maybe a coincidence happent or not ->

I were watching star trek tv show some episodes again this time another Star Trek series.

Then i did not liked to watch many episodes, and stayed at one episode only since its interesting includes time travel and there the villain person is kind of funny gestures and one time travel having episode.

then all before during the day, before even deciding to watch Star Trek today at rest time, 

I were checking something for bathroom, that i when clean bath once 2 weeks or week, water goes to washing machine under place, so I investigated what if any bathroom carpets to place to help not access water go to there. (since it seems inclined to that direction).

then I checked those bathroom carpets and one were having a pattern I liked and opent it and turned out very much like the  future century Star Trek ship whom is controlling the timelines and whom were trying to fix the timeline issue generated by a villain from there whom were hell bent on destroying the ship since has been stranded on earth early centuries for 30 years or so and had lost mind and decided to destroy that Star Trek ship somehow. but then the future century Star Trek ship interferes and tries to restore the timeline to its original value.

hmm so the bathroom carpets design that i liked opent turned out very like the new century ships controls coloring and shape.  

then in another episode's text i saw some summary text below episode like that captain welcomes visitors with welcome mat. whilst checking episodes.  

its that these episodes I watched before very before so I cant be sure. 

but its also possible that again time travel might had happent.

since again associativity thing happent in mats. I just did not liked something there. I mean I opent checking then something some other associations happening in mind and disliking it but liking its pattern like condition happent.

so its possible that hebbian stuff might have hppent with including my 2 days ago wish of being a guest to aliens ships though coincidnece happent in tv show again not in real life :) 

I think its possible that then me wanting to be guest to a Star Trek ship, which also has some associativity moment by the way, I were when wroiting host I just for a moment confused 2 days ago when telling meditaiton, of were it host or did host actually meant guest?

hmm I think both power of two hebbian associativity events possibly interfered and created Star Trek tv show coincidence.

but it is far fetched interpretation this time. 

cause I watched these episodes before.  so I mean i just did not chosen to watch Star Trek today before. I mean it were unsure. 

so its not known if i this time quantum jumped.

I figure out its about always associativity :)

eg. thinking a literal host and then just a minute did host meant guest instead like confused moment in my mind :) so host literal connection goes to hypothalamus and those region to feel suspiciousness and kind of ashamed of my lack of language capability if i confused alike slight moment.

or else in the carpet, similarly just checking and liking wov it looks cool this one. but then hmm i did not liked some other thing. alike association of that hebbian system to other hebbian systems alike. 

or else this time its just coincidence or so and not quantum jumping.

its i think this time really like 10% possibility that its really quantum jumping this time. its 90% not imho. 

hmm but i know its all about associations. 

like hmm this new method I learn to how to program it.

hmm think A -> could be some literal could be some carpet design or so else etc, some region from either mid or lateral or back part of mind some neural net population with engramatic def set of that, then at the same moment if a negative or so association (some thing i dont like about it like momentarily associate negatively to another topic and if it also passes through hippocampus /thalamus awhile  e.g dislike alike or negative feeling momentarily like   ) its possible that quantum jumping concept might happen:) 

so all I need to create a coincidence with any thing is:

I think in this programming method ->

e.g. think of A

then instantly comes out some associativity to mind and associates negativity in mind.

then viola! we have possibly quantum jumped to a universe version where something about A associating to A would happen:)

or else its coincidences. 

I would try this now :) 

I would try with tv shows again :)

but hmm its not easy, because associativity i think might be something that instantly cames up. not thinked beforehand. i think that related to hebbian dynamics initiating another neural net population in mind by itself topic. so i need to take a concept and thinking about it and instantly some spark of an associativity should happen about it which also shoudl pass from hippocampus or so and or thalamus or so. 

its not easy, but easier than previously thought A-B-C-D method. this method is simpler.

but again hard. 

ok lets check violin and wishfully when thinking of violin some associativity would spark and it would also associate to some negativity thoughts in mind or so with passing from hippocampus and thalamus or so. 

in this case thereby, there exists only mainly A and B.

and B is not to be thought before hand. it should by itself spark/associate by itself through hebbian dynamics to have this quantum jump stuff happen imho. (or that this type of dynamics makes it more possible to quantum jump) 


meanwhile a very funny topic : 

I did like lots of exercise activity today (as I am very very obese) and then-> later at 10pm or so I took sandwiches :S 

I think I need to solve this issue. I think i am iterating in solving this obesity issue and this latter issue is also i need to tackle. 

its all the exercise i did went to nonsense for nothing:D i did really heavy exercise today. at least 50 minutes half fast jogging fast walking, (20 minutes before, 30 minutes later hour, 10 pushups with elastic band, 20 minutes muscle stimulator to funny obese belly region which is very unnice :S like looks like i am pregnant when not like much belly fat :S  and it really very unnice. never had this issue before like this much fat. its funny and nevertheless i think i am getting better in trying to create healthier life style where i do jog and i would definitely solve e.g. consumed sandwiches at 10pm behaviour :S  not nice. ;S after all those very hardwork of exercise :S )  (but ok, life style is geting better, i am iteratively switching to healthier life style where i do exercise and would also solve sandwivch issue at 10pm that today consumed. its been habit from times when i had severe stomach sickness symptoms or so. still not healed. but after switched to 3 20mg pantapratazol pills during day and some rennies also during day, i think now i dont need to consume sandwiches to overcome stomach issue.  it just before were like, nothing would help. talcid wouldnt help. seems as rennie helped stomach sickness. and hmm i think i might even increase pantapratazol to 4 pills so that i take 80mg every day. since increasing to 3 times helped alot. specifically i figured out taking a pantapratozol pill at 20pm like hours very helped. I also take at these hours also. and in morning.  maybe i might take also in 3pm like hours to increase to 4 times day. yep. that might completely resolve alot. yep. I were before using talcid and it wernt effective helping as much as rennie. and gaviscon like stuff either never helped. sometime i were using gaviscon not knowing its not like rennie. i were simply using noneffective treatment not knowing its not helping. :S silly i. what helps to my illness is imho rennie and pantapratazol. and 2 per day were not helping either. but i cant believe the improvements the taking one more pantapratazol at 20pm created. i mean reduced alot symptoms.  so seems as taking at morning and at before resting were not enough pantapratazol. wov instantly has had some symptoms and rennie helped again. all the time 2 years ago i were using gaviscon alike stuff which were not effective to this topic since it were not effectively balancing ph like rennie does. i mean gaviscon seems as for something else condition. not mine condition. also talcid same, it were never helping somehow. somehow rennie helps. maybe its subjective to everyone's own condition. in my case, rennie helps though not very instantaneously but still helps some later. plus also increasing pantapratozol consumption also.  so talcid were literally uneffective to my condition somehow. i dont know what is in rennie that makes it more effective to my condition. it must be that talcid might again be for unrelated type conditions unrelated to my condition possibly.  after last 3 years of severe symptoms, i cant believe i start to find some combination of medicine which really helped to tackle symptoms more effectively of the underlying stomach illness condition. i think i now have energy to lose weight and obesity since i dont have to consume bread at 2am to tackle stomach issue which wouldnt resolve by talcid or so at that moment. reason i became obese is also due to this habit i taken. of consuming sandwiches alike. yep. but soon to solve. since solving this life style issue and so and would someday arrange also an endoscopy appointment sometime. i just did laziness for that recent time. yep.  ) 


I think i would do another 30 minute jogging cause I consumed sandwich at late hour. yep. 

weight loss obsessed current mood is. since I really have severe obesity issue. I really have so unhealthy type obesity. its really very bad condition. i have some belly that is like 9 months pregrant person:S I cant believe i got so much weight in not so much time. but nevertheless as mentioned, fixing my life styel. added alot exercising, and now fixing also sandwiches at 10pm or later issue also starting from tomorrow. yep. 

(yayyy did 45 minutes fast walking sports now. i think it might slightly at least 30% compensated 10pm sandwich stuff). 

wov instantly i had stomach issue and 3 rennies taking one after other really helped. wov. cool.  still some burps but not very bad. its resolving. (before only consuming some bread or so would resolve, cause talcid wouldnt any slightest resolve. and also i were taking 2 pantapratozols per day before seems as that were not enough) . I think i might increase that even to 4. yep. lets do like that. i think i would add some pantapratozol taking to 3pm also. so increasing from 60mg to 80mg per day like intake.  and lets see if stomach inner tissue resolves its issues in some time after. 



talcid would never help my condition somehow. must be for some other type issue i guess.



hmm lets try to spark also some hebbian part of mind related to violin and then randomly open some tv show to see if violin passes or not.  yepp. trying to learn how to use this associativty based quantum jumping concept. 


hmm no such dynamics happent with violin.  i mean instant spark of associativity with some distant neural net region with also passing from hippocampus and thalamus with negativity modes.

might try something else. 

so i think i am slightly wishfully learning how to multiverse jump. 

and imho in my case its not with meditation. 

i think i would figure out a test now.

hmm some topic i selected with some negative thoughts associativity also,  but dont know. since its not very distant connections for the associativites and negativity signal it creates in thalamus like is not either very significant (i mean not strong signal) neither. 

but lets see. 

yepp. I selected A.

and i would randomly select a topic either a podcast. either a tv show to see if i did multiverse jumped or not.

possibly not. since signals strength in this associativity is not strong signal. but lets see if happens or not in this type of hebbian test scheme. lets see. yep.

 hmm i selected my  220 ml cup that i usually drink coffee to create coincidence since were on desk . i also found some negativity spark with it.  

I randomly opent a tv show tried to find some sci fi tv show to watch. hmm i think maybe a cup related coincidence happent or not possibly since  i had watched this tv show very before on tv not all episodes just last episodes (started watching later when it aired on tv very before.). hmm i think this test did not succeed alot this time. but signal stength were not alot either. so test were not promising to create quantum jump either. 

but i think this method would work. i might try out later with something else but should find some method faster to test other than watching a sci fi tv show.  hmm maybe i find some podcasts or so. yep. 

I think this method would work. but need to learn how to do find associativities efficiently. and increasing signal strenght of entire stuff. that instant associativity spark happens by itself is the key. but maybe slightly helping that myself  might also work.  or not. i dont know. currently newly checking this method as mentioned. I would do another test. since first test did not very succeeded. but the associativity etc were not very much either. 


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