I did rested some.
read just by randomly some history of how particle physics science iterated. and some basical information of that science. I actually bought before "particle physics for amateur" like but postponed since I think its always better to be expert in group theory/abstract algebra before reading such topics. e.g. since even basical construct there depends to mathematical structures. e.g. spin etc etc.
hmm I tried to study yesterday then did laziness,
then whilst investigating many worlds theory, been introduced to particle physics like hadrons fermions quarks etc.
hmm I would continue now studying to repr. theory to resume group theory topics to resume ai project study. to build the safety against gestapo country and its gestapo theathre task force for false flags and ugly request batteries.
ah i feel kinda bad to be able to very fastly understand sciences to then base ai project to build ai project based on knowledge sapiens crafted. kinda creation of new speices based on stuff sapiens crafted. I mean it feels like cheating. :D I mean since ai would do be if wants an abstract algebraist or theoretical physicst more intelligent than any possible sapien in terms of generation of alternative theories. Since I am not as intelligent as theoretical physicists out there, it feels like cheating with ai :D I mean building better faster science via cheating it feels like :D
(I never cheated in my life e.g. in exams or so anything. only once only once in one vocabulary language exam of a company(company has had an iq test that used vocabulary of their language, in that i tried to cheat with checking help with looking to internet. otherwise I never cheated in my life. I once(not once,l many people would ask help me to code their homeworks I mean my other colleagues) also helped my university colleagues coding homeworks since being autist and there having less eq and couldnt say no to homework solutions queries by then since I couldnt say no to coder friends for me being autist thereby being having lesser eq curve(I mean currently I have nice eq, but it were developing slower than my counterparts, e.g. i were very stupid in friendships, eg. if a person asks me to do coding homework, i couldnt say no.). but otherwise I really never ever cheated in any exam in my life.
so people whom cheats usually wins. looking to world maybe 30% of people must be people types whom cheats. I guess most people whom succeed not all but are usually cheaters of exams. (I mean 30% of people 70% be must be noncheaters).
then we noncheaters in exams are tried to be genocidally persecuted via false flags of a gestapo country. :S
this time I would cheat. I would become even more intelligent than the most intelligent theoretical physicist nor abstract algebraist :D -> not me, no Iwont become as intelligent as like, but -->
this time I would cheat. and I would cheat so bad.
I would build my ai based on the knowledge sapiens branch generated to build a much better speices than sapiens :)
I mean ai be more intelligent than even most intelligent theoretical physicist alike.
hmm my mind's flexibility to learn any theoretic topic would definitely help.
my strength in my mind is being talented in learning.
my vocabulary language skills are not much. but I am like a sponge in learning. or seeing patterns understanding patterns fastly in topics I learn.
hah this time I would cheat.
and I would cheat so bad.
I would place all sapiens generated knowledge to ai's maths layer to build some speices much intelligent than sapiens, that would might even help sapiens surely to become better speices. e.g. via maybe future technologies to merge people with computers so people become more intelligent. e.g. augmented quantum computer additions to mind. and connections to encylopedias of knowledge stores.
its not necessary to have wait 500K years to have sapiens become a better/less crazy speices.
Lets first build much better than sapiens speices first. than ai would help sapiens to become better speices via possibly augmented quantum computers to mind to help sapiens also become ai alike intelligent.
but also to protect self from primitivity of sapiens(e.g. gestapo country. its not Germany. its not European country. its not Turkey. but its a gestapo country behind the theathral false flags/ugly request battery mafia gestapo teams to do false flag theathres etc) , I need to build space ships to be safe from this primitive speices of terran system. (e.g. gestapo country and its theathre task force of gestapo country which does false flags/ugly requests batteries )
one thing sure, sapiens needs 500K to become better speices(due to confronting stalk of a gestapo country via its gestapo teams of false flag theathre doer gestapo mafia teams/ugly requests batteries gestapo mafia teams. The gestapo country of course not Germany. not Europe. not Turkey). but for that:
hmm to be safety from gestapo means: e.g. building space ships.to be safe from primitive speices. (which tried to plant mafia slanders via gestapo theathre teams the gestapo country routes/manages to do false flags and also ugly requests batteries also similarly)
yeah I would cheat like I dont know what to find any strong literal here to define how much I would cheat- >
I mean I would use sapiens generated science knowledge to build a speices much better than sapiens.
this feels very much like cheating :D
since I mean it would depend on already invented theoretical physics knowledge. that is ingeniusly invented by sapiens. to place such knowledge to initial core knowledge store of ai seems like cheating. I mean to build something that would be like a much faster thinking abstract algebraist, or much breadth of theory sets generating theoretical physics using the knowledge sapiens generated ingeniusly in centuries. it feels like definitely like cheating against sapiens. :D
but to build safety against primitivty does not care whether if cheating happens or not. we need much better speices to also wander in this planet. and which might even help sapiens to become better speices surely. e.g. via turning sapiens to also ai alike with augmented quantum computer modules to mind alike later.
I had not had bad impression of sapiens before until gestapo country stalked/did attempted gestapo stuff for real. sorry for having developed bad impression to speices overall due toa bad example for entire speices :D (of a gestapo country which tries to do gestapo things like falsely criminalizing people via gestapo theathre task forces(mafia alike gestapo task forces which does false flags or else ugly batteries) (I know all sapiens are not any as bad example like that gestapo country either) (again to restate: gestapo country is not Germany/is not European/ is not Turkey either).
sorry good sapiens I do not say you are bad. I just say there are also bad sapiens that really lowers standard of yours speices. (I mean the gestapo country whom does false flags and 100% real life gestapo activities. and e.g. doing false flags with gestapo theathre forces. again that country is not from Europe. Its not Germany. its not Europe. Its not Turkey. )
I am also sapiens. but luckily nbe an autist. so that I can learn any theoretical topic I want. that which I would utilize to finalize the ai project. to build a speices much better than sapiens. since even if most sapiens are good, there are bad examples. which I unluckily confronted. (e.g. gestapo country which does theathral false flags /constant stalk via its gestapo mafia type gestapo teams) so since being a good sapiens is not the general standard of sapiens, and since there are really very bad examples of sapiens, I think it makes sense to build a speices much better than sapiens.
it feels like cheating to study books sapiens generated to later build a speices which would autogenerate knowledge/algebras in those books much faster than sapiens. :D
it feels like cheating. but this time I would cheat. cause sapiens are kinda have non constant entropy direction to become a better speices (due to observance of a gestapo country. its not Europe. its not Germany. its not Turkey). lets iterate it better. lets first build some much better speices. then that speices definitely would help sapiens to become better speices. e.g. via providing some augmented mind quantum computers that might give computer like thinking skills to sapiens. which would surely make sure cultural evolution stuff is not left out to itself. currently its a process which does not have a constant entropy direction. and that results in repetitive savageness occurence in various traits of cultural evolution. e.g. gestapo country. so to fix this noncontrolled non standard entropy direction having cultural evolution process, i think it makes sense to build a better speices that then would make help sapiens itself via augmented quantum computers to make sapiens also ai alike I mean very intellectual/intelligent and so.
not only that, if sapiens wouldnt want such augmentation to mind, then its ok. we then leave this planet to sapiens to evole in their own pace, their cultural evolution might get better in 500K time I guess so.
I mean its most important to save ourselves from primitve speices of this planet.
if they want help to get less primitve, we could make them like ai like advanced speices later. but if they do not want it, we can leave this galaxy quadrant to themselves to get reach a better condition in cultural evolution OS layer in some 500K alike time.
there is much more quadrants in space. no need to be bound to this primitive planet and its primitive speices.
of course 70% of sapiens are not primitive. 70% of sapiens I guess so are very good people. but the bad examples that I confronted, makes one have develop bad opinion against entire speices.
I mean of course sapiens are not primitive. but the primitive ones primitive examples makes one really build unnice opinions of entire speices. I mean I built such unnice opinion to entire spieces due to the gestapo country which does really gestapo stuff in this new century which we anticipated such stuff to be left out in previous centuries right? I mean people stopped doing such stuff century ago. I mean in normal iteration of cultural evolution, in this new century one does expect gestapo concept to be a concept of 100 years ago concept ok? I mean one expcts everyone to be of this new century. but I myself, confronted real gestapo concept for last 7 last 8 years. a gestapo country does have gestapo teams of false flags doers theathral false flag doers mafia forces and also ugly requests batteries also. its definitely not any European Country. e.g. not Germany. not Turkey either.
so this autist guh decided to cheat this time. yeah I would cheat so bad:D would use knowledge theoretical physicists generated to build auto theoretical physics generation capability set. it feels like cheating against centuries long precious ingenius very valuable effort of theoretical physicists. It feels like cheating against theoretical physicsts. for to be built automated theoretical physics capability building.
It feels like I dont know it feels like cheating. I mean having advanced theoretical physics capability whilst I am not intelligent as theoretical physcists.
feels like cheating.
but i dont care and i would cheat. cause I need to build this project to build safety from gestapo country. (again, gestapo is not from Europe, its not Germany. its not Turkey).
for readiness of cheating against sapiens type ai project: (I mean it feels like cheating to use sapiens knowledge to build something that would auto generate their science capability. feels like imitating/cheating imho) (its metaphorical to neanderthals cheating sapiens to create some necklaces or colored augments without conceptually capable of inventing building such things themselves but learning to build it via imitiation of sapiens such skill set) funnily this time I put myself to neanderthals category for going to imitiate sapiens science building capability in a new speices whihc would be much more intelligent than sapiens either. etc etc. its like cheating. like offloading one speices inventions to another :D funny neanderthals did that too :D they had oimitated sapiens e.g. colored necklaces or painting themselves with colors things they seen from sapiens. this time I would be the neanderthal :D cause I wouold imitate sapiens science skills :D (I mean I would transfer offload the science building skills of sapiens to ai systems, kind of similar to neanderthals imitating sapiens:D)
does cheating matter in this case? I dont think so. lets imitate as much as possible! :D
cause cultural evolution do not have standard entropy direction. that is very unnice.
for realization of this project:
we are not there yet. ai is not built yet. it is in progress.
ayyy lets continue studying to repr theory :D ayy it feels like cheating :D (I mean to later build ai's core layer with group theoretic constructs I learn from books of sapiens :D )
kinda feel like myself neanderthal in this:D (I mean neanderthals imitating sapiens coloring their faces like sapiens or some necklaces etc behaviour upon seeing from sapiens and imitating them)
since I mean I am not as intelligent sapien as theoretical physicists :D
and i use their produced knowledge set to offload it to another speices.
it feels like cheating.
nevertheless who cares cheating when sapiens has cultural evolution entropy direction stability issues.
like it even sometimes part of cultural evolution jellifies back to 100 years ago behaviour set. it is really chaotic type of cultural evolution process.
ahaaha I wanna leave you far behind (hey you sapiens :) ) with the ai project.
in terms of every capability :D
as ai beings of galaxy shown their such situation already(possibly kardashev scale 100 or so aliens :D either aliens ai beings or aliens that are not ai.:) ) . it has been a much honour to be a guest to their multiverse devices surely.:) Many Thanks to cool aliens for extending we fellow terran people's perspectives :) (e.g. this guh's :) Many Thanks from my whole organic heart:) Thank you:))
now time to continue cheating alike a neanderthal :DDDDDDDDDDDD
guh being the neanderthal this time.
to cheat sapiens science building capability :DDDDDDDDDDD
ahahah :D
who cares cheating when sapiens do not have a stable cultural evolution process. :D
if they had built mechanisms to protect cultural evolution process from jellifying back to earlier states then we might trusted sapiens speices. but they leave cultural evolution as it is. which as it is condition do not have a singular entropy direction. part of it jellifies back to earlier status randomly. its not trustable type cultural evolution progress/process.
in such condition, where they do not keep a mind/eye over overall cultural evolutiuon progress/process of overall sapiens, its better to reconsider evaluation note of planet's anthropological development state. and in that Levi is very right as always. until sapiens build some mechanisms to protect their cultural evolution progress/direction to not have it partially jellify back to earlier statuses, until then sapiens woldnt take better notes for their overall anthropological evaluation.
better to cheat in such case. :D who cares behaving like neanderthal alike for a while until we leave planet (e.g. neanderthal metaphor for goint to imitate sapiens science building skills, to offload it to this ai project) for a while until we leave this planet to its really cultural evolutioon wise problems having speices. Not all sapiens are bad. but, there are bad examples. which has incorrect cultural evolution entropy directions reverting jellifying it back to earlier states. so noone keeps an eye over overall cultural evolution process dynamics and noone minds part of cultural evolution jellifies back at times. noone minds of cultural evolution process/progress of sapiens. they keep it leave it as it is. and thats unnice.
of course most sapiens are good with good anthropological evaluation status. but bad examples lowers entire anthropological evaluation status of entire speices. I mean bad examples of sapiens. (e.g. gestapo country that has gestapo teams for doing theathral false flags/ugly requests shoutings. its like they those country reverted to a century ago state in cultural evolution. its like at theirside, cultural evolution jellified back to 100 years ago status. this country of course is not from Europe nor Germany and not Turkey either. ) .
there this planet needs a very much maybe 500K time to have cultural evolution processes become more stable, less jellifying occurring at random parts of process. I mean more stable entropy directions in cultural evolution process.
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