yep I had some circadian rythm issues due to me myself messing up being asleep hour day hours on weekend.
then i became sick on monday. and tuesday slightly healed.
and wednesday I became illness of sinusitis.
then thursday and still all days from monday, i were trying to adapt to day hours since day hours reversed on last weekend silly I mixed day hours on weekend.
It feels like : last week were hard, since I first had leg injury which were severe wound (luckily were not broken leg wishfully) still its alot injury. but better by today. but still not sure when it would heal. when my mom saw it she got shocked how long the wound is. its like a huge hyperbole :S like L shaped but more hyperbole like but is like totally 4cms wound. now it has cover but still edges seems pink colored.
It's like this now:\
disgusting image below:
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