( nonturk type genociders always try to discredit to tried to be genocideds with sociopathic untrue stuff :S

genocide is a very dishonest activity :S ) 

nevertheless we are building cylons that would protect turks from genocides to forever, and from sociopathic genocides also.

and of course they would be very civilized and peaceful cylons which would accomplish protection from genocide very peacefully.  since we would never degrade our civilization level and would always counter genocide very civilized and very peaceful wise. cylons would not stop genocide with harming genociders any ->. no absolutely not. we would counter genocide with civilization and peace. ->would counter genocide with detectiving genocider incidents and the unofficial genocide army of nonturks whom attempts a severe maniacal sociopathic genocide to turks with very sociopathic methods organized wise.   so main method to stop genocide would be collecting evidence of the sociopathic genocide incidents (that the organized unofficial genocide army of genociders, which includes mafia also, they also send mafia to do genocide incidents to turks :S (e.g. ugly requests batteries/identity eradication attempts/fabrication ops/forceful conversion attempts/also batteries with dehumanization also.  )  

we would counter genocide with law institutes of Turkey. and with peaceful civilized cylons technology that would intervene to genocide incidents always very peacefully (and of course they wouldnt harm genociders any but rather would be detectives which would help recording the sociopathic genocide incidents of the unofficial genocide army that nonturks utilizes when doing genocide to we turks.  they do an organized genocide activity with even sending mafias to the gps location of the tried to be genocideds. so its orchestrated and organized genocide crime that they commit to we turks. ) 

since human speices is not trustworthy speices in overall and some of very severely dishonest(e.g. genocider nonturks whom attempts a sociopathic type genoide to turks).  we decided to build cylons to assign turk race's safety from genocides to robotic task force of detectives which would counter any genocidal level aggression to turks whenever ever happens. and of course they would counter genocide activities always peacefully. as detectives that kindly asks the genocide perpetuatos to stop attempting devious genocide to turks. and peacefully.  and what else they only would do is recording the genocide incident along with its intervention also, and would sue to Turkey's law institutes.  so main institue to stop genocide is law institutes of Turkey that cylon would send its report of genocide incidents. 

I wish we had cylons detectives before. so that we could have had documented the unofficial genocide army (which even includes mafias) that nonturks organizes sends in their organized genocide activity to turks. (e..g to attempt identity eradication attempts/forceful conversion attempts/ugly requests batteries/fabrication ops-false flags ops/forceful conversion attempts with also dehumanization (e.g. ugly requests batteries with dehumanization).  

nevertheless no worries. we turks would counter the geoncide peacefully and with full resolve.  and always very peacefully, (e.g. cylons would never ever harm genociders. but they would intervene and record the genocide incidents everytime happens to counter genocide via law instittues of Turkey) 

we would  not react to genocide with any time harming genociders. no abolutely not. 

we would instead counter genocide always with peaceful genocide protection technologies. which wont any time harm the genociders. but would report genocide perpetuators to law institutes of Turkey. with exact/absolute genocide crime. 

we would counter genocide with never losing civilization level and peace also when having countered genocide. 

we would peacefully counter genocide. with peaceful cylon tech. whichwould be like genocide detectives. whihc would try to document incidents of the unofficial genocide force of the nonturks which they orchestrate in their forceful conversion agendas/identity eradication attempts/fabrication ops attempts of genocide activities. then the cylons would sue to Turkey's law institutes the sociopathic genocide of the nonturk ferikoy cete whom attempts a maniacal sociopathic genocide activities to Turks.



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