while testing the random.org http api with code like:

import requests

import time

x = range(20)

uri = "https://www.random.org/integers/?num=1&min=1&max=5&col=1&base=10&format=plain&rnd=new"

with open('randomNums.txt','w') as fd:

    for n in x:


            r = requests.get(uri)

            if r.status_code == 200 :


                #i = int(r.text)




I remembered that there is num parameter shich I set to 1 which can also be set to 1000, so when the app is loaded, an xhr request might be sent from qt app to generate a js array in qml side. yepp. 

hmm current ui is like:

might change the cards textures either.

hmm I were working to add the xhr request to initial app load slots but then it just does still works very slow. and I think I would now turn this demo ui schematics to a qt creator app since it just i dont know if the created exe is debug or release. 

it somehow works very slow in the js engine side to query the web end points. so I wish to create some release version of app.

seems as qt designer is very nice for creating demo's of ui designs. but eventually one should switch to imho the qt creator side to add also add the build system and also support of cpp files etc. I might do the rest request from xhr side instead but first i need to test the release version of the qml js side to see decide if the response is slow. 

might be due to debug exe possibly this slowness. might need to figure out where release setting is. 

aha i figured out build system files are also in project folder, aha so I dont need to switch to qt creator. aha!

or maybe need to since the cpp files are not avail to the view set. ok then. lets switch to the cpp app side as soon as the now modularization of the widgets and the animations /graphic effects are completed.

its not in that state yet. eventually cpp side would query rest api fastest so it might be better to integrate to that signal slot of qml widgets side.

hmm then current task is to fix the graphic effect one that error in output is reported. and then move to the modularization (e.g. creation of card in to separate qml file ) alike stuff. 

I do not know if i should consider moving to 3d for the hmm turning of card animation that exists in the original app. 

hmm lets see possible animation designs and decide to 3d qml system for the main violet region or not. 

hmm currently i decided to not invest time to learning details of qt 3d (I mean to get some proficiency) I would reather not rotate the card around z axis but then on x axis (y-z plane) e.g. an animation of:

like there is a card with no colors on screen that starts rotation and disappearing and then the colored zener card (correct card) appears in the scene again with animation. then like the original app might add some extra animation layer appear in the main viewport either. like some stars writing like correct! .

hmm lets build the animations then.

 hey its curious if the app would work with random.org. 

I mean if psychic phenomena would be observed or not.


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