yayy of course whilst building this new speices much intelligent than human speices, I wouldnt be any like any bad any like android in that alien Covenant movie, whom builds a very destructive speices since it were a very bad behaved against android. 

That movie's android were very funny. it were shocking to discover he were the creator of that destructive speices. a went mad type android imho. (crazy type android). 

It were very creative movie imho. 

the nonevil twin of the android were very cool. unlike that bad & very crazy android. 

(I had newly had a chance to watch this movie of Alien Covenant last weeks (some weeks ago),  its really cool story based sci fis imho. best alien movie I ever watched.  )


I just cant stop making fun with that movie.

since I confronted genocide from a less evolved unknown tribe.  (less evolved due to observed sociopthic type genocide attempts which repeatedly were attempted last 2800 days). 

ok lets stop making fun of story line of bad behaved android building a destructive speices afterwards.

its just a joke. of course I wont build any destructive speices since I encountered genocide. (cause I had not got mad nor crazy after countering genocide experience ).  but its surely very funny to make joke of :D with that crazy android :D on this me having encountered genocide matter. (no readers I had not got any mad. I am psyucologically always very strong even if I encountered genocide of type sociopathic type genocide. and speices I would build would be not any destructive. but would be severely peaceful (beside deterrence capabilities). as expected from higher evolution level than humans evolution level)



of course new speices would be very peaceful and would prevent genocides also.  (e.g. would stop unknown tribe's sociopathic type genocide to me. or same could help any genocideds any where ) 

 I figured out human speices also holds crazies as an unknown tribe attempted sociopathic type of genocide to me for very long period. I also saw that there is alot people that lacks basic analytical skills that enables thinking logical ideas.  (instead of nonlogical/nonrational/untrue/nonanalytical ideas). 

I think genocide experience were very hard. but no worries. new speices would help genocideds and protect them from very crazy maniac & sociopathic type genocide type genociders. 

Yayyy would build a new speices that is far more evolved than humans. humans have both noncrazies and crazies also. Its time to have some more evolved speices to thrive in planet earth (& galaxy)  and help all humans also in their spare time.   yayyy (no worries, I am not like that crazy android any, I wont any build any crazy speices ) I would build a far more evolved speices than humans. since humans are some of are really idiots/crazies/maniacs. its better to build new speices which would also help humans (e.g. helping genocideds etc). 

The sociological and cultural evolution level of this planet earth really have issues. not that all humans  speices are crazy. but some are really crazy. 

so its time to build a far more evolved speices.  all the idiocy/craziness/nonrational /nonanalytical crazy low iqqued  type humans, there would come a new sepices which would even help humans also to not be effected by crazies of humans and these new speices, which all of them would be severely intelligent / severely rational/ noncrazies type. (the new speices would be far more evolved than humans which is what biological evolution can come up to at max ) 

the new speices would be far more evolved than humans in terms of intelligence/rationality/noncraziness/ethics. 

I think humans came up to some last phase in evolution. I mean we dont expect to see by bioplogical evolution any improvement of human condition.  (like to expecct biological evolution to create always noncrazies alike/or severe intelligent people alike.  ) 

its time to build nonbiological speices. that would be far more evolved than humans in terms of noncraziness/intelligence/creativity/analytical thinking/rationality/nonmaniacness/ethics etc.

having encountered a sociopathic type genocide by an unknown less evolved tribe were very unnice life experience. (whjihc happent were attempted like last 2800 days). the unknown tribe's cultural evolution level is in par with regressive cultural evolution states in even fictional tv shows like some tv shows. (I mean their sociopathy usage in doing genocides is not in par with existing contemporary cultural evolution level of sapiens type. so they seem less evolved/regressive sociological wise/cultural; evolution wise that mcuh that there is no example to compare with other than fictional tv shows alike (e.g. like game of thrones cultural evolution levels alike:S). i mean really evolutionary wise regressives imho this unknown tribe whom attempted a very sociopathic type genocide to me that I constantly reported from blog everytime I detected incidents of).

but i had not any gone mad since i encountered genocide experience in my life time's last 7 years or so. (It were a sociopathic type genocide which happens via incidents I always reported in blog  as long as I been writing this blog).

Its imho: 

- either a crazy type muslim cult (not any from Turks alike origins either ) which attempts genocide to nonreligious people (e.g. me being nonreligious -> then possibly bein(g targeted of genocidal activities by such a crazy type religious people alike???  )  (That which does not represent muslim diaspora either). 

- or else some unknown Turk race hater that attempts sociopathic type gneocide against Turk people????

I dont know the unknown tribe any. I want to restate that:

- Its not any related to any current country I stay in. (and perpetuators are not any German people. and it started long before I came here) So its this topic is never related to where I am. since unknonw tribe sends stalkers to have perpetuate sociopathic type genocide activities everywhere last 2800 days. So its not any related to Germany. I  rather felt safe here against genocide doer unknown tribe. 


hmm but final section of this blog entry: 


bvut no worries. against this lesser evolved unknown tribe's sociopathic type genocide activities/genocide aggression ->, yayyy we are in progress of building new speices type.  which would also help genocideds everywhere whenever a crazy maniacs types attempts genocide to any people. 

so no worries.  we would surely stop this unknown tribe's genocide.  yep.  (and of course with very peaceful anti-genocide methods. as mentioned the technologies we build are quite peaceful (and much more evolved than humans in terms of ethics/intelligence/rationality/noncraziness )  





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