yesterday I had not studied alot but today studying. (Yesterday I think this lazy I studied for 10 minutes or so. yesterday mainly did some flat task (flat were severely dust/untidy ) and also did some laziness alike passed yesterday.
seems as I would be able to finish studying this book of representation theory by end of monday.
then I would need to study to some one more topic of wreath products. and then I would need to revise module theory/ring theory printouts and resume the phd book of Derek Robinson.
and then also maybe I might be able to recheck commutative algebra phd book.
ok then meanwhile some time 1 month later latest, I would be able to start writing the library completely.
I think I could start initially actually after monday even. maybe I do not need to get expert in group theory but rather expertise in hmm this representation theory and some specific group theory chapters would be enough. and category theory either. since I want to also join representations via nonsimilarity but adjunction links of inductive def sets. I want to merge inductive definitions via category theoritical some basis commutative algebra graph types. I think i dont need to be expert in commutative algebra yet to design this library. since we would yet build the basis initially. and some basical inferential theorem proving skills either. (not much) in this library layer.
yep I think then I could start writing library on tuesday. cool.
I am eager to revisit category theory and its adjunctions logic. and I wonder its sheaves theories there also. and their aforementioned logic system definitions via those category theory units alike. (since I also bought discrete systems and logic book for since I would require to codeAristotalean type basic logic functionality layer also. but its intriguing to read also the logic system definitions using category theory and sheaves which I had not had chance to read any about yet.
but in this representation theory side's commutative diagrams side, I think there could be some basic shapes in overall right? one is the similarity. one is the category theory's adjunction with reversed arrows. other I need to improvise this basic commutative diagram shapes to represent inductive basis of representations.
I wonder also algebraic topology and topology concepts binding to the abstract algebra domain. that we tackle topology via abstract algebra either later.
most boring task would be later-> NLP to abstract algebraic representations task's verbs to algebraic translation tasks. e.g. how you define "go" verb via abstract algebraic constructs alike. I initiuated that library and then stopped to then return back to get more expert in phd group theory book and then here I then study representation theory afterwards in that task.
Maybe 100 or more verbs would need to be translated defined. then the synonymity and meronomy and antonymity would help to build other verbs and also ontology db's would be integrated surely.
This latter task would be quite boring. but necessary for this ai project. since it would require to be able to interpret msc/bsc/phd books it studies correctly.
then it would of course need convolutional type networks to do parse graphs also. i mean graphs in books.
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