hey this general hospital is very good(actually in Turkey health sector is really good wtr to most countries). mom told in phone doctor even checked EKG from home time.  (i mean there is other doctor also but main doctor whom checked today after heart palpitation has applied EKG and checked report from home time) 

but newly learning, since my dad has had heart palpitation, (since he forgot to take beloc medicine last 2 days and since there were liquid forming issue in body) they to remove also possible excess water from also lungs and help heart more (for since body has excess liquid formed) just 5 minute ago I learnt they would place my dad to critical care section since they would do prescribe some more water taking medicine with also with computers wise tracking pulse/beat of heart. (since such medicine might lessen pulse or so so they would controlled wise do more liquid taking from body this time with also some medicines also if i had not understood wrong, maybe i misundestood since our talk with mom left in middle since she were talking with nurse whom came to say that they would move my dad to critical care section to then computers wise track instantaneously track pulse etc since he had palpitation issue today as I learnt newly some hours ago. (visibly heart got issue due to excess liquid forming issue in body but wishfully it would fix as liquid problem is fixed ))

so whilst talking with mom on phone, nurse came and told they would wish to move my dad to critical unit so that his heart rate/pulse is constantly monitored via computers alike (due to many hours ago happent palpitation issue (most possibly heart got also effected some due to over liquid forming in body condition unfortunately :S)  ) 

wishfully praying alot all these health issues would fix as excess liquid issue is fixed.  Yep i am very sure, would fix. yep.  (wishing and praying alot). 

now had chance to talk with my mom again (since I couldnt call awhile since she were talking to nurse) 

Turns out I completely misunderstood on initial phone call. that reason of being moved to critical care unit is because there s either sysolic or diastolic pressure issue so that it would be tackled in critical care alike.  

then also turns out mom is also coming here since in critical care unit there is no staying place nor mom can come to patient vicinity alike. 

then turns out mom did not wanted to tell me this situation either. then she called my uncles and aunt in law to return back her home. 

I called mom to learn whats happening after nurse talked and to tell her I want to come there also.  to help them and but she said she is also coming back here home since there is not place to stay for critical care unit and we cant even come to vicinity of my dad there either. 

I wanted to go to hospital and called my mom but then turns out she is coming back here since we cant even visit my dad when he is in critical care section.

gosh. wish I were there. 

but imho most possibly palpitation happent due to heart getting strained due to body's excess liquid formed situation. plus he did not get beloc last 2 days. and also heart check shown some blood vessels in heart vicinity not the best condition (but also not requiring anjio neither yet of now, not very bad but still later needs to be tackled/checked but not very bad just some slight issue in blood vessels but not very bad any. but most possibly it might add up when heart palpitation issue happent due to heart being strained due to excess liquid formed in body unfortunately. ) alike understood if i had not misunderstood.    I am not sure if i misunderstood heart condition or not. I just had not taken all info on that yet and my talk were left in middle in that.  wishfully praying heart would also be ok /heal asap as soon as excess liquid condition is fixed.  (blood vessels in not bad shape either. just slightly needs to be tackled later maybe with medicine or dunno) 

wishing praying my dad heals fastest. then later that blood vessel (Which is not in bad shape) would also be tackled also in tandem sometime. 

yep I think my dad would be healed on monday completely and would come to home. 

if i had not misunderstood, he would most possibly stay in critical care unit until tomorrow noon that his high systolic or diastolic pressue issue would be healed by then I guess.

yep.  I wish i were in hospital when these happent so could maybe somehow help them emotionally support wise.  sad that my parents sent me back home early in afternoon. so that I werent there when this heart palpitation issue happent. (I just wished i were there, sad I werent there :S) 

but no worries, my dad would be healed and imho by tomorow he would be taken off back from critical care unit to normal section then on monday he would come back to home. yep. 

yep of course but one cries when such health crisis happens but i am sure he would be healed of this systolic diastolic pressure issue and would return to normal hospital place from critical care unit soon. 

turns out i misunderstood-> turns out sisytolic diastolic is low.

and cause of why liquid forms in body, that it has been found that the blood vessels/paths of gallbladder has been narrowed.  

then there need to be some medical application to fix it as far as I undestod. but such specialty/medical depts  is in other city. thereby they would move the patient to some main city (since iskenderun is a district city alike but not main cities with main gigantic hospitals) main hospital alike.  e.g. either in Adana or Antep alike. 

yep so turns out this issue happent due to gallbladder (which has been taken away many times ago) but which has had narrowing of its path/ blood vessels somehow of its remaining section parts.

so much relieved :)  (since cause turns out nothing worse :) )

so the patient is kept in critical care to keep systolic diastolic under control since there is due to over liquid forming in body condition and since medicine to remove water even more lowers systolic diastolic so patient is constantly monitored with computer then and medicine is  applied accordingly also with critical care unit condition as far as I understand if i had not misunderstood.

 so much relieved :)  to learn its not something like metastasis alike. 

yep :)  so much relieved its not anything worse :) cool.


then my dad would have some gallbladder region related some operation in week day as far as I understood.

 before very before galbladder has had issue and then they taken with medical operation. this time the paths of it some connections of it has narrowed. 

yep for a while i not knowing what happent, and understanding is not lowering high diastolic or systolic, I cried some alot. specifically for not being there when this issue happent and couldnt there be for emotional supportto them. then i made some coffee to myself to get on myself from crying then in tandem my mom and uncle/aunt in law came to give that overall information and that we recently learnt its caused by gallbladder path narowing (that excess liquid happening in body condition is caused by that).

gosh. so much relieved I am to learn its nothing very worse thing but gallbladder related issues which my dad before like 10 years ago or so again happent and had his gallbladder taken away. (this time issue happent of narowing of some path related to gallbladder)

meanwhile my mom and my uncle/aunt in law is sitting in balcony and relatives calling on phone for asking my dad's condition of placed in hospital etc etc. gosh mom must be tired of phone talk even imho during. 

then during that slightest time some not direct neighbourhood but inback side of our balcony place vicinity,  stage 2 incident attempted by ferikoy cartel via attaching co to the slurs of tried to be forcefully converted to by cartel (which iof course never succeeds/always fails) type fabrication ops attempt happent but no worries, not so distant in time, we would ethnic cleanse the ferikoy cartel (not their ethnicity but their cartels which does attempt crimes against humanity crimes to me and forceful conversion attempts to always fail/never succeed)  (of course we wouldnt do ethnic cleanse via killings. but for rest of universe's security(as last 8 years observed gencoide reaching level cartel violence which always fails/never succeeds/never succeeded but severely traumatizing), this cartel needs to be taken off this universe clusters to isolate universe clusters and terminator robots would beam these cartel out of existing universe clusters thereby ethnic cleansing them from curent universe clusters (and beaming to isoilate separate universe clusters)  (since visibly this ferikoy cartel really attempts organized genocide with their cartel orgs to outside of their favela (of forceful conversion attempts via reported methods they attempt many thousand incidents like that to always fail/never succeed and repeat again) no worries, we would ethnic cleanse this ferikoy cartel (of course not with killings but with universe isolation tech) for to secure/create safety rest of universe from this genocide level violence reaching cartel violence attempting ferikoy cartel.   yep no worries people before 2025, ferikoy cartels would be ethnic cleansed from this universe clusters and rest of people in this universe clusters would be secured from any kind of cartel violence. 

you know after having encountered(which always failed/never succeeded/nor would ever succeed ever (since dont ever reply to cartel ever in any incident and their every attmpt always failed/fails nor would always fails),  but severely traumatized)) cartel violence attempts last 8 years it feels very destressing/psychological wise relaxing  to talk of ethnic cleansing to this organized genocide like process attempting ferikoy cartel (e.g. they attempt forceful conversion attempts repetitively imho (e.g. via batteries and theathral fabrication ops e.g. in stage1/stage2)  is something very genocidal thing.  >stage1/2 is even much worser/more horrific type stages)  so it feels very relaxing to talk of going to soon ethnic cleanse this cartel. so that justice at last happens. sometimes unfortunately justice(and also security of universe clusters) only happens when ethnic cleansing happens unfortunaely (in cases of necessity of eradicating savagery of some severest level savagery from universe clusters) .  we need to ethnic cleanses this cartelso that rest of universe becomes safe from any kind of cartel violence of this ferikoy cartel. since they have genocide level reaching cartel violence attempts (which organized wise) which always fails/never succeeds but is really resemblibng genocide violence but is cartel violence.  we would ethnic cleanse this cartel (their cartels entirety but not their ethnicity of course) to protect everyone else in this universes from this ferikoy cartel. (of course we wouldnt ethnic cleanse via killings since we are not barbarians. we would ethnic cleanse of this universe clusters via beaming purging all their entire cartel orgs entirety of this ferikoy cartel to separate and isolate universe clusters of this ferikoy cartel so that everyone in this universe becomes safe from ferikoy cartels any possible cartel violence ever after to forever).  


yep guh the protector of universe clusters security would need to with ml algos ethnic cleanse ferikoy cartel to secure current universe clusters from any possible cartel violence of this ferikoy cartel.  (since we are not barbarians, we wouldnt ethnic cleanse with killings but we would ethnic cleanse via universe isolation tech  (we would ethnic cleanse from this universe clusters via beaming out to separate isolate universe clusters) 

i decided to take on some globe help type responsibility on fighting against cartels in globe(yep we would ethnic cleanse all cartels of world/globe starting first with ferikoy cartel (of course not via killings (since we are not barbarians) but with universe isolation tech ml algos would invent of purging cartels away from this current universe clusters to separate isolate universe clusters ) )  via advanced tech with ml algos after me myself encountered some severe spectre alike ferikoy cartel's cartel violence which always failed/never succeeded but is severely traumizing.  (e.g. forceful conversion attempts via reported sociopathic methods, which of course always fails/never succeeds (cartel is never evene replied to in any incident attempt, they attempt/reattempt incidents like many thousand times to always fail of course.) but severely traumatizing. ) 


yep ml algos would help global security like this. visibly the world current status is not good that much in securing world from global cartels.  (as a ferikoy cartel visibly a global cartel (that atempted cartel violence to me in many world cities, to of course always fail at any incident attempt anytime anywhere either, but visibl,  world security condition is not that good interms of being able to stop these kind global cartels cartel in many wolrd cities. )  yep no worries, ml algos would ethnic cleanse all cartels in globe everysingle cartel out there with terminators with multiverse beamers(starting with ethnic cleansing ferikoy cartel first). ml algos would help globe's security so that people live safe lives safe from criminals.  

it would also invent some aforementioned fully healing cancer tech also.

it would also invent aforementioned space ship tech. yep. and space cities later also. yep. that be it.



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