sometopic interesting:

possibly (dunno if i misunderstood or whether if it were coincidencet) ->

Maybe possibly a Chinese person did some severe kindness :)  

wov :) Thanks :)

hey in work contract end, the HR always said "next steps"

then i read a news which Chinese said "US can not stop our giant steps in space"

I think they did a metaphor. or it were a coincidence. 

not that US country had did this ending my job to me. but I think they did a metaphor that, this this job loss would not stop our giant steps in space :)  I saw also German people in that news article, so Germans also meant that :) that Germans and mostly Chinese said that this job loss do not mean stopping our giant steps in Space :)  and since it were US news paper, I think it might be also kindness from there also dunno :)

hey people do not misunderstand if US people taken my job:) no not any :) 

they did a metaphor :)  to US China Space engineering competition :)

they did that they can not stop our giant steps in space in engineering with this unfortunate happent condition of job loss issue. (I mean German company ending my contract and having your next steps titled email :D) 

or maybe it were a kindness from both US both Germans and both Chinese :)

mosty from Chinese imho :) 

to state that since the job loss and arrangement emails of job loss with "next steps" title meant->

and seeing a news where Chinese saying -> a country can not stop our giant steps in space.

wov :) Thanks you very kind Chinese people :) Many Thanks from this Turk person. 

imho that coincidence were not also Chinese kindness also in that news aticle I saw some German people so that they also tried to do such kindness whilst my job instantly gone.

and seeing it in US newspaper says i think them also tried to courage not beign unhappy due to job loss with doing such kindness of metaphor like compettition between US and China like very honouring metaphor that news paper. or dunno. maybe it were just coincidence.  :)  

but i just cant stop thiinking Chinese intentionally did that as a kindness :) 

wov :) Thank you very much Chinese people:) Manyn Thanks for this utter kindness :)

imho thats very honouring and exhilarating to do such metaphor :) to encourage a silly Turk like that :) Many Thanks :) 

(people do not misunderstand, its not any US country had made me lost my job  and. Chinese side did a metaphor :)  to their US and Chinese space engineering competition and thats severely honouring/exhilarating being a silly engineer at all not any talented as theirs engineers as both sides of all :) (i am not talented engineer as alike Chinese or US engineers :) so its very honouring :)  to have detected some time coinciding metaphor of US China space competition  :) )  Many Thanks :) I wish to state infinitely cheers to any person involved in such metaphor :) Infinitely many thanks:) for such severe kindness :) yep :)) (Dont know whom involved in that metaphor. Imho most possibly Chinese of course (since there is a refernce to next steps in job contract end emails I received) and possibly US news paper kindness or German person kindness there in article also dunno. but its surely mainly Chinese kindness :) or else it were just only a coincidence that I misunderstood, I dunno.  

or it were a coincidence and  i only confused. :)

if it were not a coincidence and such a honouring metaphor of engineering powers skills of both two side, I just cant stop saying infinitely manyn thanks :) (yep I am not talented any engineer as both competition side's engineers but very honoured for such metaphor :) ) (but maybe it were only coincidence, if not, I wish to infinitely many thanks :) ) 



wov. thats one most amazing things ever happent :) a very sevrely kind metaphor (possibly from Chinese or other countries also)


Or i over analyze and create meanings myself and it were just a coincidence. dunno :)

But if it were not coincidence thqat I misunderstood with giving over meaning like this-> Infintiely Many Thanks :) yep. :) 


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