(some people's ugly behaviour in web e.g. I saw recently are like a proof/testament to why we set 140 iq points criterion. e.g. beholder of that ugly behaviour, you would not have chance to move to our new planet. with such incorrect delusional working thinking device (which is a hallmark of 110-120 iq level imho to think delusionally like that) you have 0 chance to enter to the >=140iqqueds planet. yep. I guess you low iqqued cant sculpt or draw or paint or think of innovative project ideas in science either. you low iqqued(less evolved sapien (wtr respect to we 140 iqqueds)), with your savage behaviour in web (like thinking delusional untrue incorrect thoughts against other races), do not expect to be welcome to our >140 iq points planet, which would be real high iqqued people's planet. which wouldnt think untrue delusional ideas (for hubris need/for wrongly placed self esteem creation mechanisms through trying to exercise hatred impulse delusionally via thinking impossible slanders to other races, (Klu Klux Klan style type stuff imho your condition is alike imho :S of exercising in mind very racist untrue impossible type slanders to other races alike. you are just like if from Klu Klux Klan imho. (You are visibly absolutely a lesser evolved sapiens in terms of iq. ! to be in behaviour sets of Klu Klux Klan. ) ). ). )
(we are building something more than Gattaca. not like Gattaca either. we wisht to setup 140 iq points or being polymath as entry criterion to our Gattaca alike new planets/civilizations yep. )
(cause we are sick of all the savagery the low iqqued people. )
(-> savages/maniacs/crazies do not come from >140 iq points people types. and iq is not any racial topic any time either.).
hey-> these are main reason why we setup >140 iq points threshold to our new civilizations new planets we would build. yep.
No to savages! nor to maniacs/crazies either!
of course we wont do any crazy thing like genetical testing like Gattaca movie.
but we would surely ensure accept only citizens whom prove they are over 140 iq poitns. that they are polymaths. being polymaths is the entry criterion of citizenship to our new planets/colonies.
plus, we only welcome atheists. No to Islam! (specifically after reading news of Islamists people's extremists' massacres last week:S) nor No to any other religions either (are other religions less crazy then Islam? suspicious imho, I think other religions are also crazies like islamists..) (so we do not want religions in our new civilizations. No to Islam! nor No to any other religion either! yepp this be the second foundation principle. )
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