to restate also /beside previous blog entry some more to add -->
yepp we engineers are always right :)
---> you would see my theory is going to turn out being accurate/ correct (ahaha cause we engineers are never wrong :) it felt funny to add this here also :D ) -> I would prove it that its multiverse and mind's hebbian sysem's algebra\s emergent quantum dynamics that interacts with the multiverse universes yep :D
I would prove the macro level emergent quantum process in hebbian systems (ising systems of multi dimensional)
yepp. current quest :) (figuring out the most simplified representation for the emergent slow(by slow its meant: not very frequent state change occurrences in such macro quantum system. in usual quanta world quantum systems, it constantly changes with not even possible to detect state change boundaries even until something happens that sticks the quantum state having quanta level element to one universe) changing quantum processes of hebbian systems (ising systems of multi dimensions) to formulate (creatively extrapolate/theorize) their multiverse interactions possible theory sets (It does not have to be only single formulation. It might turn out multiple theories that extrapolates the multiverse interaction/multiverse dynamics yep )
task's duration: 45 days. I give 15 days to myself for scientific exploration (learning necessary knowledge to tackle this puzzle) then 30 days to solve the puzzle :)
aha being engineer is awesome! we can specialize any science field when solving a scientific task requires any so) yepp current specialization quest is representation theory and group theory. yep.
started and paused representation theory due to laziness like in 2023 and tried to reinit in 2024 with failure. but then -> back to unlaziness since there is this very curious puzzle/task to solve! yayyy!
quest of formulating multiverse formulations yep
quest is to solve it in 45 days. yep.
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