day started as and ->
-> I were sitting and imho felt momentarily earthquake :S (for second) ( hatay is eq frequent region :S)
-> then currently blogging and would try to now resume studying session of today now.
yep tasks -> i have to revisit some chapters and then finalize learning of boolean algebra topologic definitions (not yet intuitionistic maths algebras wise (that i had started reading of yesterday) )
hmm i might start reading of Lawvere original papers of its formalization systems also. since I wished to partially as part time to studying to topois topic(then intuitionistic maths and coq), starting studying to DSL design. e.g. NLP parse tree bank tags to DSL design diagrams alike. or constituency/dependency info to DSL design alike etc.or logic system algebra design alike. but imho that would be better if studied after learning intuitionistic maths and coq also. and heyting algebras also.
imho its possible to resume such activity now of resuming DSL design.e.g. for logic modules designs (algebras) . or maybe just after reading some of Lawvere papers. dunno.
imho I think its now required to resume DSL studies. to iterate in project. and then also design the category theory diagram's representations in parquet. ( I dont know if i would use just only spark or data lake house like deltalake or iceberg. we dont need that much transactional DB features now or time travel features? hmm i think just for time travel feature, maybe it makes sense to use either deltalake or iceberg.
hmm whats more important is how to store category diagrams in columnar database format also of couse.
I think i wouldnt use avail graph db solutions since their big data capacity is not as required as this project's requirements. (not scalable since only read only scalable via repeated graphs nodes in one graph db stuff i checked) we need clustering and pariitoning of data (although not algorithmic wise perfect wise) we just can not scale via storing data in many nodes in this case. (which is the provided method of some graph db) but need partitioning and clustering.
hmm i think its now required to start slightly DSL studies of e.g. logic systems and NLP grammar and semantics information .whilst in tandem studying to topos books/intuitionistic maths. I mean not fully implementing the DSL but to have iteration of project, starting implementing and working on storage mechanism in columnar data formats.
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