yep so today until now passed like this :) first morning -> helping house tasks like preparing breakfast/mopping floor at some time. in afternoon -> my one parent has had tasks in city center, so commutted and then spent 2 hours or so whilst awaiting and so for shopping etc. then tv that my parnets watch in living room broke then i tried to fix then but with failure then we decided to buy new tv then relatives came then went to relatives then yep then now back in home. yep. would make some tea or coffee coffee and focus to now NLP study.
Temmuz, 2024 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor
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yep did also visited relatives. but meanwhile whilst returning from, there detected some rumcos visibly has people in some neighbourhood (not in direct vicinity of our house but some distance) and did attempted genocidal literals plus some threatening alike (and also possibly conspiracy attempt). of course her zaman oldjugu gibi, muhattap dahi alinilmadilar. (of course nihiliated alike every genocide incident attempts patterns). and again like any genocide incident, it failed/never succeeded.
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then also I went to first floor for my parents said tv is not working, I tried to fix for 25 minutes or so but couldnt, we would buy some new tv alike to living room as existing one broken and my family likes to watch tv. then whilst trying to find tv to search (cheap versions) then relatives visited. then newly relatives went. but turned out one relatives would go today to other city and that they are expecting us to visit them now. so yep had not been able to study until now :) but I would start studying in late afternoon. aha just a second we would buy tv by then. hmm ok then i would continue studying in evening.
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yep my rest of day passed with yet: (as my parents requested me to help commute them to city center) (yayyyy again collected some appreciation points in my parents aspect for helping their life/house tasks :) cool :) ) - helping my parents to commute them to city center for some of their tasks - doing shopping for house wth my parent (vegetables/etc etc) on return - going to finding a repair shop for a home utinsil in city center - when returning buying some stuff at bakery -> and then i think 2/3 hours passed now (with me and my parent to finish these shopping tasks with commuting first to city center then so and my parent also had some tasks) then now back at home and taking some coffee/tea to then rest some to then resume project study. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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yayyy today passed with: - preparing some breakfast to my family - then going to computer side (2.d floor) to write blog since detected horrific genocide incident of rumcos/articulated mafias of rumcos of dolapdere/ferikoy and reported with standard report incident template. (as detected in earlier time morning unfortunately:S) - then had breakfast with fmaily - then went 2.d floor to write more blog about today's project schedule. - then went to first floor to do help mopping floor tasks to unnicely discover my mom already had vacuum cleaned so I mopped rest of floors (I intended to do to take part of daily tasks. e.g. we do usually once per 2 days do mopping of first floor unnice that mom did most today) - yep then asked to help any other house tasks to my parents to be answered none tasks for today. yep then we did some turkish coffee and drank all together. -then came here to continue today's schedule of ml algos studies. (...
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For technology related to outer hadron groups deciphering and multiverse tech ideas--->>> no I m not a crazy scientist.(For multiverse tech idea). These technology inventions are really necessary to fight with criminals. Not that I m a crazy scientist that thinks crazy science these technology defined is really necessary. (Upon encountered horrific rumco genocide attempts (which of course fails/failed everytime) imho it's visiblyle such tech invention is necessary to fight against severe savagery/criminals/rumco type savage genociders of dolapdere ferikoy which attempts very maniacal/horrific/sociopathic/maniacal genocide type with articulating criminals)
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(Although ml algos is not ahead century tech(it's partially in some modules slightly regressed design patterns (since I dont have time(dictionary converted incorrect when I usually writing paragraph) to build emergentist systems) (wtr to latest ml technologies)) . It's not the latest ml technology but technologies it would invent would be 2 centuries ahead least compared to this century tech yet. ) so when saying ahead centuries not talking of ml algos tech design patterns which is current century math inventions and not even end of spectrum of current ml tech of this century. Since I don't have time to follow very latest design patterns in ml field. So it's having nonemergentist design methods for some modules (eg whilst emergentist design principal is kind of de facto approach of ml field current decades since people have time for emergentism unlike our project schedule )
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today's schedule -> (since also we need to asap invent multiverse weapon having robots to protect all people from dolapdere/ferikoy rumcos disgusting genocide attempts which of course always fails/never succeeds but is always very traumatizing/horrific:S as horrific/disgusting genocide incident detected in morning :S (the genocider threatened my family in incident (stage 6) :S) ) ) yep so its most urgent to develop multiverse weapon carrying robots to protect people from mafia rumcos of dolapdere/ferikoy and their genocide attempts. (which of course every time fails/never succeeds but severely traumatizing/horrific :S) (in some other domains, they also do genocide incitement with worst type impossible slanders during genocide activity also. some many stages of genocide stages including horrific genocide type) (they in stage 1 tried to convert to bitch, again like always failed/never succeeded like all stages incidents, always fails/never succeeds. ...
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( in morning the dolapdere/ferikoy rumcos again attempted genocide incidents which of course fails always/never succeeds ) (first horrific/disgusting stage 6(threatening my family) genocide incident type:S then also later stage 1/2 horrific disgusting incidents :S ) so copy pasting the incident report template to report with standard template to report dolapdere/ferikoy rumco genocide incidents -> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- copy pasting from now on same report template anytime rumco stalkers/rumco's articulated mafia forces' genocide incident is detected possibly some time ago -----------------> (Hey rumcos in somewhere vicinity in outside house vicinity but imho 300 meters or so distant in outside) attempted some very unnice genocide stage incident(with no details of incident) with their articulated either mafia or other rumco stalkers) it's seen that rum...
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yep I had without detailed study, checked tutorial of Coq to understand about. (i mean just checked the tutorial for 30 min or so) and understood briefly whats this system is about. (had not learnt in detail but just checked some tutorial some features of) imho then i decided its not required initially in evaluation of category diagrams (for 0.1 version) not that we cant utilize this tool to check some axiomatics etc, I just think its better if i write the inferencing deductive system of category diagrams (not mine would be better(possibly worser, but imho learning Coq would take alot time. I mean a day or so, it just creates ADD or ADHD. plus I dont want to transcribe deductive functions to a thirdparty tool if possible since then functions would be dependent to an extra dependency. Not just the required learning effort is the issue, its that then we have to write some transcriptions etc which effort of seemed kind of as not trivial task. Imho writing own deduct...
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yep I had passed the intuitionistic maths chapters kind of skipping wise with reading some basic definitions/logics but not sparing alot time to interpret very much. Since, as mentioned, I am going to initially prepare some 0.1 version with some very basical topoi/category theoretical structs. whilst were reading Coq tutorial, been interrupted by my parent for a second. then I thought lets do some blogging now also. one nice topic -> yayyy the time i came the razer notebook's were not opening. Somehow it seemed to have resolved. (It when coming from istanbul has had been placed in not so good placement (since there were lots of luggage and I suspected if laptop has got somehow damaged or so. ) I retested this notebook now (since i needed to study Coq/unimath tutorial here that i started studying before on this laptop) and yayyy its working! (gosh there is still 2000 euros I pay monthly of this laptop of installments. (It were like 3400 euros or so ) so its gre...
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yep today been studying to boolean algebras still and I think i did not in detail studied to the second chapter of boolean algebras yet. but then i switched to directly heyting algebras starting intuitionistic maths chapter. to then also check following chapters also to reconfirm I would surely lack topoi expert knowledge status unless I dedicate maybe a week more study to this book. but there is no such time like sparing a week to topoi books either currently. since mvp 0.1 version needs to be readied soon. so lets resume intuitionistic maths chapter then switch to learning coq/unimath afterwards to then switch to resuming NLP/logic layer studies and coding / design studies (design of how to store category graphs in big data etc etc and coding of it) :S -> the parse tree bank of recent is really were would be challenge to relearn again. (since i studied 1 year ago or so) since I mean these -> Universal POS tags (
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copy pasting from now on same report template anytime rumco stalkers/rumco's articulated mafia forces' genocide incident is detected possibly at some time -----------------> (Hey rumcos in somewhere vicinity of our house(not near vicinity but imho 300 meters or so distant) attempted some very unnice genocide stage incident(with no details of incident) with their articulated either mafia or other rumco stalkers) it's seen that rums of dolapdere/ferikoy has lots rumco type stalkers they articulate to genocide incidents and mafia task forces(eg for stage 1/2/3 repetitive battery/conspiracy attempts for smearing with various impossible slanders/their conversion agendas as mentioned before-fabrication ops attempts for such conspiracy attempts which neither of incident ever succeeds& always fails) in their genocide incidents various stages with articulated rumco forces. But as mentioned we Anatolian people fear none of rumco genocide incidents anymore. ( W...
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yep project study has interrupted since helped some tasks -> yayy I helped doing manti. yep tomorrow morning task is helping 0th floor mopping. and I dont think there is commutting my parents to city nor shopping task on tomorrow since today we also did shopping (vegetables/bread etc) today. so tomorrow i think i would be able to study to project all time. (hey do not misunderstand as if i am unhappy to help my parents/daily tasks, no i instead be very happy to have been interrupted to help daily tasks etc (also i live in same house and really happy to take/help responsibility sharing of daily tasks ) (and its actually good for me also its like mentally resting time since project study time is alot mentally challenging of course yep.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- yep this silly computer engineer had not exactly learnt some of boolean algebra topics yesterday and woul...
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yayyy engineering blog section now -> :) yayyy its just so interesting to learn boolean algebras. today i feel rested enough to study again with full focus. (today unintentionally rested more since my family interrupted my study with asking help to commute them to city center etc) so had alot resting time (nonproject time)
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yep so today passed with -> I were studying to project, then my family requested me to help commutting my parent to city center-> so first commutted my parent to city center. then we gone to shopping for house then passed 2 hours alike then newly came to home to resume project study. yep now to resume project study. yayyyy now to resume studying. I did some more rest time.
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In cafe sitting place in vicinity here: One literal genocider rumcos of dolapdere ferikoy used in genocide incidents detected. (Which of course every incident always fails never succeeds) (Rumcos has a lot genocider stalkers force /mafias they articulate as reported. (Which of every incident always fails) ) In later also the rums articulated rumco genocider mafia force also attempted possibly stage 6 incident some minute later (of threatenings this time to family). To of course fail. (recent many months some stage 6 incident attempts were detected) To of course fail/never succeed. before that in first incident on today (of stage 1/stage 2 incident) --> : The criminal articulated by rum rumcos of dolapdere ferikoy laughed after attempting genocide pattern /incident of conversion attempts/batteries/conspiracy attempt (which they usually attempt via fabrication ops via their articulated mafias for conversion attempts alike batteries, most time at same time ...
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- copy pasting from now on same report template anytime rumco stalkers/rumco's articulated mafia forces' genocide incident is detected possibly some time ago -----------------> (Hey rumcos in somewhere vicinity in outside near vicinity but imho 10 meters or so distant in outside) attempted some very unnice genocide stage incident(with no details of incident) with their articulated either mafia or other rumco stalkers) it's seen that rums of dolapdere/ferikoy has lots rumco type stalkers they articulate to genocide incidents and mafia task forces(eg for stage 1/2/3 repetitive battery/conspiracy attempts for smearing with various impossible slanders/their conversion agendas as mentioned before-fabrication ops attempts for such conspiracy attempts which neither of incident ever succeeds& always fails) in their genocide incidents various stages with art...
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day started as and -> -> I were sitting and imho felt momentarily earthquake :S (for second) ( hatay is eq frequent region :S) -> then currently blogging and would try to now resume studying session of today now. yep tasks -> i have to revisit some chapters and then finalize learning of boolean algebra topologic definitions (not yet intuitionistic maths algebras wise (that i had started reading of yesterday) ) hmm i might start reading of Lawvere original papers of its formalization systems also. since I wished to partially as part time to studying to topois topic(then intuitionistic maths and coq), starting studying to DSL design. e.g. NLP parse tree bank tags to DSL design diagrams alike. or constituency/dependency info to DSL design alike etc.or logic system algebra design alike. but imho that would be better if studied after learning intuitionistic maths and coq also. and heyting algebras also. imho its possible to re...
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- copy pasting from now on same report template anytime rumco stalkers/rumco's articulated mafia forces' genocide incident is detected possibly some time ago -----------------> (Hey rumcos in somewhere vicinity of our house(not near vicinity but imho 300 meters or so distant) attempted some very unnice genocide stage incident(with no details of incident) with their articulated either mafia or other rumco stalkers) it's seen that rums of dolapdere/ferikoy has lots rumco type stalkers they articulate to genocide incidents and mafia task forces(eg for stage 1/2/3 repetitive battery/conspiracy attempts for smearing with various impossible slanders/their conversion agendas as mentioned before-fabrication ops attempts for such conspiracy attempts which neither of incident ever succeeds& always fails) in their genocide incidents various stages with articulate...
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I feel very tired of studying temporarily. but there is lots of chapters to study yet still. hmm maybe i should do have some rest time like watching some tv show. yep. lets do rest some. so much studied last days. lets tonight do rest some. and tomorrow finalize until kripke's logic systems. I due to curiosity started to read of intuitionistics maths chapter today. hmm yep i think its a nice idea even if i think studying is important and time is most critical resource, but still imho i need some pause/rest time. since i been studied constantly last many weeks alike. from one book to other. learning topoi etc etc. its just i feel too much tired today. i think this momentary add is because -> i since learnt some about topois, curiosity of topoi has reduced thereby add/adhd symptoms start to happen. (I can most effectively study to a chapter if i am very curious to) (now there is some less curiosity, since learnt about topoi and its generic some...
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- copy pasting from now on same report template anytime rumco stalkers/rumco's articulated mafia forces' genocide incident is detected possibly some time ago -----------------> (Hey rumcos in somewhere vicinity of our house(not near vicinity but imho 300 meters or so distant) attempted some very unnice genocide stage incident(with no details of incident) with their articulated either mafia or other rumco stalkers) it's seen that rums of dolapdere/ferikoy has lots rumco type stalkers they articulate to genocide incidents and mafia task forces(eg for stage 1/2/3 repetitive battery/conspiracy attempts for smearing with various impossible slanders/their conversion agendas as mentioned before-fabrication ops attempts for such conspiracy attempts which neither of incident ever succeeds& always fails) in their genocide incidents various stages with articu...
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- copy pasting from now on same report template anytime rumco stalkers/rumco's articulated mafia forces' genocide incident is detected possibly -----------------> (Hey rumcos in somewhere vicinity of our house(not near vicinity but imho 300 meters or so distant) attempted some very unnice genocide stage incident(with no details of incident) with their articulated either mafia or other rumco stalkers) it's seen that rums of dolapdere/ferikoy has lots rumco type stalkers they articulate to genocide incidents and mafia task forces(eg for stage 1/2/3 repetitive battery/conspiracy attempts for smearing with various impossible slanders/their conversion agendas as mentioned before-fabrication ops attempts for such conspiracy attempts which neither of incident ever succeeds& always fails) in their genocide incidents various stages with articul...
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yep today's schedule -> -> helped house tasks with cleaning second floor (mopping etc) then i wished to clean also first floor but turned out mom did it. => then i prepared noon meal of vegetables.(tomate/onions/greenbeans/tomateo sauce/pepper/sarmisak mixture) -> then mom sent me to do home shopping. (like buying some vegetables/bread etc) then now returned home and would continue ml algos project study as of now. yep today feeling kind of relieved for helping today home tasks more.but unhappy that mom tired herself with cleaning first floor which i myself intended to do after second floor finished. since her knee has problem i try to avoid her cleaning floors. and try to always take on home cleaning tasks. also felt happy since helped making meal of home also(helped my mom). (partially, not the pilav but thevegetables food) normally my mom always cooked, today first time i helped cooking. but would try to also help cooking di...
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------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- copy pasting from now on same report template anytime rumco stalkers/rumco's articulated mafia forces' genocide incident is detected possibly (due to headphone not sure) -----------------> (Hey rumcos in somewhere vicinity of me in outside (not near vicinity but imho 50 meters or so distant) attempted some very unnice genocide stage incident(with no details of incident,but incident attempt had some literal they use in identity eradication attempts of their genocide attempts incidents (which of course fails, neither identity eradication attepmts nor any genocide agenda/incident, of course everytime fails/never succeeds, completely nihiliated and never succeeds anytime) and one smearing slur atempt in incident also along with their conspiracy attempts via repetitive batteries and fabrication ops of mafia forces of rumcos of dolapdere/ferik...
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(hey please do not misunderstand as if complained in previous blog entries of region I am (Turkiye)?. no. definitely absolutely not(Turkiye is really one good regions of earth sociological wise). We complain instead of globe some regions some maniacness/mental illness conditions :S) ( for the globe horrific news makes one think -> lets asap build space ships since really maniac mentally ill topics happening in globe :S) just check globe news recently today morning and one thinks what a maniac bad mentally sick sol system :S yepp we Turkiye people lets build a new Turkiye in space other sol system to make safe our country from this maniac/mentally ill overall planet condition :S (I mean its not the Turkiye thats the sociologically problematic region, do not misunderstand, being in this mentally sick globe (e.g. our country being in this mentally sick planet is the issue :S )) (maniac mentally sick planet is the issue, not our country, no misunderstanding...
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( one thinks bad opinions(very maniac/severely mentally sick) to planet condition after reading globe news ☹️ ) (more urgent than anytime to build multiverse space ships asap with deciphering outer hadron groups via ml algos to build space cities in new sol systems and spaceships ☹️) ( more urgent than anytime to build spaceships☹️)
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yep revised chapter 5 (excluding monoids one theorem since i feel tired(due to sinusitis), would check it later) then now switching to (or not, dunno, since i feel tired due to sinusitis ) boolean algebra related chapter. hmm today had not passed efficient. I should already have had finished the boolean algebra related chapters. yep ahead to be learnt topics are initially these boolean algebraic systems (and first order and higher order concepts e.g. Tarski, Kripke etc) and then later intuitionistic maths chapter. hmm i think i might need to rebuy some group theory books hmm also modules/fields study were incomplete. but those not urgent for this week. hmm imho it makes sense to first complete DSL study for logic and initial NLP translations first before group theoretic library study. then for that I first need to learn also hmm intuitionistic maths and coq/agda/unimath libraries also and some compiler book study to help me write DSL...
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- copy pasting from now on same report template anytime rumco stalkers/rumco's articulated mafia forces' genocide incident is detected possibly -----------------> (Hey rumcos in somewhere vicinity of our house(not near vicinity but imho 300 meters or so distant) attempted some very unnice genocide stage incident(with no details of incident) with their articulated either mafia or other rumco stalkers) it's seen that rums of dolapdere/ferikoy has lots rumco type stalkers they articulate to genocide incidents and mafia task forces(eg for stage 1/2/3 repetitive battery/conspiracy attempts for smearing with various impossible slanders/their conversion agendas as mentioned before-fabrication ops attempts for such conspiracy attempts which neither of incident ever succeeds& always fails) in their genocide incidents various stages with ...
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- copy pasting from now on same report template anytime rumco stalkers/rumco's articulated mafia forces' genocide incident is detected possibly -----------------> (Hey rumcos in somewhere vicinity of our house(not near vicinity but imho 300 meters or so distant) attempted some very unnice genocide stage incident(with no details of incident) with their articulated either mafia or other rumco stalkers) it's seen that rums of dolapdere/ferikoy has lots rumco type stalkers they articulate to genocide incidents and mafia task forces(eg for stage 1/2/3 repetitive battery/conspiracy attempts for smearing with various impossible slanders/their conversion agendas as mentioned before-fabrication ops attempts for such conspiracy attempts which neither of incident ever succeeds& always fails) in their genocide incidents various stages with articu...
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- copy pasting from now on same report template anytime rumco stalkers/rumco's articulated mafia forces' genocide incident is detected possibly -----------------> (Hey rumcos in somewhere vicinity of our house(not near vicinity but imho 300 meters or so distant) attempted some very unnice genocide stage incident(with no details of incident) with their articulated either mafia or other rumco stalkers) it's seen that rums of dolapdere/ferikoy has lots rumco type stalkers they articulate to genocide incidents and mafia task forces(eg for stage 1/2/3 repetitive battery/conspiracy attempts for smearing with various impossible slanders/their conversion agendas as mentioned before-fabrication ops attempts for such conspiracy attempts which neither of incident ever succeeds& always fails) in their genocide incidents various stages with articul...
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- copy pasting from now on same report template anytime rumco stalkers/rumco's articulated mafia forces' genocide incident is detected possibly -----------------> (Hey rumcos in somewhere vicinity of our house(not near vicinity but imho 300 meters or so distant) attempted some very unnice genocide stage incident(with no details of incident) with their articulated either mafia or other rumco stalkers) it's seen that rums of dolapdere/ferikoy has lots rumco type stalkers they articulate to genocide incidents and mafia task forces(eg for stage 1/2/3 repetitive battery/conspiracy attempts for smearing with various impossible slanders/their conversion agendas as mentioned before-fabrication ops attempts for such conspiracy attempts which neither of incident ever succeeds& always fails) in their genocide incidents various stages with articulated r...
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hey, I had to pause studying since had to commute my mom to home's shopping, then that were vicinity of one relative then went there to visit since my mom requested. then stayed there a hour or so. (so been there 2 hours pause to project) hmm but before that, had revisited studying of monics/epics and pullbacks, and also checked for every and there exists possible definition topos possible DSL definitions as mentioned. (yep figured out how to define those quantifiers mentioned ) hmm still not at the anticipated very expert expertise level for monics/epics but well enough initially. but imho in a day or so, I would become more proficient I guess so. now lets revisit some chapter 5 topics now then resume chapter 6 logic systems study. yayyy lets try to anticipate finishing chapter 6 and 7 today and then tomorrow 2 more chapters least. yayyy -> then after finishing this book would switch to some one more topos book but this time fastly studying ...
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yep today -> - got up to late see my mom already had mopped first floor and I am unhappy for not having helped house tasks for today. - had rested some before continuenig to task of- > yayyy first task today is getting expert in epics/monics/pullbacks to revisit some chapter 5 paragraphs. then second task is designing the for ever and there exists via topos as mentioned and its additional and/or traits addition(merging) mechanism. a partial DSL task not that i start detailed DSL study yet but this is just for exercise to get necessary enough expertise in monics/epics/pullbacks for such DSL logic quantifiers. although there yet very ignorant of other logic systems but there exists and for every is some most basic quantifiers. eg. we would also need to check intuitionistic maths logic systems of which is of paramount importance to project of course. yep lets now revisit epic/monic/pullback topics to get expert to then revisit unstudied...
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yep -> - I finished chapter 4 finally then finished chapter 5 with skipping some of paragraphs in that because I have to read some more basics regarding push outs /epics/monics etc more. then i due to curisoity started reading chapter 6 and chapter 7 also to come to Tarskian intuitionistic maths and semantics definitions which i had not studied yet. imho its now time to revise again some chapter 3 to have some proficiency in chapter 5. ok chapter 4 were understandable (although initially challening) but chapter 5 requires very much proficiency with epics/monics/pullbacks/pushouts much more than chapter 4. hmm in between I newly came to understand some basical topo -> logic bijection systems through characterization functions. but not yet read just checked the chapters to study yet. hmm, so now -> - lets revisit some chapters to take notes and get more proficiency in epic/monic/pullback etc etc - then revisit chapter 5 then continue learning p...