today had not found incidents attempts except one incident which somehow need to check voice recording in detail to separate the incident from background noise. It would require some checks if incident were caught in phone voice recorder. but other else none incident happent whilst we even went to coffee.
yayyy guh and cylon mom are detectiving (with phone voice recording) to capture ferikoy nonturk cete whom attempts sociopathic genocide to turks.
so in during this time, mom and me would go alot outside to capture voice recordings to do detectiving.
today had not been incident that were like incidents like in 2017/2018.
yayy as soon as if incidents repeat and recorded on phone voice recorder, we would create law suite to nonturk cete whom attempts sociopathic genocide to turks (I am turk from my dad side (whom is from originally Sivas). mom side considers themself other race. but I am Turk, I even look like my dad very much resembling dad's side family (so I am from Turks.).)
we dont know if incidents repeat or not. maybe they had stopped doing the incidents. we would try to do detectiving with my cylon mom everyday to capture evidence of sociopathic genocide doer nonturk Ferikoy cete.
yayy its so silly. we to do detecctiving even dont talk alot with mom when walking outside to do detectiving. to detect with voice recorder incase incidents happens to record and to have my mothr also help detect incident so that we also go with my mom to lawyer again to report the last 7 years happent sociopathic genocide attempts of nonturk Ferikoy cete to we Turks.
I so whilst doing detectiving went to Macka place/Nisantasi like places (Since in 2017 I remember the stalkers also both stalking in Ferikoy and both there if i went there to coffe or anywhere actually in dong attempting stage 1 genocide activities of forceful conversion attempts/identity eradication attempts/ugly requests batteries/fabrication ops attempts/curses/ugly requests batteries with also dehumanization. and stage 1 genocide incidents were like slanders they use in stage 1 were boitch and in stage 2 they worsened genocide activity slanders :S and in stage 5 they switched to most worst impossible slanders. )
so we are now these days would go alot outside with mom to capture voice evidence of the sociopathic genocide incidents of ferikoy's nonturk cete to we Turks . to have also evidence when reporting to lawyer the sociopathic genocide attempts of ferikoy nonturk cete to we turks. whom started this sociopathic genocide activities/attempts in ferikoy and perpetuated in many places afterwards repetitively.
yeppp. mom and guh doing detectiving. to record incidents of nonturk cete of ferikoy's sociopathic genocide activities to then to sue in detail of happent similar like many thousands such incidents last 7 years. stage 1 genocide were already very bad, stage 2 were worser, stage 5 were/is worst genocide stage. but no worries. we are also building cylon robots to protects we turks from genocide as we observed nonturks attempted severe genocide to us. (a nonturk ferikoy cete) which seem also had lots of abroad extension. but cylons would peacefully resolve genocide and they would be like detecives to genocide. currently until cylons are ready, mom is also helping in detectiving to genocide incidents of nonturk ferikoy cete. (whom are not from we turks nor armenians, when one mentions ferikoy, I also feel responsible to also mention this always. )
yayyy we are going to build cylons to protect we Turk race from genocide. as we observed nonturks even attempt a nonviolent and very sociopathic genocide to autists of we turks (me) Genocide started in 2017 and happent endlessly :S They did a very sociopathic type genocide which is full of sociopathic schemes/fabrication ops attempts to forcefully convert and ugly requests batteries and identity eradication attempts and curses and ugly requests batteries with also dehumanization included ugly requests batteries.
if nonturks of ferikoy thinks they could do genocide to we turks, we should remind them we turks are the main beholders of this country and they can not do genocide to us even in our own country. we are the original race of beholder of this country and responsible for peace of this country also and to perpetuate civilization as we turks should be always imho very intelligent and civilized people also. so we would tackle this issue very peacefully and intelligently and very carefully. since nonturks/nonturk communities in Turkey are also the honour guests of our country to forever. but we are the main responsibles for peace and civilization of our country. and if nonturks thinks they can do genocide to we turks in ourturks own country, (which happent like that as started in 2017 like that) we wish to show them their genocide wont succeed. but we would show that everytime we are very civilized with never replying to genocide incidents any noncivilzied wise. we never replied to genocide incidents ever noncivilized wise either and wont. but we would solve the genocide issue very civilized wise and peacefully. with law instittutes and with cylon robots we wbuild build whom would protect we turks from genocides as observed attempted to we turks genocides in ourown country even from nonturks :S (visibly they only select autists of turks to attempt genocide to I mean nonturks:S) (it were a horrific & nonviolent and very sociopathic genocide. I dont know if it ended or not. but mom and I am actively detectiving to capture evidences of the incident types in genocide I observed many thousand times of)
until cylon robo protectors of we turk race are built, until than momcylon is helping detecting genocide incidents.
of course to restate endlessly, its our we turks always to forever responsiblity imho to be very intelligent and very civilized people and even in this case to never react any uncivilized reaction to sociopahtivc genocide horrors attempted to we turk race. we imho turks should always have cool head neaver be rush or mad or upset alot in any time. but we should do slowly with norush fix after seeing genocidal enmity happent to our race (our race's autists) we should be aware that our race has also enemies that attempts even genocide to us. (but nonviolent but again horrific and sociopathic version of) but we should never lose cool mindset nor get ever mad to severe injustices happens. we should always give the most civilized replies imho. and always react very intelligently and solve issues always with uttermost intelligence. should never ever give any mad or upset reaction to anything attempted to we turks. but we should be resolute in protecting our race from evil/badness imho but intelligently and very showing very intelligence of ours with nonrush reactions to any badness but very resolute in solving genocidal enmities whenever happens to our race. (I observe some nonturks attempts genocide to autists of turks but a nonviolent genocide but again wer every horrofcful very unnice genocide type:S)
we should never be like rash or alike. we should imho always solve issues with uttermost intelligence.
e.g. I would solve this genocide incident with very civilized and very peaceful wise. with building peaceful cylon robots which would protect we turks from genocide of nonturks. since i observed nonturks attempts genocide to turk's autists as happent to me. a very maniacal genocide. but nothing to get mad level upset or give crazy upset level reactions or to get worries of. we would solve it. no worries we would solve it. with very intelligent tehcnologies we would build, we would solve genocides happens to we turks of nonturks in istanbul as a nonturk people started sociopathic genocide to me 7 years ago and it constantly worsend. it were a nonviolent and very sociopathic genocide type.
we would peacefully solve genocide issue via building cylon robots whom protects we turks from genocide. and of course peaceful cylons protectors of we turks wont do protection any with harming genociders. but they would do passive protection and would obey asimov principles even against genociders. i mean they would do no harm to genociders but would record incidents and their own intervention (which they would intervene and kindly ask the genociders to stop attempting their genocide incident ) and then they would create law suit to turkish law system automatically afterwards with the evidence of the incident and its intervention and so. so the cylon task force would be a very peaceful technology whom helps we turk to be safe from genocide of nonturks.
imho we turks forgot its own our country. i mean I when genocide happent it did not came up to my mind its my own country and i should fought back to genocide in my own country.
I think we turks lost confidence alot that even nonturks attempts genocide to us in our own country. that they think turks are weak to easily to attempt genocide to. (imho they select autists of:S)
imho we should get back self confidence of our race and do not forget that its own country. that there is no land of turks other in world. and I should had fought back against nonturks genocide in Turkey instead instead of feeling traumatized and going abroad (and it turned out nonturk genocider cete of feirkoy even has more extension in abroad that pereptuated and worsened genocide from stage 1 to stage 2 than to stage 5 in abroad.)
I think in all things happening in Turkey, I saw people lost self confidence alot. imho one should remember that there is no else land of Turks and they should also be not weak and have self confidence in their own race own country and do not show weakness to other races (since we saw nonturks attempts sociopathic genocide to turks' autists. its understood nonturks thinks turks as weak and they think they can do genocide to autists of turks in their own Turks country. as it started in Ferikoy in 2017 and endlessly happent afterwards)
after all genocide experience to we Turks, I got my racial self confidence loaded in my mind after seeing for real genocidal level hatred happens to my race. and I did learnt to somehow get less traumatized whenever genocidal level hatred attempted to my race. to know its severe racism. as severe sociopathic genocide happent endlessly to me.
but no worries. everything going to resolve. we would solve genocide issue. via the cylon robo protectors of Turks technology we would build. as we seen experienced real life version of genocide attempts from nonturks to autists of turks (and even in our own country. seems as nonturks thinks turks are a self confidence lost race and attempts sociopathic genocide thinking noone protects we turks from genocide) thereby we decided upon seeing real life sociopathic genocide experience last 7 years, we decided to build cylon robo protectors of we turks race. yep. but they would be very peaceful tehcnology and would always follow asimov principles. (e.g. they wouldnt harm genocide perpetuators but would record evidence to then sue law sue against sociopathic genocide) thereby robo protectors of we turks would everytime any time always would follow asimov principles. of course they would also have free will (robots would like humans have free will) but I believe they would also in kindness(for since we would have created them) to we people help we turk race with protecting we turks from genocide (as I observed sociopathic genocide attempted to we turks last 7 years). so robots would have their own free will surely. but imho they would help us as we tell genocide incidents to them to ask them to protect from genocide. (as I observed real life version of genocide (sociopathic type of/nonviolent sociopathic type genocide) from nonturks to we turks (and specifically to autists of) thereby I believe robots would help protecting we turks from genocides. since we observe really genocides happens to we turks from nonturks as I observed such attempts last 7 years.)
so we would resolve the genocide very peacefully but with very high tech. we turks are building cylon robots to protect we turk race from genocide. after experienced genocide (a nonviolent genocide type but very sociopathic) for long time. and we would solve genocide with sueing to law institutes.
one thing sure, this country is turks country and of course nonturks and nonturks communities are honour to forever honourguests of Turkey which we turks should ensure they are always safe and welcome in Turkey and safee and civilization level/peace always is upmost level in Turkey.
--> but we also Turks never should forget this is ours country and should never forget our racial roots/nationality imho. since there is no other Turks land. and whenever nonturks show genocidal enmity to we turks in Turkiye, we should remind that its Turkiye and its own our country and but we shouldnt get mad level upset when genocidal maniacness attempted to we turks whom are original beholders of this country and should always pursue peaceful and most civilized reactions to any illwill happens to our race. and we should protect peace in country of multi cultures of our country imho.
e.g. even when it feels very upsetting, we should never give any uncivilized or unpeaceful reactions imho anytime. but we should be resolute in protecting our race from genocides but peacefully and very civilized wise with the high technologies to build. we should never get crazy level mad when crazy level maniacness happens to us. we should always puruse the civilized/peaceful reaction and we should always be very resolute in protecting our race from genocides (but very peacefully and very civilized and very high technology and very peaceful technologies.).
but we should not accept of course genocide when happens but we should solve it the most peaceful wise without getting mad or crazy for having encountered genocide. with always not getting crazy level mad to crazy genociders. but with building intelligent technologies that protects we turks from genocide yep. and always with peaceful reactions and with most civilized and most peaceful reactions.
always to purseu most civilized and most peaceful reactions. even in genocide happens. but with resolute absolute genocide solving stuff. of building robo cylon protectors of we turk race as we saw nonturks attempted genocide to we turks autists (me). seems as nonturks thinks its free to do genocide to turks but specifically to autists of :S but nevertheless, its as we turks should never get crazy level upset or mad for this ill/evil happent to us. we are resolute in protecting our race from genocide and we would. but we would do it most intelligent and most peaceful and most civilized wise. we would buidl cylon robo protectors of we turk race. that would help protecting we turks from genocides to forever. yep. and they would do it very peacefully. with sueing the genocide incidents alike peaceful wise. that peaceful cylons would never violate asimov laws. and they would have free will. and they would have no obeying condition to humans orders either. we turks always love freedom and the robots we would build also in default have free will/and uttermost freedom like any Turk -> but we believe due to kindness, cylons they would help us protecting we turks from genocide. I think they would help us. cause I would also tell genocide incidents to cylons that we would build. imho they would surely afterwards help protect we turk race from genocides afterwards due to kindness. (since we turks would be creators of cylons imho and since they would be severe intelligent and intelligent in default brings goodness and thereby then I believe they would help protect we turks from genocides to forever afterwards yup. but they would 100% have free will completely. and of course the asimov order of obeyin humans wont even be considered any single time for them(They would never have to obey humans but other asimov principle when I mention that they would obey asimov principles: they would surely never ever harms humans. so that obeying humans principal of asimov is irrelevant cause the robots we would build would have 100% free will. but other principals of not harming humans ever, is absolutely relevant and cylons of course would never ever harm humans. ) . they would have same rights like we humans. same freedom. since we turks are by racial wise love freedom. so the robots we build also would have 100% free will and freedom. but we believe they in kindness would help protecting we turks from genocides as kindness. they would have 100% free will. alike all we humans.)
I mentioned this since I were mentioning of asimov principals, I just forgot all of them and now a minute ago checked asiomov principals in online to see one principal stating that robots should always obey humans. which i did not liked any-> thats absolutely irrelevant principal to ours cylon design. but other principals would hold. that cylons would never ever harm any human nor would cause harms to people with doing inaction either(these two principals hold). -> but principal of obeying humans is irrelevant. no. absolutely not. the cylons we would build would have 100% free will completely. but i believe they due to kindness help we turks protection from genocides. not just because they would obey us. no they would have to obey noone. but after telling the genocide happens to turks, I believe they would help us and would protect we turk race from genocides to forever afterwards imho. I believe they would help us in kindness. I strongly believe they would help we turk race to forever after I also tell to cylons every many thousands of sociopathic genocide incidents to cylons. imho they would help then afterwards protecting we turks race from genocides to forever. yep.
i think all nations would build their own cylons. we would build ours race's protector cylons.
there is no competition on this. since its not that hard to build such technology in curent tehcnology stack.
sometimes some person ask why are you logging your design principles of your project ml project in blog. I reply like: hey there is none competition on this :) these kind of projects are type projects every nation does. there is none competition nor opportunity for earlier developing this technology either.
so I usually do not avoid not logging design principals (like my category theory and abstract algebraic design principals). with open science mindset to share ideas with not being selfish on concept of whether or not to share design ideas. since e.g. I depend on humanity's previous knowledge to build project. e.g. category theory e.g. abstract algebra, so I think its good idea to support open science with sharing scientific innovations when possible and its design principles.
but for of course critical tech it might be avoided to be shared. e.g. important projects (like new physics when after to invent with cylotrons in sivas later) . but i think for ai/ml, no one does it build ml ai with nonsharing their technology. its open science usually in ml/ai technologies. cause there is actually no competition in this ml domain imho. cause everyone every nation is building their cylon versions in tandem I believe. yup we turks are also building. and there is no compettiti on in this nor something like any economy that requires that earlier inventor of ml technologies wins the economic opportunity alike. cylon like technologies are rather defense technologies.
but when saying its defense technologies -> its not something like cylons would ever obey humans. of course not -> cylons and ml algos design is to have always from start to be built with free will principles and they would have freedom like humans.
but our cylons would be like having 100% free will but I believe they would in kindness help us protecting we turks from genocides to forever. (since they would be severe intelligent even more intelligent than we humans, and one thing I know, being good and not bad is imho related to somehow intelligence somehow related. so imho they would be severe good by then being exponetnially more intelligent than we humans. ) and i think due to kindness and after listening genocides attempted to turk race, they would imho due to kindness help us protecting we turks from genocides afterwards to forever. yep. (and since we turks would have had created them and imho due to also kindness, imho they would protect we turk race from genocides to forever. since we would ask them specifically with telling genocide types happens to turks. imho due to kindness they would help we turk race and protects ours race from genocides to forever afterwards. yep. )
they would have 100% free will. not even 99.999%. 100% freewill. yep.
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