I detected another incident which sociopathic genociders do use a defamation literal trying to defame the genocideds. They did same incidents in abroad with also doing ugly requests batteries beside such defamation literal.
-> Seems as the genociders has persistent people living in other building and accomplishing helping sociopathic genocide activities.
not only that ->
there in abroad some people started to stalk saying gecko like literals 3 years ago.
then 3 months ago I saw an online life threat passing gecko literal. which said something like gecko, terminally ill, some poison alike. (life threatening to me imho)
then in feirkoy some people passed saying gecko again.
and tonight also in one incident someone harrassed in vicinity shouting gecko.
ok the genociders whom does also online life threatenings in abroad also has harassed with shouting gecko in vicinty.
not only that->
in abroad some people started to stalk with doing both very ugly requests batteries and with both doing saying a very unnice defamation literal/alias they do ugly requests batteries along with.
such harrassment of defamation literal happent right from other building as like 1 hour ago or so.
---> I think we need something like nurenberg analogies to tackle sociopathic genociders of ferikoy whom has also extension in abroad and attempts severe persecution and sociopathic genocide activities. (not to confuse or defame germans wrongly in this. the perpetatuators are visibly ferikoy's nonturk type genociders extensions. due to incidents content plus the gneociders talk both our local language and german. so not to wrongly defame the germans in this topic any. but seems as the ferikoy nonturk type genociders also have abroad extension. and attempted some much worse genocide there. it were like stage 1 gednocide here as of started in ferikoy, then in abroad it moved to stage 2 genocide. (much worse genocide) then later stage 5. (worst genocide stage). even whilst going to turkey, some guy in airport came vicinity both first shouted some stage 5 genocide slander type then sohuted "dont mess with us" like sentence. :S)
its so crazy to live through genocide experience :S
the genociders even did online life threatening back in abroad. with altering my search engine results with having a death threat passing gecko passing title with also a life threatening there.
I wish we could tackle this topic like nurenberg. i would initiate law sue to nurenberg of Turkey law systems to report this very sociopathic maniacal even death threaths happening sociopathic genocide of nonturks of ferikoy to turks.
i dont think its germans involved in this. since as far as I am told, its said that germans usually like turks. plus the genociders do also talk our language in various incidents. (I mean genociders seem to be not from germans. but seems as ferikoy's genocider's extension in abroad )
it all started in ferikoy from other building. like in 2017s.
horrors of genocide of nonturks to turks started by then. :S
I just had no idea that ferikoy is a place like no to go to place for turks.
i mean like recently one relative told a story. a kurd turk goes to Greece. then he says he thought he would be killed like hatred he counters. (genocidal level hatred) then he says i am kurd then genocidal hatred stops.
I had no idea that Ferikoy is also such a place (no to go to typ[e places for turks, since has people types whom genocidal level hate turks)
when saying ferikoy, its always required to add its not armenians whom tries to genocide we turks.
-> i encountered real life version of genocide concept. (after moved to ferikoy very before)
genocide started and got worsened constantly.
and genociders of ferikoy have alot of abroad extensiion whom perpetuated and very worsened genocide there.
in stage 5 they try to discredit genocideds very badly. (stage 5 genocide slanders are type worst type impossible slanders type) e.g. when going to turkey, a guy came and shouted not very loudly stage 5 slander first then shouted "dont mess with us" -> intimidation with discrediting genocided effort/attempt by the ferikoy's nonturk type genociders abroad extensions. all stages of genocide are very dishonest. but stage 5 is most dishonest stage of genocide. :S
the abroad extension of ferikoy's genociders started stage 5 in 2023 alike in abroad. initially genocide started with bitch slander and forceful conversion to bitch atempts. then in abroad it got worse. they attempted same genocide methods this time with pena type impossible slander in abroad. then I always nihiliated/never replied. then the genocidal level turk haters, started stage 5 incidents where they switched to worst impossible slander types in genocide icnidents to try to distance genocide crime away and to attempt to discredit genocideds worstly. :S
these all happen very organized wise :S the nonturks attempts geoncide very organized wise.
the nonturks cete of ferikoy attempts genocide very organized wise :S
they also have mafia arms which they send to do genocide incidents. (stage 1/ stage 2 incidents etc) (e.g. in forceful conversion to bitch attempts stage of genocide or stage 2, they send mafia arms whom does ugly requests batteries/identity eradication attempts/false flags-fabrication ops attempts/curses/ugly requests batteries with dehumanization etc etc )
imho how to fix genocide issue? --> (as its observed nonturks of ferikoy attempts organized genocide to turks) (as it started by 2017)
-> we would tackle with sueing genocide incidents with all reports of thousands many incidents to law institutes of Turkey (analogical to nurenberg law sues)
we would tackle genocide peacefully and civilized wise. with never reacting to genocide unpeacefully nor uncivilized. but with law institutes.
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