yayyy  this weekend's plans be as:

- finishing one code PR which  I did not finished ( now's task)

- doing one more meditation for quantum jumping and some card tests again.  but might not do because--->

because ----> 

-yayyy -> since i understood how quantum jumping works in brief --> no need to retry same thing  (meditating and deck tests) 

---> its instead time to ---> 

its time to formulize its formulations. and continue ml projct.

but all that depends on ----> 

->  learning representation theory and group theory and even commutative algebra slightly very well. 

I spent some time investigating this multiverse travel phenomena I encountered by chance of having more neurotransmitters being autist :)

and by my philosophy skills/by my introduction briefly to group theory (just introduction not learnt yet) / introduction to quantum physics in 2022 which i need to surely relearn/revise since i forgot many knowledge of (hmm studied for 2 weeks to quantum physics by then)  / and representation theory and lots of thoughts on this topic -> as told I understood how quantum jumping works yayyy :)

so actually there is no need to now repeat meditation anyn more. cause I understood how this phenomena works that I initially were perplexed at.  e.g. i were like: come on, how did this happen? how the professor from 4 hyears ago using emerald literal in talk that i now listen that i saw emerald color 1 hour ago alike? i were quite perplexed surely :D since its like cause/effect changing direction at times or so whatever at some of these incidents :D it were quite perplexing until I understood deciphered how multiverse works in brief.

so i lost my curiosity to do meditate due to, since I deciphered how it works actually.:)

why do anymore spend time to tests of this topic that I deciphered how it actually works :)

 but it were very mysterious to me, I were totally perplexed. how one can not be :D

or there are much more examples of this phenomena I could tell. it repeatedly happens last 6 years 

I were totally perplexed:) since its not aligning how we usually perceive universe, e.g. that cause comes before effect. then what if that reverses at such incidents? then :D one just gets perplexed/shocked and just having a lot queries in mind afterwards 

it were very much disrupting my focus ot other project study times this topic ->. cause it is really interesting :) 

I mean it were very mysterious. until I understood how multiverse system works. now its kind of needing not to test many many times. cause i mean you test a topic that what you try to udnerstand how it works. now that i understood deciphered, tests seems now as waste of time. since its time to formulate now.

its merge of various science field knowledge that I partially gathered along long time to have be able to decipher how multiverses works of many many worlds like interpretations.:)  

i mean you test something when you dont know how it works. now i know how it works, it seems less interesting to test.

yayy last day I deciphered finally how multiverse system works/

--> (what else scientific breakthrough happent in recent time in theoretical physics ) ( I think this would be one of the biggest scientific breakthroughs surely in theoretical physics side as soon i could formulae it :)  ) 


so due to having figured out how it works: 

it is now rather formulization time. 

of finding algebraic structure of that hebbian systems mentioned and their quantum system behaviours which results such effect of quantum jumping like titled concept. 

this were really disrupting my ml project studies actually

my obsession to this topic. but how could one not get obsessed to this topic? I mean reversing of cause and effect like topic even could happen in this phenomena? :)

I just tried to have it repeat and be an avid tv shows watcher awhile. or tried to test as many as I can. 

yayyyy not much left to possibly create a scientific breakthrough in theoretical physics science and our understanding of universe :)

all by chance of high neurotransmiters coming from auitsm condition, and my curioisty to divergent science areas from philosophy to quantum physics resulted in me deciphering that mysterious multiverse phenomena working principles 

not much left to create scientific breakthrough  by formulating it? still alot tasks surely exists :)

if my theory is correct of course. not known surely. but i think its very likely theory i thought is correct. 

since its very likely to have hebbian systems showcase quantum system behaviour to my thinking very possibly.   but lets see.

hmm hebbian systems I liked to read ml articles 7 years ago for learning machine learning , I read lots of ml articles including hebbian systems based when studying to build an ml startup by then read maybe 200 or more ml articles by then.


so in how to formulate hebbian systems better : 

so up to my understanding this needs to be throughly studied in terms of algebra side to how represent such connected systems better and create the quantum algebras of theirs. might be a straightforward task or not  dont know before in advance. I need to finish representation theory and continue group theory study. then also revise quantum physics i studied like 15 days or so in 2022s.  

so this would be very fun task. I like such abstract algebra tasks alot. i mean i like these type of puzzles. not usually high iq puzzles isince cant solve many times. but i like obsessing to this specific type puzzles. like taking papers and trying to solve some abstract algebraic problem or maths/philosophical query. or so. some physics problem like 2 years ago trying to stabilize error factor of some differential eq of some modeling of qm topics one comonly utilized modeling method alike puzzles i like to solve. 

though it might be better to try to sovle with help of theoreitcal physcis ai later.  since this hebbian puzzle one very hard to solve puzzle or maybe straightforward, dont know in advance.

yep but i think i would also invest time first since might be straightfoerward easy to find out type group theoreitc task.  if not, maybe who knows ml program could solve later. or maybe it cant. but surely if i cant solve, its possible that ml program algebraic studies might be beneficial at some point to decipher algebras or how to represent hebbian systems better to enable formulizing quantum systems there. and even also translating them to other nearly equivalnt groups either to be able to solve more easier their equations. 


hmm last time i had fun time of trying to solve some puzzle (That were some quantum physics modeling puzzle it were some representation there of a differential system there  I did not liked and tried to make its error factor stabilized (there were some dynamic system definition there and its error were unstable and so, not in specifically qm but in some simulation side modelings) and I took paper pen and worked 2 or 3 days to figure out a solution via differential geometry topics help to model error factor there in to be controlled and not unstable wise. 

now its second time i have such puzzle like :)

 trying to model quantum systems quantum algebras of hebbian systems :)

have lots of papers /pen to solve this new puzzle :) 

but than in advance i need to study getting expert in representation theory/group theory in advance.

yayyyyy then fun of trying to model hebbian systems fun and deciphering that this time: 

quantum algebras of hebbian systems time 


new puzzle/new deciphering task :)  --> formulization of quantum algebras of hebbian systems of clusters of neural net populations inside mind.   

( how multiverse works puzzle is already deciphered/solved :)  this is the second puzzle )



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