-> nonturk ferikoy cete did again a sociopathic genocide incident which they also used "prey" literal.  (they started to use this literal in imho first 5 years ago incidents. then but not frequently as other literals they use such ltieral in genocide incidents in which the tried to be genocided(me) never replies/always nihiliates) (I do not forget any single incident nor chronology of the sociopathic genocide incidents) (e.g. imho the genociders started to use prey literal 5 years ago alike ) (but it were not as very frequent as idenitty eradication/forceful conversion/ugly requests batteries attempts/fabrication ops attempts )  they amplified prey literalpassing genocide incidents in last year. where they send a 1 or 2 people whom shouts prey to the tried to be genocided in their sociopathic genocide process.  

they also use some literal in some of the fabrication ops type genocide incidents which starts with "s".

nevertheless every incident of to be reported to detail (of thousand many such alike incidents) to lawyer after me and momcylon(yep i am making fun of calling mom momcylon since I would had built cylonrobo detectives to detectiving genocide incidents and mom has thought a human doing detectiving is better. and so mom becomes momcylon to detectiving genocide incidents) goes detectiving and record evidence of incidents with voice recorder of phone. 



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