meanwhile some very scary news I had read of. 

of a landslide in a Ternate like place :S 

we wish to very clearly state we Turkiye people have no relatedness with people or aliens which has gravity techs :S

imho visibly there are some severe evil entities whom does landslides in world or so with gravity devices.

but its severely unnice that I saw any coincidence with my blog terminator topicwhich is very insurmountable level scayr to me. since we have no commonality nor ayn connection to people or aliens with gravity devices to state endlessly.

although we scare from them (whomever are with gravity devices)  we have no kind of common cause of course nor commonality.

(since terminaor project is against cartels which attempt genocide level cartel violence. terminators wouldnt do civilians killings any :S(only criminal cartels) 

it does not change two facts ever: 

 I am utterly scared of existence of gravity tech in world whihc visibly rogue applications applied by perpetuators :S

second its severely scary I am very scared of whomever has gravity tech :S

its so scary, why entities whom does indiscriminate killings of killings of civilians do created coincidence with terminator literal :S

sorry if i misunedrstand:

but seems to me:

 either aliens or smoe rogue people type invented gravity tech and using roguely with indiscriminately killing civilians in world like opinion I have had setup according to news I read of eq news /landslide news etcetc.

we wish to very much state we deplore/abhore any kind of coincidence from rogue entities whom does kills civilians with whatever gravity tech it is.

imho I really started to suspect now again that iskenderun eq might be also gravity tech made by aliens or people with gravity tech like crazy conspiracy theory :S

we scare of  alot from this siutation and we wish to endlessly state we have no kind of any kind of relatedness with these entities with gravity tech that which visibly lost ethnics concept completely :S

we wish to also state that our fight we write in blog is against some global ferikoy cartel and its not targeting any kind of any civilians. (it would target only cartel criminals not any civilians :S) 

I am just so scared of these entities with gravity machines :S whomever are. either rogue aliens or rogue people with gravity tech :S

its just very scary times in world. both global cartels issues in world as detected incidents of and both rogue entities with gravity devices :S what maniac crazy times :S

I wish to endlessly state we deplore and abhore and disgust from any coincidence that entities with gravity machines makes to our blogs :S . we both deplore/disgust such unknown rogue entities whomever they are and also very scare from them either at the same time :S

visibly there is some rogue entities with gravity devices and its severe extreme level scary to detect coincidence :S

gosh its very scary :S

recently I lived an eq 1 week ago and I due to scare of it other day couldnt sleep in my bed and fall asleep in armchair then got sick due to forgetting also airconditioner whilst i had no blanket either at all. 

i just scared very much even after 3.9 alike eq that i stayed in armchair all night then fall asleep there. 

I am still coughing. 

imho maybe this theory I thought is not true and a crazy theory I thought. 

but imho its like imho very scary times in world where such possibility of rogue entities with gravity devices possibility very unforunately exist. 

and its ultimate scary.

normally I say things like we would destroy this ferkoy cartel (which is a humanity service since ferikoy cartel is a very savage bad cartel which attempts genocide level cartel violence ) but I cant say this like things against this rogue entities in blogs since I scare they would kill us all with earthquakes. :S very scary :S

God protect from people with lack of ethhics. 

e.g. i wish God protects all people from ferikoy cartel. (extreme lack of any moral code/ethics/severe level savagery situation as reported detected in incident attempts of which of course always fails)

and I wish God also protects all people from this unknown rogue entities which has gravity devices. 

normally we write things like we would destroy ferikoy cartel e.g. fight against such very bad severely bad people.  but we can not write such things against this bad rogue unknown entities with gravity devices since they might decice to killus all with eqs then :S

ok again to state, ferikoy cartel is not civilians. they are one visibly most worst cartels of globe. and so we would destroy them with terminators. 

but its severely unnice/deplorable that we detected a landslide with ternate literal passing. since we share no common cause nor any kind of any slightest commonality with rogue severely evil entities which kills civilians randomly all over world :S

so it were severely scary thing to detect such coincidence. I wanted to scream in severe horrofied condition and wanted to state to all blog readers clearly that we have no relatedness to such evil entities ever nor would ever have any :S its just insumountable scary to me to detect such coincidence. :S which made me instantly asap write this blog to assure dear blog readers we have 0 relatedness to such rogue very evil entities :S  visibly rogue evil entities are trying to defame our blog and our fight against cartels with creating such coincidence :S which is like one of the most scariest topic i ever seen in my life :S

we wish to infinitely state infinitely many times we dont have any relatedness to any evil rogue entities alike (neither if they are aliens or people dunno :S) 

(multiverse aliens we mention in blog are not evil nor have any war with humanity nor any tries to invade world neither with gravity devices either.)

so it must be imho either evil rogue aliens type or some rogue evil people whom invented gravity tech imho unfortunately :S

I wish God protects all of us from them whom they are :S

or maybe I think wrong a crazy theory and no such things exists nor such global crisis situation of such condition. dunno any :S 

as soon as I read such news,  I written this blog to clearly state to blog readers we Turkiye people havenone any kind of relatedness to such unknown rogue entities whom kills civilians.  :S  (nor would ever have) and it were ultimately scariest some moment of life to discover such coineicne and I wanted to scream of horror and asap ran to computer to write this blog to assure you blog readers we have none relatedness :S its just so scary :S bad evils (either rogue aliens or rogue unknone people) go away from world with your gravity devices and do stop killing civilians :S  

I cant imagine the lack of ethics level for such acts of violence with tech (I mean targeting of civilians with such weapons :S)  but we also scare of talking and saying these since we scare what if such entities kill us all with eqs either. :S

gosh what a crazy maniacal world status :S 



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