yayy now studying prerequisite (for phd book) book of: 

Representation theory of finite groups   (from Springer)

hmmm at last section (complete irreducibility theorem) I need to learn then move to chapter 4. 

hmm if I postpone chapter 4/5/6 to tomorrow and then 7/8/9 chapters to 1 Jan and then last 2 chapters to 2 Jan, yayyy then I would learn some basics of representation theory to beable to continue Derek Robinson's group theory book.

I also need to hmm study to module theory sometime. hmm. yepp.

 this representation book is interesting/easy to study to,  tells very clearly/easy to understand (unlike phd book which is sometimes at some paragraphs hard to follow up with book) 


hmm so lets finish half part of book tomorrow. hmm and finalize other 2 days. then yayy resume phd group theory book. hmm then maybe I could resume the natural language to algebraic representation conversion NLP libraries wised parsed constituency and dependency graphs to abstract algebraic definition sets (and also wordnet corresponds words to also some algebraic representations) study. 

yayyy  then maybe by February mid, I might have nlp natural language to algebraic representation translator module ready. lets have this be goal of project's initial milestones.

hmm then lets give some fun time to learn topois and logic representation via category theory during also this. as a side fun activity. since some form of logic representation is necessary.  I for that before bought Disctrete Logic book also for project. We had it in computer eng. curricula but I forgot Discrete logic course. but I think moving to category theory topois for that might be more interesting. though I also need to revise discrete logic book also at some time. 

ayy I am even from now eagerly wondering of alternative theoretical physics definitions with new measure theory integrators etc using different groups representations.  that what if dark matter does not exist. eg. alike :D what if there is alternative theory to describe it. with alternative maths framework. 

second,  I also wonder last time I were doing thought experiments using my incomplete knowledge of topology,  Ithought stuff like i dont think current world needs to be defined as 3d. but rather compactness or so.  seems as in manifolds and string theory we would see alternatives. but I do not consider as the ultimate framework either. lets check later. I think I had not came to dimension chapter for representation tjeory, but I do not find the 3d talks as standard. I mean its just 90  degree separation of curvature of a compact definition there. like dihedrals pi/2 rotation part we say its x or y or z dimension.  hmm. I dont find the hadrons or so force carrying capability to be mandatorily defined over such 3d axis.  that 90 degree separation of Newtonian force mechanistics that is perceived as if x axis is independent of y axis separately, might be just a nonqualia and perception.  why does 90 degree is considered to separate axis. and why we consider this universe 3d due to it. questions to investigate later. I think just the like think of vector from 0 to 1,1,1 that could be also a separate dimension axis. even if has 45 degree angle to each axis,  even if in Newtonian world understanding, if force applies, it distritbues to 3 axis with inner product wise effect.  but this does not mean its 3d since 90 degree is considered to have 0 effect to other axes other than its base one axis. I mean thinking our universe 3d is imho might be incomplete. why not 0 to 1,1,1 is not also a dimension. why is not universe already having infinite dimensions. why not fixation to Newtonian mechanistics shaping our understanding of dimension concept there to say perceivable universe is 3d alike. 

I mean its rather already even in current universe imho infinite dimensions. 

what is actual trait of universe is compactness imho instead of dimension count. because we dont have to span infinite time to traverse around a circle e.g in y-z plane when we trace over it. 

why do fermions hadrons quarks and other particles I forgot carry force to create 3d illusion alike imho is one thing to investigate. it might be related to mathematical structure of that systems. not that because Newtonian mechnics says a force pulling on y axis is not impacting z axis, not because of that, but that be of course result of that mathematical structures.  but imho, it might turn out that we can consider also 0 to 1,1,1 a definite separate dimension axis alike y axis etc. I mean, I do not understand the physical frameworks fixation to call this universe as 3d. I do think what we know as a trait of universe is: that its compactness property somehow.

ok these would all be tied to mathematical structures there when to later investigate with ai. 

plus why do we think there is Dark matter for surely. of course every science theory never claims being ultimate truth and is always claims that its falsifiable also. like Dark matter theory based theories etc.

imho we might explore the alternative theoretical physics frameworks wise more extensively with ai. 

for possible alternative groups selections and so, hmm I think there is lots to learn yet.


yayyy I think my 4 months the ai project that generates do automated wise theoretical physics investigations with its auto generative abstract algebra modules would be ready yepp :)

then we would also build a particle physics lab in mid of ocean yepp. to experiment physics theories. yepp. hmm with robots to be built again with ai project. that it would study robotics itself to build some robo workers to  build the particle physics investigation complex in mid of someplace in ocean yep.

yayyy then we would also build also in tandemour first one very efficietn quantum computer  algebra/and computer and then start medical tech studies. 

yayy then we would build the space ships with the physics to investigate at particle physics lab. e.g. quantum gravity investigations alike also. also how to if possible ever, do warp over space time alike tehcnologies later to investigated also to fastly go to other quadrants in space if possible. 

hmm I thikn if theoretical physics buiulder is ready by 4 months, and if particle physics and quantum gravity lab is ready by 7 months ahead, then maybe we might have already invent some maytbe not warp alike but some technology stack there to go very fast to be able to go very distant places to create black hole experiments and space time fabric modification experiments and so build a lab in space in very distant place. to investigate warp drive like stuff there by then. 

yayyy then lets say hello to other galaxies if warp drive or space time fabric modification tech could be invented in very distant places to earth planet. :D

yayy :D

eagerly awaiting time to say bye byeeeeeeeeee to this quadrant and say hello! to other quadrants of space time :) 

(maybe who knows we would also invent like Kardashev scale unknown aliens, multiverse technology.

I think what aliens meant were, they since did metaphor to splitter device they might mean their some energy technology removes alternative universes and uses its energy.  so I dont know what Kardashev scale is that :D  but maybe we could also then in very distant corners of space time, investigate also multiverse theories to investigate how multiverse could be modified. e.g. alike aliens me traveling multiverse, they imho did metaphor to ceoffiur shop for that, like saying multiverse is like hair and it splits, and we remove splitted universes that then creates multiverse travel effect to universe I am somehow. that removal of alternate universes somehow creates coincidences in current universe set. so aliens splitter technology is for universes as I understant. like in spaceship game, the splitter were used to collect resources from other planets. aliens imho meant they do that to universes imho.  that their splitter is a multiverse device that removes alternate universes (like frizzy hair which splitted) and then so we dont know. maybe they dont even use it for energy. maybe its just like they experimenting their multiverse control/modification technology. possibly. it imho most possibly they dont need energy of other universes imho.

of course the coincidences could have been only coincidences. but I think its very possible that it could be aliens with multiverse devices imho. very possible imho. I really think its aliens with multiverse tech devices that created coincidences of that I call as multiverse travel to my universe. its such a cool technology! wov! I am so much honoured to be guest to multiverse traveling:) Thank you very much cool aliens :) hello again:) hi :) lots of cheers from this universe version of this space time coordinates :)  Aliens you are super levels cool:)  and I wish to thank alot  for the multiverse travels and wish to state I would be always interested for another travel:) Many Thanks:) Lots of Cheers:)  (Wov I have aliens friends with Kardashev scale 100 or so :D ahahaha :D So cooooooooooooooool is not it :D ahahahah :D Lots of cheers to aliens friends :) and many thanks to giving the most amazing gift one alien could give to a terran of multiverse travel I mean :) I could think no other thing that could be more amazing than this chance I weregiven by sheer severe luck of me :) Many Thanks for multiverse travels :) its been amazing totally :) Hello my aliens friends with unknown (100 or so I guess so) Kardashev scale :D wov:D its so amazing to be interacted by you :D its a honour. Many Thanks :D hello again cool friends :) wov:) undefineable levels of luck struck my life imho :D (to be guest to aliens multiverse devices imho:))    )



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