(Although ml algos is not ahead century tech(it's partially in some modules slightly regressed design patterns (since I dont have time(dictionary converted incorrect when I usually writing paragraph) to build emergentist systems) (wtr to latest ml technologies)) . It's not the latest ml technology but technologies it would invent would be 2 centuries ahead least compared to this century tech yet. ) so when saying ahead centuries not talking of ml algos tech design patterns which is current century math inventions and not even end of spectrum of current ml tech of this century. Since I don't have time to follow very latest design patterns in ml field. So it's having nonemergentist design methods for some modules (eg whilst emergentist design principal is kind of de facto approach of ml field current decades since people have time for emergentism unlike our project schedule )
i am already bored of quantum jump meditation i just had a instant idea on sunday to test this. but tested once and it does not work. and its boring imho to have repeat. I mean dreaming of Star Trek spaceships alike spaceship etc in quantum jump meditation. I think my instant want to test this topic for being scared of ww3 risks and reading very scary such news of ww3 flash points in world, turned out i dont have skill to quantum jump maybe somepeople can. I mean my pdf region in tihs is yet 1/52 like pdf region. not much.
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