the sociopathic genocide doers attempted incident of identity eradication and ugly crazy requests battery from other building 1 minute ago
the maniacs do say something like hara in their harrassments and identity eradication attempts of chanting literals to be tried to be genocideds with doing ugly requests to the tried to be genocided also happent 1 min before from other building.
its detected that genociders have member in other building unfortunately. :S
I do not like living in ferikoy where genocide started :S
genocide attempts also started exactlt from other building 7 years ago. again with some methods. but it were not possible to interpret but it were interpreted as maniacal stalkers situation.
the nonturks are again initiating genocide activites exactly from other building :S
scary. they again attempted identity eradication attempts.
they do it with doing ugly requests batteries and chanting literals to the tried to be genocided to attempt to convert genocided to a bitch with aliases. eg. they used ege/ada/oguz/hande/tan/serdar/surname_of_some_person in these attempts as much as I observed the stalk genocide incidents.
I initially would perceive it as such stalkers are stalking me. after very repetitive such many many recurrent stalk incidents everywhere in outside and from other building and in other city I moved to, I understood the identity eradication attempts of trying to forcefully convert to a bitch with aliases like attempt. intiially I would had perceived it with stalkers with such names.
they also visibly in genocide activities investigate eg.. a person I dated very long before a software engineer, they would even use his surname in these. so they really do this sociopathic genocide very organizedly with very such stuff :S
they try to forceuflly convert genocideds to bitch with alieases through this currently recurred genocide activity with this time ege literal.
e.g. they would mostly harrass with serdar and tan literals in 2017 and hande started in 2017 alike. I would intiially perceive in 2017 as if there is maniacal stalkers and stalkers are like oguz/hande/serdar or ege or ada.
it were like evertytime i went outsied it were happening everysingle time. and from other building very ugly requests batteries with serdar literal. I tried to stop thinking there is serdar called stalker in other building shouting back psycho type stalker! stop stalking me but i after sometime it never stops by reacting any. they do it organized genocide wise and stop it psycho do not stop them. its not something like anything they do to succeed the genocide agenda of conversion. but rather something to torture the genocideds to lower them to such condition like bitch alike with repettiitvely doing such untrue narraive to the tried to be genocideds. cause none of their batteries/ugly requests batteries/fabrication ops/identity eradication attempts succeeded. they were always nihiliated never replied to (except the very initial time ths started I reacted with psycho maniac stalker stop stalking! I am an engineer. or psycho serdar! alike but I saw it never stopped them so I gave up trying to stop with reacting but moved to always nihiliating never replying the gneociders genocide attempts phase of my reactions to genocide happent. cause reacting like psycho maniac stop never stops them. they do endlessly continye genocide activity of forceful conversion attempts and identity eradication attempts and ugly requests batteries and fabrication ops and many times also curses and in intiial times in 2017 also, dehumanization along with ugly requests batteries )
the identity eradication part of genocide is also very traaumatizing part of genocide. they do usually it with chanting e.g. ege in genocide literals.
e.g. in 2017 even if i go to distant place like kilyos to go to swimming they would even come there and chant ege and do attempt ugly requests batteries. by then whilst living in istanbul , I were not able to understand whats happening (e.g. identity eradication attempts nor forceful conversion of guh to bitch with aliases attempts) I would perceive it like some people of ege oguz tan serdar is stalking me and they are very maniacs. I initially had not understood their sociopathic schemes of identity eradication attempts they utilize in their genocide activity. then the stalk happent very bad from other building and outside and from street rihgt in this place very bad then I due to that moved to ankara. but the genocider nonturks continued to do send mafias to perpetuate same genocide activities there. then i moved to berlin they continued also there. the ferikoy's nonturk type genociders also have extensions to perpetuate genocide in also berlin. (whom are not germans to not wrongly defame germans in this whislt mentioning berlin) (its not we turks either) (but its some nonturks in ferikoy whom attempts genocide to we turks) (its not from we turks nor armenians either).
i cant define horrors of this sociopathic genocide.
everyday I finish my engineering job at a cool ankara software company which i worked to by then. i would foinish my job very late to go home late becaus eI were scared of walking to home in afternoon time since incidnets would happen like: e.g. i would go with public transport to home and drop off somewhere then i would need to walk 500 meters alike.
then the genocider nonturks would also hire send mafias to that point vicinity i drop off from public transport. in cafe beside that. and since incidents happent from there, I would go in night time and run passing from there scare of genociders mafias they send to do their sociopathic schemes in genocide actigity or ugly requests batteries.
after sometime my mom dad gave their second car to me so I got saved of this severe scare mode when going to returning from job time. since they would really send mafias to there. not only that, they would send mafias to place i lived in ankara. e.g. in 3am they had sent guy doing ugly requests battery and idenitty eradication attempts. or else i remember in that building they also at a time sent people living there in soem flat there whom did identity eradication and batteryfrom there also.
the nonturks whom does this genocide has always had momentary gps location of me .
e.g. let me exemplify. I just go to shopping center for 5 minutes a shopping center 30 minutes distance with my car. i drop off then go to shopping center, then 5 minutes later leaving it-> then in front door cafe a genocider would happen harrass doing the genocide incidents of identity eradication attempts and ugly requests batteries.
these nonturks does genocide organized wise and they have an army of unofficial genociders army of mafias they send with gps accuracy.
they also have some personal info of the tried to be genocideds. e.g., in identity eradication attempts they also used guys surname I wwere inlove to many time ago (an engineer guy whom wer emore experienced more intelligent engineer than me which i were in love to many time ago)
these genocider nonturks do a very very sociopathic genocide type. they do organized wise.and its some kind of psychological torture to the tried to be genocideds which they attempt very maniacal identity eradication attempts. e.g. they try to create new names to the tried to be genocideds. with chanting them in their genocide incidents which they also attempt ugly requests batteries to the tried to be genocideds.
that they then shamelessly as if they succeeded conversion then they harrass the tried to be genocideds with the literals they chant and with the roles they try to forcefully convert to also. they behave to the genocideds in other many incidents also if their genocide agenda succeededd also and they try to forcefully create aliases to the tried to be genocideds via like chanting it thorugh either ugly requests batteries genocide incidents or other fabrication ops genocide incidents.
they really attempt genocide a for real genocide only violence part where they kill genocideds is missing. but other all stages has been present in these near to full fledge genocide activity (only violence part of genocide(killing of genocideds) is missing, thats why we call it a nonviolent genocide type)
although its called nonviolent, psychological violence of the genocide is severe traumatic. we only call nonviolent just because they hadnot killed we tried to be genocideds. but otherelse psychological violence of forceful conversion attempts/identity eradication attempts/ugly requess baterries/ ugly requests bateries with dehumanization/curses/fabrication ops has been insurmountable trauma of course. i mean even it does not include physical violence, psychological violence of genocide were insurmountable levels traumatizing ) (although I am tackling trauma/ptsd condition much better last year)
in stage 1 they try to forcefully convert to bitch. in stage 2 they attempted to forcefully conversion to this time pena alike.
stage 5 is worst. in stage 5 they try to defame the tried to be genocideds with worst type impossible slander typoes to distance genocide crime off themselves to discredit genocideds to attempt to defame genocideds worst with worst impossible slander types to distance of the genocide crime they committed organize wise away from themselves. so even if every stage of genocide is always very dishonest, stage 5 is most dishonest stage of genocide. :S
but I built inner strength against this very organized and very sociopathic genocide that nonturks in ferikoy attempts to we turks in long time.
its a nonviolent genocide and is very much includeing severe psychological violence to the tried to be genocideds. imho most psychologically traumatizing parts were -> identity eradication attempts. ugly requests batteries and fabrication ops.
they endlessly do these with always never being replied to none of their any of ugly requests batteries/identity eradication attempts/fabrication ops with also ugly requests batteries. they never get repolied to any of these but they repeated many thousand time. its not something they do it to succeed forceful conversion, they do it to try to psychologically torture the turks they try to attempt genocide to and their genocide want/desire to turks via this horrorful very sociopathic genocide type which is were very severely traumatizing :S
i mean they never cared if their batteries works. they do it to torture to degrade turks to the levels they wish to see turks in . i mean e.g. level they wish to degrade turks forcefully were initially bitch as of this genocide started in 2017. so its visible they have genocidal level hatred to we turks and they reflect it very maniacally/sociopathically.
their genocide is very maniacal. full of constant sociopathic schemes they apply to the tried to be genocdieds. e.g. identity eradication attempts and forceful conversion attempts were severely traumatizing (and fabrication ops either :S )
so when i say its genocide, its really genocide unfortunately :S. ----> only violent part of genoncide is missing (part where they kill genocideds) (other else all things in following page -> Ten stages of genocide - Wikipedia I really opbserved in genocide I countered, maybe not but most of) so this topic imho is really genocide.
imho genocide is not just genocide when is done to lots of people. its also genocide when a race targets a member of other race's autist to reflect their genocidal level hatred to other race. i mean genocide does not have to be called genocide if applied to a populace. its also genocide when a race randomly targets autists and applies genocide to a race to reflect realize their genocidal level maniacal hatred to other race.
so there exists nonturks in ferikoy whom atempts genocide to we turks. they are not from we turks nor armenians.
they also have extensions alot in abroad also. (ferikoy's genociders of turks, not that they apply genocide to all turks but specifically to autists of imho. that they select weaker members of a populace to attempt genocide horrors. (I mean nonturks cete of ferikoy) (whom are not from we turks nor armenians) )
but no worries! after unfortunately real time living of genocide experience to we turks from nonturks in ferikoy in turkey and abroad, we turks have got over severe trauma of having confronted genocide (really genocide :S) (-> not fully healed of trauma/ptsd but mainly healed) and we are building cylons which would protect we turk race from genocides until to forever.
of course not to miss, as we are very civilized, our cylons would be very peaceful, and counter genocide very peacefully and with recording genocide incidents and with sueing to law institutes in Turkey.
so cylons would protect we turks from genocides. but they would do it uttermost peacefully. i mean they would do detectiving only and in genocide incidents they would kindly ask genociders to stop their sociopathic genocide and would record evidence of genociders genocide incident. and then both also record its own intervention to genocide incident and would sue perpetuators to Turkey's law institutes with exact/absolute genocide crime.
we should never react nonpeacefully nor noncivilized to genociders imho ever.
since they genocider soicopath maniac savages dont deserve to degrade level of our civilization less civilized/non peaceful reactions levels.
any nonpeaceful noncivilized reaction to genocide would be imho wouldnt be any ok. no we would never do switch to nonpeaceful ractions. we would never react nonpeacefully nor noncivilzied wise to genocide that happens/happent.
but instead ->
we would counter genocide very civilized wise. very peaceful wise. with peaceful cylon robots we are building. which would help protecting turk race from genocides to forever. yep. thats how we would protect we turk race from genocides. with building a definite protection against-genocide tehcnology. of peaceful cylon robots which would protect we turks race from genocides to until forever. (and would accomplish that very peacefully and very civilized wise surely /absolutely)
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