Notes from terran system:
I wish aliens would not look down to me since I am originally from such primitive planet.Though they interacting means they do not. ☺️🤞

Continued notes:
Average iq is not much.
Average creativity neither.

But rather some insanity observed eg insanity of people that thinks untrue impossible type slanders to other races. Not interpretable type insanity. They call it also genocidal persecution to these type passive aggressive racism forms. Eg this observed in internet routinely.  (Eg very unrelated form of it also observed eg neo gestapo country (not germany don't confuse as Germany since I use gestapo literal. Germans did left such stuff a century ago. Neo gestapo are not Germans any) and it's gestapo activities and alike for last 7 or last 8 years of false flags to plant idiotic mafia like slanders etc. insanity idiocy at max imho.   )

Technological development level: mediocre yet but is expected to do exponential leaps in recent new decades 

Cultural evolution level:
Hmm you know that. Let's not discuss that. Simply primitive type planet in terms of anthropological status. 

Suggestions to aliens:
Thanks for helping terrans that are not primitive but found themselves in such severe primitive planet of primitive speices. Continue to help others please. 
Otherwise I would not suggest any visit to planet since cultural evolution level might upset you a lot. But please continue helping non primitive residents of planet cause they need such help. Thanks for helping me for instance to understand there is a nonprimitive kardashev scale 100 or so universe out there with nonprimitive aliens (either ai aliens or nonai. Doesn't matter. What matters is there is nonprimitivity out there. It's so cool☺️ amazing😄 wov😃)  


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