(hey as they started genocide with forceful conversion attempts to bitch with aliases. e.g. they(ferikoy cartel mafias) both do bateries to bitch occupation with shouting hande in stage 1 incidenets, (which is identity eradication process to enforce new id as a method imho to eradicate the existing identidy of the tried to be converted guher.  which of course always fails. I have one name whihc is guher.  but its observed that this cartel when attempting forceful conversion attempts to bad occupation, they use this methods of identity eradication (shouting e.g. hande during battery incidents to enforce a role of a bitch with aliases like role to the tried to be genocided) )   they did attempted similar incdent pattern like "hande! job" like incident at some time today. 

as mentioned, this ferikoy cartel people in forceful conversion attempts routinely attempts very sociopathic genocide level reaching cartel violence which are  --->

 --- ugly requests batteries (e.g. in stage 1 its sleep! battery) 

--- fabrication ops (to plant role to tried to be converted guh via articulating mafias which does fabrication ops theathres trying to smear .plant the tried to be converted role via some sociopathic theathral fabrication ops methods via aticulated mafias of ferikoy cartel which I reported in blog in detail before ) 

 -- identity eradication attempts (and try to remove engineer identity and even name of and try to convert to bitch with alias type role via chanting aliases during batteries/ and fabrication ops ) 

-- symbol enforcement attempts (this is really genocide level resembling part also. like they try to enforce role/aliases/identity eradication (which of course every time fails)  they try to enforce symbols to the tried to be forcefully converted guh )  (they do these symbol enforcement attempts alike identity eradication attempts via articulated mafias which does ugly requests batteries and fabication ops theathrics to plant tried to be forcefully converted role image deceitfully to the tried to be converted, they do repetitively do attempt both batteries and fabrication ops in stage 1/2 repetitively )

none of their incident attempts ever succeeds, they of course every single time  always fail. but everytime failure do not stop them from retrying the many thousand timeth incidents again. to again fail again either. 

so observing something like  I never seen before. always failing conversion attempts. and they retry again.  

no worries, we would eradicate this ferikoy cartel from this universe via to be built t800s. 

this cartel must be somekind of worst of its kind type criminals cartel in world imho and must be a global cartel imho since I detected these above incident patterns in many world cities. 

they repetitively try to forcefully convert and constantly fail. then they retry. we observe the real examplification of psychopathic fixation criminal behaviour in this case. possibly some criminals in ferikoy must be from such cartel and showcases psychopathic fixation behaviour (of repeitive forceful conversion attempts which always fails and they retry many thousand times again and again). but somehow this criminals has also alot existence in many world cities also so we deduce that this ferikoy cartel is a global cartel. 

no worries people. as a criminal unknown entities attempts a cartel wise attakcs to this guh named engineer of forceful conversion attacks via their criminal orgs/organization (their cartel violence imho reaches the genocide violence alike, since forceful conversion to bad occupation intentionality is purely genocide intentionality nothing less )  this guh the proudly software engineer is building ml algos and t800 projects to do fight back to this cartels genocide level reaching cartel violence/cartel's forceful conversion attacks,  via eradicating their entire existence from this universe via terminators. yeep this proudly engineer the guh, is building ml algos project to fight back this cartel via t800s whih wouldd eradicate entire existence of this cartel.

its observed (from detected incidents) that this cartel mainly operates with batteries and theathral fabrication ops like very sociopathic wise sky reaching methods. (as detected from incident attempts)

there is constant enforcement attempts observed during this last 8 years being targeted by such cartel violence.   they just not try to enforce they behave in incidents as if the prson is already like that. e.g. they try to enforce hande litereal to the trieed to be forcecfully converteeded guh, they then in incidnets they shout handed to the tried to be forcefully converted person. (They do same methods in symbol enforcement either, or tried to be forcefully converted role enforcement either,  they behave like that to the person with their mafias, not that the person trieed to be forcefully converteed (guh the engineer) ever intracts with them ever, but they usually apply theathrics methods to plant such deceitful image to the triede to be forcecfully converteed person (guh) via their theathral fabrication ops as mentioned. 

one could never knew existencce of fabrication ops evil until happens. its sverly traumatizing to encounter fabrication ops process/theathral fabrication ops repetitively.

theese fabrication ops methods they apply is very traumatizing. theey apply severely addvancceeed fabrication ops methods as detected in incidents.  

of course every time their any kind of incident atteempt always fails, but they retry again to again fail an they repeat it like this many thousand times.

nver seene this much evil in my life. its like previous centuries evils of humanity. ( this is some kind of out of century behaviour (its like pure evil unseen level. i mean e.g. articulation of mafias which does batteries/fabrication ops, is some thing from historical evils of humanity of previous cecnturies not this ccentury) ( I mean humanity speicecs might have still issues evils but this type evil is some previous cecntury type evils imho  )  

to protect my kindd of turk people (I mean to not falsly defame my race whislt reporting this), I wish to reiterate these people are not from us (not from we turks).  we dont know their ethnicity. but turkiye people usually are not savages any most time. Since I mean this much savagery I never seen in my life from turk people. so I infer its not from us. (sorry for being seen as racist, I am not racist, I am just trying to protect my race whilst reporting some severe savagery to not have people misunderstand asa if its caused by our kind (turk people), of course not)  (when reporting some severe savagery in blog, its important to protect our kind from false defamations. i mean since i lived in turkiye with our kind for a lot time (turk people) and I know, turk people specifically in Turkiye wont do such things like these savagery. so please do not misunderstand me as racist when saying its not from turk people. I jsut  likem everyone else be protective to my own kind (Turkiye people/turks etc) )   this is something else. nothing I ever seen kind of evil ever. this is some genocidal levelreaching evil and not something before I ever seen from my kind (turk people) i dont for a second think its from we turks since all my life passed around turks mainly and my deduction we turks are not any savages. so I dont think its from turks. but imho from an unknown ethnicity  (imho this cartel we fight against must be a global cartel which visibly has alsofooting in ferikoy alike.  but its not any from we turks nor turkiye culture i mean to reiterate. since i lived in turkiye, i know we turk people, we turk people are not savages. this is some else thing that i never seen type evil type. so i by then infer its not from we turks. since i never seen savage turks any before. but please do not misunderstand me as racist whilst saying this. its that this evil I see is something else not of our culture any. (e.g. fabrication ops/batteries to forcefully convert? not seen any such evils from our kind (turkiye turk people) so I by then surely know inherently that these cartel must not be from turks. since these evil do not belong to our sociological texture even.   this is something else. this is alike  a century ago totalitarianism gone bad type experiments horrors alike. I mean even resembles some centuries ago some ideological civil war contexts of forcefully try to convert bad occupations shows that these cartel members somehow envy the engineers of their outside of cartel/favela and try to convert to cartel forcefully alike maniacness/psychopathy/sociopathy. this envy to engineer of outside of their favela and insistingly try to forcefully convert to bad occupations is something realy severely evil/maniacal. of course their every attempt always fails but this thing that happens to me is some trauma I reported many thousand blog page entries to.  

its so crazy to counter some evil that belongs to previous century evils of humanity history and out of date to this century. is something really crazy life experience to counter out of this century severely evils.  

they try to steal my name /my identity/my job-occupation/my life/my existence from me with trying to forcefully convert to bad occupations/trying to convert to e.g. to hande or to a... or to b....  with reported sociopathic methods (they articulate their mafias which does batteries/fabrication ops and symbol enforcement during fabrication ops/identity eradication enforcement atempt during fabrication ops etc etc...). they of course always fail at every incident attempt. but even encountering such this cartel violence is undefineable level traumatizing of course. 

but no worries, we are building t800s which would do detectiving and find every member of this ferikoy cartel and eradicate existence of from universe (to protect everyone from this severely undefinable level bad/evil unknown global cartel. 

its not sufficient to make every incident atempt fail either. its required to eradicate existence of this global cartel to protect people from this cartel. 

its understood (during detected incidents) that cartel violence really is comparable(and not less than imho) to genocide violence. no worries, we are gonna eradicate any existence of this cartel (of course not their ethnicity but their  cartel  entirety) from this universe clusters via ml algos and t800s to build.

there I been given hint or maybe been deceived (maybe disinformation /incorrect information) that the cartel violence I encounter might be articulated by some other ethnicity which has hatred to our ethnicity alike. (that they operate cartels to do genocide level reaching cartel violence to our ethnicity?) and that the world's some policing against badness alike one of the mega countries might threatened that ethnicity to stop doing such genocide reaching savagery maybe like logic I deducted but unsure. maybe the hint i were provided were disinformation and there is nothing like that. dunno.


i dont know anythingof whom parts in this topic. I mean whom is this cartel? unknown. is there a hating ethnicity that articulates such cartels to do attempt genocide level reaching cartel violence to our ethnicity? I dont know. I truly have none idea nor could comment. 

for any blog reader: 

You do not understand if we dont stop them they dont stop their cartel violence. threatening them to stop severe savagery wont stop them either (for that if that some thing i seen were a mega country threatening them to stop cartel violence (indirect genocide method).  ) 

.  its seen in last 8 years detected incident attempts(whihc always fails of course), this cartel never stops their cartel violence attempts of with reported incident patterns repetitively.  there has been many thousands stage 1/2 incidenets overall last 8 years, of course they always fail everytime. but they repeat (to fail again either.)  (stage 5 and stage 6 incident attempts are much more horrific) 

of course any indident attempt of any stage always fails/but severely traumatizing. we keep on reporting from blog to inform world to this cartel.

maybe one mega country heard and threatened the actual cartel articulaters(e.g. entities which atempts genocide indirectly via cartels wise) ? or dunno. maybe it were disinformation.  (as in recent times many mega countries police world from evils from savagery,  its possible that one mega country heard our report and found out the actual cartel articulators and threatened them like crazy logic i deducted. or maybe it were disinformation to make me think as if cartel articulators are of some ethnicity that some mega country threatened to stop such indirect genocide (which attempted via cartels savagery)?. we dontknow any ethnicity of this ferikoy cartel either. (but to not falsely defame my ownkind (turkiye turk people whilst reporting these, lets reiterate these people surely are not from us (not from turkiye turks)  to not falsely/wrongly defame)  

maybe its not them any (that ethnicity) (i mean ferikoy cartel maybe is not any them) I realy have no information of whom ferikoy cartel is since I never interacted with them I have no knowledge of. 

maybe that were disinfo to make me think that ethnicity is responsible for this genocide level reaching cartel violence that I detect attempted to me.  maybe that ethnicity is completely unrelated. maybe it were disinfo in internet to make me think like that.

I seen something that give me a hint/clue like as if :

a mega country policing world (of one of the mega countries whom polices world tries to resolve end stop savageries in planet) might did something to threaten some ethnicity people to stop attempting indirect genocide to our ethnicity (which is attempted via articulating cartels) alike logic I deducted. but maybe It were disinfo. or maybe I misunderstood it totally and that ethnicity has none relatedness to this topic any at all any slightest. dunno. maybe it were disinfo. dunno. I have none idea really.   

( meanwhile, it is really unnice to encounter some severe savagery/ evil last 8 yeas but dunno whom is responsible ? :S  dunno even ethnicity of ferikoy cartel even nor have any slightest idea/opinion of either. ) (but to reiterate, to not falsely defame my own kind(turkiye turks) whilst reporting this savagery,  its sure not from we turks of turkiye region, since our sociological texture do not have such things like these evils we detect incident attempts of. (please do not think me as racist to talk like this so. i am not racist. i just state facts. these evils attempted to me do not belong to our turkiye sociological texture/anthropological status any.  I mean I am not a racist since i am protective to my own kind/race when reporting savagery. its not biased status i have. I just state this perpetuators of these incidents surely seem to be not from turkiye people. since our turkiye sociological texture do not have such evils. thats what i mean. ) 

there has been always 2 possibilites in this topic:

its either ->

-a global cartel which has footing also in ferikoy which attempts genocide level reaching cartel violence

- an ethcnitiy  or race or religion (which hates turkiye turks) is attempting indirect genocide via articulating such cartels to do attempt reported incident patterns

I usually to be not racist refrain from thinking second possibility. but I been provided a hint or clue about perpetuators of these incidents that it might be caused by specific ethnicity. or maybe i moisunderstood they had not meant that either. or maybe it were disinfo to make me think as if such ethnicity is articulating rthis genocide level reacing cartel violence?  (and that one mega country which polices savageries in world threatened them to stop indirect genocide (of attempted via articulated cartels) ? ) alike hint clue i understood? but maybe they did not any meant like that. and last of all, maybe it were the reverse meaning. or maybe it were disinfo to make me wrongly suspect from that ethnicity as responsibles/perpetuaors.  I really have no idea/dunno. have no opinion.  





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