanted to state we 100% agree. we also think its genocidal terrorism what happent. but I think Israelis shouldnt scare from being left alone when they confornt genocidal attidue in such region. because noone would leave them alone and plus they have nukes, they can nuke the genocide if whenever happens plus they have countries that which never would leave supporitng them. it were heart breaking to read those statemrnts of the Israeli envoy to UN for their fear of being not supported for their protection of their civilians against genocidal terror.  I just wanted to say at least this resident of world supports their cause for their very valid legit goal of protecting their civilians from genocidal terror to their country. and plus, it were really heart breaking talk. of seeing fear of being left alone. It were very heart breaking because what happent on saturday were definitely genocidal.  I mean doing shooting out to bus station to homes to people in a music festival. this is nothing but genocidal terror imho. S I just cant say anything but something was very heart breaking in Israel's envoy to UN's talk.  of its civilizations such struggle against genocidal stuff  and fear of being left out alone in world stage in strugge against genocidal terror that is horrific:S. it were very heart breaking. :S  but they never need  to feel alone in world stage because they are not and would never be. 




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