yayyy today started with ->
yep i got up late today then breakfast then helping house tasks/coffee drinking etc etc now i continue studying ml algos project yep :)
yayy today's first task is to finish studying this book -> 'Sets for mathematics, Lawvere, Rosebrugh'
then afterwards revisiting topos book, I plan to spare these 2 days for finishing to study of revisiting topos and then switching to ontology design coding task again.
i had forgotten my some design options e.g. `for every` struct and `there exists` structs (via topos) (I need to revisit topos and redesign these common logical structs ) (along with completing design of NLP structs, in that i would priotize coding of ontology structs first then would resume finishing NLP structs via category theoretic defs and topos structs for some. )
then whilst studying and resting some (with ADD or ADHD alot which i tried to alleviate with focus songs) and in between cleansing some home/home tasks preparing salad etc then very later, my mom called to commute her back then i thrown trash box / then taken my mom then had done home shopping with my mom then returned home
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