I figure out my uncles my aunts liked theoretical physics talks.  (e.g. many many worlds theorems and its relatedness to topics they wondered of ) (not that i am theoretical physicist like knowledgeable any. but I just told what I know of. turns out people likes to talk theoretical physics topics about universe etc etc ) 

yayyy were nice to socialize with family. 

but i just felt like when talking concepts I convey, my language skills detoriated since I dont read alot books that I couldnt convey sometimes very better wise so  I should continue reading books sometime. 

although even with that I observed people like talks of theoretical physics talks topics like many many worlds topic discussions like topics. or their link to psychic mythologies or such myths/beliefs etc. and the discrepancy of what theoretical physics can say about it and what part of beliefs could be in myths side in regarding belief systems related to topics like astral stuff. etc etc.

or else tryign to describe how many many worlds could been to an objective skepticsm who rejected idea that it seems not likely if many universes could be present at once whilst how we could not see them. in trying to convey it I tried to find some analogies to describe. with my not very knowledgeable string theory's usually unvisible extra dimensions topics to Faucaults some literature works skills iterations analysis link of that that perception might not be always related to how theoretical physics can model how universe actually is. or trying to give Godel's incompleteness formalism theorem even if i dont know in detail but basics of. that our perceptions of that it must be a single universe at a curent time point might not be correct and that theoretical physics is a field not very perception based like analogies I tried to give. and whilst talking of analogies examples form Foucaults literature analysis and its distinctive compertmentalization regarding Don Quite literature work of studies of perception imagination thinking skills. 

i think best analogies could have come from Tarski paradox possibly to extend imagination of relative whom asked how could multiple universes could be at soem time and place like very reasonable skeptic query. which eventually he migh be right (lor wrong) but i think going forward to measure theoristician examples and Tarski examples might be better analogies to describe that even the basical reality we model in our mind, has paradoxical existence. and maybe better examples could have been defined from quarks antiquarks like systems underlying QFT models maybe. dunno.

I figure out my family liked theoretical physics topics alot and wanted to talk with me alot more. not that I know any much as theoretical physicist. of course not. I can only be knowing culture of theoretical physics :D (since had not learnt yet :D I mean bits of but not the entire picture. nor I also forgot mechanical physics :D first I need to learn that again or else i mean I can never say myself any physicist nor mathematician. even if i am curious to. definitely absolutely not. :)  but surely I study recent much more to mathmatics since its very mandatory for ml algos project )

yayyy it were nice to socialize with family (this time mom';s side family) (I also like my dad's side family also very much) 

yep had not seen my family for a lot time. I been living abroad like last 5 years alike nearly. 

and specifically also had not seen my uncle &wife of also for very long time. (from Canada side  branch of mom's side)  

turns out my family likes theoretical physics topics. :) I know yet theoretical physics as much as science writer but not much any. :) Since had not studied fully to any topic there yet. e.g. quarks anti quarks I left studying since I thought its enough reading group theoretical knowledge which were nto fully defined well in that taching supplementary book type book. which I get some information of. but surely not learnt yet. but postponed learning it due to ml algos project.

it seemed fun responsibility. i felt like physicists people whom educate public in physics when talking of tehoretical physics topics to my family. :)  althoughn I dont know yet enough theoretical physics any  much :)  (I mean I felt like university professors whom sometimes gives public lectures of physics topics to general public :). )  not that i do now physics science yet alot very much. i have ideas of but not hadnot studied throughly. but it felt nice. to feel like being professors whom educates public when talking of theopretical physics and merging it with my partially Foucault partial readings etc etc. but i discovered my philosophy talking vocabulary detoriated alot that I really had moments which I got stucked whilst talking. which is due to lack of reading books that I couldnt at times fluently talk. 

yayyy its fun to talk about diverse topics :) from theoretical physics to philosophy even although I know partially. 

eventually it turns out people whom read sociology/anthropology/philosophy likes to talk alot. but i lacked fluent talking skillls since had not been reading a while alot while. my brain easilyu removes fluent talking in some topic if i leave it. since due to autism talking is not my best stuff :)  but reading books alot, I get more fluency but whenever i leave reading for a lot lot while, I might easily become less fluent. maybe runtime memory hippothalamus  has had issues due to sleep apne problems caused my stomach illness possibly. yep. 

I think one of my tasks were being able to talk like anthropology sociology sided people whom I like talking alot since they do always talk very interesting topics and tell it very nice with very nice analogies/isomorphisms and vocabulary. 

I always envy to humanities scientists talking or essay writing in humanities subject skills. I never been good in essays nor talking  ever.  my its my life's endless challenge to become to try to reach to talking skills of sociology or anthropologyu professors. for which I am jsut at beginning level introduced myself to anthropology and sociology/analytical sociology and bits of philosophy. so to move to speaking skills of like aa humanities proffessor, I would require tons of books readings. but later I might have time for that. but currently all time other than blogging or sparing time to family or daily data engineering job or other than resting time, all time is spared usually to ml algos project. 

i last week couldnt studied to. since as told had family visits. unrelatedly health issues.

also spared time with mom to detectiving and would continue to spare time, yep guh and mom detectives detectiving to collect evidence of ferikoy's sociopathic genocider nonturk cete's incidents evidences  (whom are not from we turks nor armenians ) 

so couldnt studied well to ml algos project last week. but tonight I would continue category theory book studiying. which I had not finished funnily unlike my ambitious plan of finihsing on weekend. I had studied none yet on monday or tuesday or wednesday or today either. 

imho i would be glad if i could finish that book and topois knowledge on saturday. and switch to NLP tasks on sunday. 

I am sorry for postponing this NLP tasks for a week since I coudlnt spare time to ml algos(& cylon robots) project this week. but no worries. back in project as of today.  



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