I dont understrand why but i cant do xml http request from the demo like qt app i try to build.

then i wondered if i should switch to hardware based random number generators with connecting an arduino. 

then I read from discussion here that its not that much entropy alot:

Random Function based upon internal temp sensor - Software / Development - Arduino Forum

I urgently need a non pseudo random number generator.

I also thought hmm not temperature but hmm using seed from cloud data e.g. rgb values from a cloud sky formation for its distribution along different ambient color levels. that be also very high entropy imho if there were constant cloudy images source e.g. some mountain place's always cloudy part. I mean some cloud data. that is also expected to be highly entropy having. hmm

I am utterly frustrated that the XMLHttpRequest does not work well with somehow qt app. its either very slow or so. (maybe related to my computer maybe by router I dont know but its not applicable ) 

hmm  I found some webcam that might be used to gather some cloud data conversion to some entropy value. 


off lots of task :) 

I am already tired.

how hard it could be to build or have a non pseudo random number generator one thinks :) 

this qt app even if i am not applying software practices but rather writing multiple rectangles to do somekind of design for the app instead of coding better it, but then even witht hat it takes time. and then now stucked upon this random.org not integrating well with qml xhr function call. (It never returns the response but stays in 1 or 3 state it returned only once when closing the app ) (i dont even not to bother possible loss of js function in signal slots i defined the function be property of qml element. for possibility it might be somehow removed from memory somehow. it just does not integrate. and there i still no promise await function integration for js side to qml side either. so I stucked. I were thinking of utilizing random.org in my own zener app to have true randomness insteadof software randomness. but it does not work. )  maybe at random intervals I might create a sever on my comptuer that analyzes this cloud data to create a random number seed. but these all very much effort needing tasks :) I mean idea was building the my own zener app fastly easily (ui side is accomplishable like that via qt qml somehow but got stucked on non working xhr side. hmm maybe i should test with js functions myself also. cause I downloaded the not released develop branch of qt maybe its better to download a release version instead. hmm. most possibly its not related to qt. but rather something like: somehow web is slow in my router/pc somehow. or alike. most possibly. i would rather create a web server on my pc. hmm maybe I can download some results via a scala web server first then during tests connect to my local pc instead of remote random.org instead. I think i would first follow this approach cause its too much effort yet to create my own random generator. i mean 2 days at least work whilst i wanted to start testing tomorrow with a true random number generator. hmm. there comes other ideas to my mind. like remembering the white black dots image of earlier tvs for it being the signal of the universe of its background wave interference. if i could tap in to such signal noise of universe maybe i might create some randomness from that. but the topic is. is it additive like that. e.g. if a state s1 in a multiverse v1 is having some state then have another one s2 and can i simply do arithmetic or logic mixing two states. is it additive? in scope of the algebras there etc. so i would rather try to even if any state variable is result of zeta trillions of other states at any instant i would rather try to reduce additive logic. I mean its not possible to do that either when any non quantum device is utilized . 

hmm maybe lets focus on even collective total multiverse state with many (zeta trillions) variables included in calculating a state to depict a random value seed. 

 but again it might be always better to reduce scope to quantum level. but how can i do build a quantum device to create a high probable state equation where two states are equiprobable at one instant to create some random bits values like that etc. but this is impossible for me right now. maybe later when there is an ai and particle physics lab. but not now. 

so --> my enthusiasm for building my zener card app has got stucked upon non working xhr request.

but then again, thinking more throughly on this topic, how can I trust the randomness of a web site either its being high entropy means something good but again would it be enough to test psychic phenomena instead.

what one requires doing this test is at particle physics level imho of creating equiprobable state fluctiations having sysstems that are considered as bits of a random number. that be the ultimately true random number to be used in a psychic test. without it can we consider psychic tests accurate? I dont think so. 

even if i am very curious to psychic phenomena and building even my own zener card app to test psychic phenomena, my enthusiasm is currently stucked upon the nonworking xhr to the random.org web site.

Even if i feel strong curiosity to test psychic phenomena, hmm maybe ther eis some interim solution. hm m as mentioned, maybe some scala web sevrer i could add to local computer tand it might during day download random.org query results then during card tests the card app might consult the timely before random.org results.

Since I am severely curious to this topic, even if it wont be an accurate psychic phenomena test, I would test like this. hmm so I contionue to build app this time with this approach tomorrow. 

hmm maybe even no need for web server. the app itself might have soime code side that during day downloads data from random.org and then during app tests consumes that text data. yepp it would enable lesser await time to do xhr requests thinking it being mobile app. yepp. i think this sounds good. maybe i could even create like 100 tests data aysnchronously myside and have this data be only a text file resource even even more simplifying software design requirements for the app. yepp. lets do alike. 

I am just very curious to test psychic phenomena this time with a true (not quantum bits alike ) yet something better than the usual pseudo random number generator (software rand() ) which is random.org.


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