eagerly counting days to the day I would go to a space ship and say bye bye this crazy planet to move to another constellation.
either via aliens help with the multiverse device to be built and asking aliens help via that or else i need to build ai to build spaceship asap.
since world is crazy :S I dont like any like living in this planet :S neither solar system even :S
all my projects have ultimate motive of moving away from planet and sol system.
I have only one single goal in my life and thats it. moving from this solar system. I dont like this solar system place. I dont like any. I need to either build space tech or else there must be some helpful aliens whom would help to hitchike to another galaxy. yep. my only life goal in life is moving to another constellation or else moving to another sol system in this constellation very far from this sol system. yep. my ultimate life goal. my only life goal. I dont have any other goals in my life. only this. every project I do work to in my hobby time, is for this. yep. my ultimate and only life goal is moving to either another constellation or else sol system thats not any near to this sol system any.
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