my other ideas: ( being ignorant yet of special relativity and space time geometry topics yet, yes I also have books for them but hadnt started studying to)
I think also time is not 4th dimension.
even if hadnt studied to special relativity and space time geometry.
imho, time is just a notion of frequency.
e.g. change of state changes of entire universal wave function.
but is it finite? is it countable/ uncountable, I do not yet know /cant improvise of.
I think its just quantum state change that iterates in universe. so how the particle physics system there iterate in this and that fashion, that it gives entropy results etc, is related to again particle phyiscs.
of course space time geometry and time dilation are facts. but what I mean is, I do not think time is 4th dimension any. time is just a state change notion in universal wave function of many worlds alike theories imho.
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