one of the craziest type fabrication ops in fabrication ops in attempts were: in 2017 alike:
they would send a person doing fabrication ops and say: "dont' shoot (a guys name here ). pity".
I would then understood it by then my life is in danger also and someone is trying to shoot someone else.
turned out-> they are trying to plant mafia slander and doing fabrication ops like that.
I never even seen a gun in my life nor near to in vicinity of.
this is complete fabrication ops.
they tried to plant such narrative with e.g. this type of fabrication ops back in 2017 also :S
I by 2017 were notbeing able to interpreting whats happening but would perceive it as having maniac stalker group situation. I would for instance in such incidents would understand someone is trying to shoot me also and person says something like that.
and they these cete nonturks also took one guy i dated like info they do genocide to. e.g. in this incidents e.g. they would use a guy's surname which I slightly dated very before (an engineer guy software engineer I been in love to like very long ago ( he were an software engineer like me but like some more experienced software engineer than me alike) ) I would think that guy is stalking me and that is going to shoot me like i would perceive the stalkers incident. :S
by 2017 alike when this incident e.g. also happent, I could never imagine there is a false flag/fabrication ops in process where they are trying to this time do fabrication ops as mafia with that guys surname alike:S I thought for a lot time that guy is stalking me in these incidents.
same happent in stage 1 genocide activities fabrication ops to forcefully convert the genocided (me) to bitch with aliases activity. it were not visible(perceviable) to me initially. I think i understood that fabricaiton ops are attempted 1 years later or so the incidents started. I before considered it as stalkers situation that a group of maniac stalkers is stalking everywhere. and it were like they were shouting every ugly requests batteries. (e.g. were happnign from other building also here) .
e.g. they in 2018 coming to cafe I sit, would come and shout things like "that guys' surname! sleep!"
I would by then intiially perceive such guy is stalking me and never could perceive it as someone is attempting to forcefully convert me to a bitch with man and women aliases :S I by then wouldnt perceive but would think it as a psycho type stalkers situaiton only. and i always nihiliated/never replied to. and it repetitively always happent like this.
this is not the full spectrum of fabrication ops/sociopathic schemes they apply in sociopathic genocide's fabricaiton ops part. I tied to expose the genociders sociopathic genocide methods in blog as long as I detected and reported in blog. I do not forget any single incident. (which stage 1 of genocide activites were repetitive of forceful conversion attempts/identity eradication attempts/fabrication ops/ugly requests batteries/curses/and for some time also ugly requests batteries with also dehumanization). I do not forget any single incident of the sociopathic genocide that nonturk cete of ferikoy attempts to we turks. i do not forget also chronology of.
as soon as we collect some evidence during incident /voice recording of genociders: I would report to lawyer to report these thousands many such incidents alike of sociopathic genocide process attempted by nonturk ferikoy cete to we turks. (whom are not from we turks nor armenians)
yep mom cylon would help in collecting evidence to report the nonviolent & sociopathic genocide to Turkey's law institutes. (-> a nonturk cete of ferikoy's genocide attempt to we turks. a nonviolent and sociopathic type genocide. )
so we would tackle sociopathic genocide issue very civilized. and would make sure that we would report every single of thousands many such above like incidents to law institutes.
stage 1 genocide incidents were forceful conversion attempts to bitch. (which all stages failed of course) stage 2 is worse/were worse. stage 5 is absolutely worst stage of genocide. (in each stage, slanders they utilize in genocide gets worse:S)
but no worries! we would report every single incident of this nonviolent sociopathic type genocide type to law institute of Turkey soon. yep. (-> a nonturk cete of ferikoy's genocide attempt to we turks. a nonviolent and sociopathic type genocide. )
yayyy since momcylon gonna help in recording incidents with helping detectiving genocide incidents.
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