Living in some severe sad times (my dad has gallbladder related caused some liver enzymes situation) but found very good hospital (via doctors help) expert on medical procedure and some really good hospital in a vicinity city (sanli urfa)

Unfortunately we had very sad issue happent in Iskenderun critical care unit (of nurses tying my parents leg to his bed since he tried to go /throw himself of his bed ) which were so much sadness to learn and we wished they had called us. Although his life were in danger due to biliburibin levels we would still had moved him to other city instead he living such trouble there 😭 the day we learnt we asap tried to find another hospital. His main doctor there were very good (unrelated to critical care unit) and helped very much to find a hospital which has specialized unit for specific liver gallbladder canal operations. 

I think it were saddest moment of my life on Monday to learn dad on Sunday constantly told to nurses there they would come and move him to another hospital (since doctor told alike) then he in his dreams constantly called out me/my brother and my mom (talking in asleep). I think I died of crying on Monday noon to learn such a Sunday passed to my dad in critical unit which he insisted to get out and awaited to be get out. I died of crying upon learning😭

The issue were that he were thinking his health is somewhat ok and were unaware of health issue exact condition of gallbladder related issue. And that place of critical care unit were very desperate wall colored place with no windows and staying more than 24 hours there one really would want to leave. It's unnice that nurses there hadnt called us. We would still had taken out and move to another city hospital even if it might be dangerous for his life cause it's too hard to hear suffering of him for had he wished to leave critic care unit. I just died of crying. One of the most sad moments in my life. I wished nurses had called us instead of insisting my dad to stay there. (We had move him out even if it might put life to danger instead of him suffering like wanting to leave but not capable condition😭)

So but thenon Monday with a lot tears in our eyes we searched hospitals with liver operation special units and in tandem thanks alot to his doctor in Iskenderun hospital were in tandem searching alot. Then we finally found Ankara hospital and the same times urfa hospital became possible. Then doctor arranged also ambulance to move patient to hospital then I also went with my dad to urfa hospital and passing time with my dad with med team  also helped my psychology heal of sadness. That day I entered to talk him in critic unit meeting hour and seeing such condition, Ialso assured him we would surely have leave him that place today on that day(on seeing hour at noon) then at 4 pm he were moved from there to ambulance (in tandem we constantly searched private and or public hospitals with such special liver related operation team in vicinity cities both us and both many thanks to his doctor in iskenderun ) and good news of finding hospital with avail critical care unit place and both very best specialty in liver operation happent. So then at 4pm I also accompanied my parent in ambulance along 3 hour or 3.30 hours path to urfa city. I then explained also clearly to my parent his condition of gallbladder related issue and so. Then also I saw my dad happier when leaving hospital he told I feel better today. Then he were moved to urfa hospital which really has very nice critical care unit which is not any desperating environment of light green wall colors like previous place and is also has windows and is really good hospital here in urfa and critical care unit seems like very nice /cool. We are very grateful to have his doctor in Iskenderun arrange also one very expert liver gallbladder operation team of very experts in such field. 

So we been in urfa last 2 days. 
It's so happy to see my dad morale very improved and happy. 

For me it were awesome to spend some time with dad after such sadness whilst coming to urfa. (Since we can't see him alot as in critical care unit) 

In Iskenderun hospital didn't had expertise of such liver /gallbladder operation. Thereby his doctor in Iskenderun were constantly communicating searching surrounding city hospitals. If dad's life be saved wishfully from gallbladder condition, imho his doctor in iskenderun help really counts alot. We ourselves also in tandem searched hospitals and but we could find in Ankara which is much more distant wtr to urfa. And doctor said Ankara might be risky for since it takes 6 hours to go there whilst patient requires critical care condition.

So we had such condition that my dad had due to canals congestion became icterus and so needed to stay in critical care unit.

We had cried a lot between.  I am hopeful wishing praying itsnt congested due to more metastisd cancer sttn. And just due to his diet. But we don't know yet.

In urfa we went to abrahamic some religious places which has even one place told to have some healing water. Then we also prayed for healing of this health condition in balikligol also. 

Then yep I am very hopeful dad would heal and we would go to home together with my family. Even if doctors suspected metastasis (even if they are also not sure) I m hopeful and wishing praying itsnt like that and is usual liver canals congestion  due to his diet. 

Yep I m sure my dad would have successful operation to heal from gallbladder condition then we our family would go to home after he heals. Yep wishing praying for such

Tomorrow he would have ercp operation. Luckily our doctor and team of is very most experts in such field. 


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