investigate this with ai definitely 0.001th blog entry

 ok i did wrong formalism, its definitely not direct sum of infinitely many dihedral groups its. its rather a group that is like radians / 2pi radians type group that is infinitely many times repeated in direct sum. 

that would be my already infinite dimension definition of universe. no its not 3d imho. :D

i would define much better definitions when I become more expert in group theory in followin 15 days or so. after first finishing learning representation theory task then later Derek Robinsons group theory book. 

hmm even not like that. there is some inductive radians / 2pi radians groups definition set going there. not even direct sum of infinitely many radians / 2pi radians group.

hmm maybe, but then as representation we could consider it having such group be represented by two generators. of 2  radians /2pi radians group. and second one is defining the rotation around e.g. y axis of that group. hmm lets define better:

the group would have generator of: 

first original circle with radians/2pi radians group. (of infinitely many degrees inside). then we have also one other element that generates this group. the rotation e.g. around y axis for this group. 

which could be thought of a group consisting of 2 generators. 

then its Vector space representation would might be represented with one part of M's diagonal being defining the inner groups rotational value and the other one defining the entire that systems rotational value around y axis alike. 

or so, since not being yet expert on represetnation theory  Icouldnt define well.

but we can define the infinite dimensional already infinite dimensional universe structure like in such fashion. of course then the underlying representation having 2 generators might be considered as 2 dimensional at all thinking. in terms of dimension definition there in linear algebra etc et.c 

then from there we could try to visualize hyper spheres or 4d via adding one more diagonal column to representation. thinking. then that could go indefinitely around any direction axis.

but at core level we have 2 diagonal columns. to define everything as is as in universe. so do we need to add more columns i dont think so.  I mean if we added, then it wouldnt change anything how a 4d universe is to be visualized either. i mean its again alike sphere alike imho. i mean  just because we can do induction, does not mean universe is like having such inductive stuff. i think basically such stuff might represent possible all dimensions or directions universe laws could iterate already. i do not find it makes sense  to add more dimensions like 4d or so. but it does not change anything at all. I mean still a 4d universe would be like 3d universe imho only with different physical frameworks. 

i mean one can define various forms of that via group theoretic constructs. either D2 (sphere) or D3 (hyper sphere?) or so. and also build physical theories with them also. but it would be not possible to falsify such higher dimensions type frameworks either. imho it makes sense alot to initially start with D2 one. also improvising from existing higher dimension frameworks like string theory also. but again, imho, we could still imho might cover universe laws with even such D2 based definition set.

 but of course one should also investigate D3 (hyper sphere) 4dimensional universe concept or 5dimensional or more with such inductive definitions surely. that it makes sense that something is rather infinite or 1 instead of 2 logically. i mean since in that group theoretic representation we had 2 diagonal columns, right?  so why 2? usually stuff are infinity. so most possibly then one could consider such representation as a matrix with infinite diagonal surely and to try to define universe/multiverse theories with such formalism either. 

hmm originally at the begining of paragraph I rejected higher dimensions discussions like string theory. 

funnily I now also at similar point. but not with representation theory string theory follows. (I do not follow what manifold is yet to be able to learn string theory those details yet, later)  but I again reject something for string theory. 

tio my mind, finiteness does not very make sense. like saying this much dimensions. (alike string theory claims) imho its most possibly infinite :) e.g. in that group theoretic definition set I defined, most possibly in that representation there is infinitely length of diagonals there to define base later particle physics mechanistics. hmm this formalism I defined I would surely invesitgate with ai to base particle physics on such formalism of representation based maths. e.g. such vector space representation type. yepp.


yes, these be my refined ideas of dimensions topics. initially I thought its meaningsless to discuss higher dimensions then later I came to point that its reasonless that dianogal is 2 diagonal elements. in universe usually there is nothing like 2. its usually infinite everything is. I mean of course that could be eigen values of another hyper system covering current system. for having 2 as diagonal element count. but again, it makes initially more sense that that diagaonals count is infinite actually. 

lets investigate this formalism based particle physics investigations later with ai. lets add some title to this blog entry so that I can easily find later to revise what to investigate also with ai type topics.

hmm adding title of: "investigate this with ai definitely 0.001th  blog entry" 

using scala language or such versions like versioning to blog titles then yepp.  to not forget these specific possible basis to base particle physics framework investigations later. 

yeppp----- has been a fun thought experiments in blogging yepp. 

now to resume representation theory study yepp. first some coffeee yayyy



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