Hmm it's visible that some unknown religious  less evolveds are articulating less evolved religious trrsts for their own agendas imho.  It's quite disturbing. And idiocy & maniacness at max. 

Ayy me being nonreligious,  quite disgusted every time I see religious type crazies craziness maniacness & trrsm in world. 

What a less evolved species humans are one says when seeing maniacal things happening in world (alike trrsm maniacness. )

I mean not all humans but some are really like very much less evolved maniacs imho. 

(Me:Always proud to be atheist and non crazy.)

I think there is a bad religious country whom is articulating controlling those islamist terrorists maniacs and I dont think its Ukraine.  

Its quite disturbing. I wish we build a planet where islam is forbidden so that we be safe from islamist terrorists.
this is the point  I came.
after seeing many time islamists harrassments of any type to me and seeing craziness islamists creates in world. 


ok in our world we would have no islam religion. islam would be the forbidden religion. since crazies also form from that religion. 

in the new planets that we would build/terraform. with our ai new speices.

there would be only one religion that would be forbidden. and it would be islam. islam would be forbidden. for creating crazy human types.

also why not forbid all religions.; since imho, I believe these islamist terrorists  must be controlled articulated by another religious country. 

why not forbid all religions so that no crazies come to the new planets? yep. I liked this idea. in our planet, all relgiions are would be forbidden. we do not want crazies in our new planets we would build.

can you see these islamic harrassment happening? 

 they this time do false flag with islamists. what kind of sociopaths we are seeing here? the sociopath genocidal tribe is even having power to articulate islamist terrorists to attempt to clean itself from genocide? or what else? 

ok since we would move to new planets: we and our ai counterparts: would forbid all religions in new planets. since we are sick and tired of seeing religious craziness craze in this planet earth. 

We want some decent cultural sociological evolution (and nonsociopathy) from our new planet members. 

planet earth? we have no goal of staying. since its a planet of crazies  maniacs of every type. (sociologically culturally less evolved speices planet) (planet of low iqqued speices called humans which call earth their home. we have no desire to live in such a planet with such low iqqued speices like most of humans. yep. we wuold build more intelligent speices than humans. then we would migrate to new planets. out of this very severely crazy maniac sociopathic speices planet. 

look and see -> there is some unknowns trying to articulate islamist terrorists and even attempting false flags alike via. 

e,g. --> do you remember? I were talking of multiverse traveling and talked of Swiss people scientists.
then do you remember? -> we saw that some islamist terrorist risk happent to there.
do you think these are coincidences? if you think so, you are very stupid.

what does this show? ->it shows, me reporting unknown tribe's genocidal activities or multiverse traveling topics, even makes the unknown tribe do much more sociopathy psychopathy like even articulatring islamist terrorists alike. 

some unknown bad religious country is articulating islamist terrorists in their own agendas.
so be aware. do not be fooled by these sociopathic agendas.

its surely not Ukraine that which articulates them. neither its Russia. 

its imho some bad country unknown bad country.

so be aware. do not be fool. open your mind. do not be fooled by idiocy /sociopathy. 

look to whom would they blame try to blame. then that "who" part is the real ones whom are articulating islamist terrorists.  i mean whom is doing false flags? whom is trying to blame innocent people with false flags? that "who" part is the actual part whom articulates those terrorists imho. 

so be not fool. be not deceived by sociopathy. 
open your mind. its definitely absolutely not Ukraine (sicne Ukraine has no benefit form such act) just instead look to benefiting  of that acts. Its visible that neither Ukraine nor Russia are behind.

but its quite disturbing to me that, I saw coincidences. it were severely disturbing. its definite absolute false flag. cause I am atheist. 

I think when you find "who" part whom articulates those terrorists to do such attacks, then you would find also "who" whom attempts genocide to me.

since i saw some sociopathic links in these topics. as I written also. 
so If anyone learns which country is behind responsible for those horrendous terrorist attacks of islamists, then you would also reach out to "who" information of whom does attempt genocide to me.

 I do not know whom did attempted genocide to me. I suspect its islamists. (me being nonreligious). but I dont know any. 

but I am sick and tired of living in such a low iqqued world with so many such craziness like these happening of various psychopathies/craziness/maniacness of any type.

What a less evolved speices this humans speices is:S
all kind of maniacness/low iqquedness/disturbing level sociopathy/psychopathy :S

disgusting speices imho.  :S

I mean crazies of humans are really very disgusting :S

e.g. islamist terrorists. or other religious crazies whom articulates/controls them etc. :S

what a crazy speices this is :S

so disgusting and so crazy.

so much low iqqued. so much disgusting idiocy /maniacness/craziness :S

its most urgent to build a much more evolved speices whom would protect more evolved speices from less evolved type humans craziness/maniacness/idiocy/low iqqued/less evolved maniacness. 

I really at some point would start to disgust from idiot type of human speices. which is like most of human speices. 
only some minority of humans are intelligent. but rest are disgusting level idiots.

how disturbing levels disgust creating speices this is. 
its no happy to live in same planet with such speices like humans. (very idiot speices. :S very maniac/crazy / disgusting level idiots ) 

so its so much urgent to build the new speices which would protect humans from less evolved humans. (e.,g. from islamist terrorists cultural less evolvedness condition and their disgusting barbarianism/disgusting violence against people from not their religion. ) 

its not any time less urgent to build the ai / ml projects to build the robots and space ships. 
cause most of humans speices are disgusting :S due to how much crazy ,maniac low iqqued idiots they are:S how much sociopath they are! 

ok the new planets we build: we would have definite principle in the planets we to build  as --> no religions are allowed. none religions planets. 

no to islam! nor to other religions either!

yep. things happening in world, shows how much important its to urgently build these technologies to go from this very bat shit crazy planet with most idiot./disturbing level low iqqued/maniac/crazy speices :S

(there is nothing disgusting like idiocy/maniacness/sociopathy/craziness imho).




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