hey I tested a new method it worked perfectly well initially then started to fail --->
its method of (since I believe branching out e.g. reading stories) I tested with 5 cards and zener card colored test. (with thinking colored rectange beside stories e.g. reading 2 or 3 stories and thinking such colored rectangular region in some pages left upper margin also whilst reading stories )
--> in first 6 cards I had 5 success :)
then the method got ineffective I think brain got used to the story reading stuff
it were like: first succeeded, either second one or third or fourth one once failed then others succeeded consecutively. then the method became ineffective in 7th card.
aha :) I think I am discovering how to create multiverse change. as i suspected, its related to brain branching, as much as brain branches (e.g. reading story in a foregin language ) then its much more possible to create the coincidence weirdly. :)
but it wears off since this time brain gets used to reading story context and does not give same reaction as initially reading stories (e.g. since foreign language its new literals I read kind of learning or revising literals of not daily software engineering language e..g from horror stories etc chat gpt creates)
I do test with create horror story request to chatgpt. then I figured out insurmountable evidence to phenomena imho.
but its very weary i mean it breaks after 6 predictions it stopped working at 7 th prediction. not prediction. I do select a card not any with intuition either (i mean select a color), and click and check if the opent card is of that color. in between these I read story with thinking suhc logo or rectangular region of color fill of requested color from multiverses in some pages margin alike , not much either. I try to 4 or 5 times think of color but then try to focus on story. and read 2 or 3 stories. in such test context.
As i suspected this phenomena probability is higher when the brain branches out. I couldnt figure out its possible underlying multidimensional universe defintion yet that might create such dynamics of multiverses.
but its one finding I have is: for sure, branching out (e.g. reading an article/story in a foregin language during the test) nearly makes test 100% success for a time until it stops succeeding.
it were amazing wov :)
i mean repetitive success :D of requestiong such color from multiverse and it comes :D (and there is no intuition at all :D) i mean in selecting target color, I really dont be any intuitive, I even try to behave counter to intuition in selecting a target color to test the multiverse concept instead of hmm premonition concept. I mean its request of a color to happen in future multiverse like test setup. Its not any kind of prediction nor intuition. its trying to program multiverse. I mean just card colors.
wov I am totally amazed :) I were always suspicious of such necessity of such test setup but lacked such test tooling like chatgpt before :)
I would test other day also.
So to test it I need many story books lets see if chat gpt stories would work tomorrow or not. (I think I favored horror stories since weirdo and chat gpt horror stories are kindof very funny :) not any scary instead totally funny:) )
wov. after days of investigative effort, I finally figured out nearly 100% working multiverse programming method :) (until method stops working. ) (but it currently works only with colors) (I do not think I would succeed in Zener symbols I wont try it even cause I were very failing always in Zener symbols )
its so funny to learn some method to program multiverse :D
ayy but one needs a chatgpt endlessly telling stories for that, and I dont know if it would work next time i mean day other so. since maybe myelin formed now arond that story reading concept branchout in mind and then next day with that it might not work. maybe I need to try something other hmm maybe buying many story type novels many many of them and reading excerpts from them randomly. this might also work. since I believe chatgpt has a monotone stories even very funny it has similar tone in all the "create a horror story" msg result. but if i do this with many novels whose authors have different writing styles, I might continue this exercise better.
ayyy what else could be programmed in multiverse :) healing mystomach? :) hmm i think its very complex concept to program multiverse for.
hmm what else what else.
I couldnt think yet. i think color test is best. easiest test type. I couldnt any find any other test thinking. yepp. I think I stay with color cards zener test. but this time 5 cards :) since there is I found how to succeed (even it wears off after 6 cards )
or maybe it were coincidence?\
I dont think so :) I do think multiverses is real. either some multidimensional underlying universe (thagt I try to decipher meanwhile and would try to also )and either other form of multiverse (Everettian alike) I dont know but i believe its definitely multiverse.
(but its a belief. to have it become a fact, I need to try this test and see if repeatedly succeeds like finding 5 success among 6 cards in consecutive tries other days then I would be sure multiverse topic is factual :) until then its still kind of a belief :) )
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